Living with OA

Kazzab123 Member Posts: 26
edited 8. Apr 2014, 16:20 in Living with Arthritis archive
I've been to Rheumatology and had lots of blood tests and an xray, and ultrasound scan on my hand. I'm still awaiting the results, however the radiology department told me today that there was no sign of fluid on my hand and since it's the only joint that has any swelling I'm assuming that my other tests will probably come back clear and that it meana that I have OA in my back, shoulder, hip, knees and hands.

What I'm wondering is, will I ever get a firm diagnosis of OA in all these joints and if so will the treatment be a case of painkillers, physio and then eventually joint replacement?

Don't get me wrong I will be glad if it is not rheumatoid arthritis but I feel as though OA sufferers are just left to get on with things without much support. Does anyone with OA feel the same way?

Karen 8)


  • Sarah01
    Sarah01 Member Posts: 192
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Kazza,

    I'm an OA sufferer. I have it in both hips, well only 1 now since my hip replacement and also early onset of OA in my knee.

    Not being a medical professional I can't advise you on a firm diagnosis, suffice to say that it was xrays and an MRI which confirmed OA in the hips and the surgeon examining the knee to confirm OA. There are plenty of other people on here who will have more experience as an OA sufferer and will be able to give you further advice. I was only diagnosed 12 months ago.

    I was lucky with the support and help my GP gave me. He referred me to an ortho surgeon at my local hospital. My ortho then referred me to another surgeon who specialises in OA in young people (I'm 42)

    With regards to treatment, again I can only tell you my experience. I was given crutches for the bad days and pain killers and ibuprofen. I had a steroid injection and when that didn't work only then was I told the OA was too far gone for any non-surgical treatment and I would need the replacement.

    I would wait until you get your results and discuss them with your GP. You will have a much clearer picture and you and your GP can take it from there.

    I hope you get the results soon and keep us posted on what's happening.

    Take care
    Sarah x
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Don't go making too many assumptions yet, Kazzab123, radiologists are not rheumatologists so it may be better to wait to hear from that department for the 'all-clear'. There are many kinds of inflammatory arthritis (close on 200) so initial blood tests etc. may not be sufficient to rule things out rather than in.

    I am 'lucky' in that I have a creaky foot in both camps, my auto-immune arthritis (psoriatic, PsA) has led to OA in some very useful joints: my rheumatologist ignores the OA and my GP ignores the PsA. I ignore both (not the docs, the arthritis!). I swallow and inject like a good girl but yes, there is a grain of truth in what you say, I feel on my own with dealing with it all. OA is dealt with by GPs and there is a degree of PUASU - put-up-and-shut-up - because there is very little to be done until replacements become a possibility (even then that's no guarantee of action by anyone). Anyhoo, let's wait and see what rheumatology have to say first then we'll take it from there, OK? I wish you well. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • Fionabee
    Fionabee Member Posts: 146
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Karen
    I have OA in my back, I'm 53 now, it was diagnosed 10yrs ago, since then I've had surgery which improved things a little, but still had pain on standing and walking. I have been referred for NHS physio in the past which did not help and GP has prescribed pain killers. But I get the feeling that's it, there's nothing else to offer, its up to me how I manage it.
    I do need painkillers to get on with life, but am anxious about doseage and what I'll do when they stop being effective. They don't befuddle me the way some other posters describe, but by early evening I am exhausted and usually off to bed just after 9, but as I don't sleep brilliantly, its a bit of a vicious circle!
    Interested to read of Sarah seeing a specialist with interest in younger OA patients, I live near a well thought of orthopaedic hospital hospital, but unless you require surgery, they can't get you out the door fast enough! That sounds a bit flippant, but it has been my experience.
  • celebrationb
    celebrationb Member Posts: 134
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have been told I have oa in my knee the same leg that has a trapped Fermol nerve, I was told just last year. I got a xray then the specialist for a MRI scan, was told get knee replacement in ten years time. On naproxen and just keep doing what am doing, take painkillers . don't do this or don't do that. Doc was not much help, but its not good last week. Only thing that really hurts (hope you don't get it to) when the knee buckles causes so much pain. Got word from pysio but when I went to pysio with my nerve it was more pain than it was worth.
    This forum is very very good from advice and support, great posts to read.