Fitness Programme

Sarah01 Member Posts: 192
edited 9. Apr 2014, 05:24 in Living with Arthritis archive
Evening everyone,

I met the PT instructor at my local gym yesterday. I spent an hour with him discussing my goals and what to expect with the THR and the problems with my knee. I have to say I have never met this guy before and he was spot on. He's done a lot of work with people who have had THRs and TKRs. He had to wear a knee brace himself after tearing a ligament and understood too well my concerns on the knee. He also works closely with a physio from the local hospital.

My first session was today. It was all cardio work on a bike and the treadmill. He showed me the best way to get on the bike and on and off the treadmill. I did 30 minutes in total. 2 x 10 mins on the bike and 1 x 10 mins on the treadmill. He didn't want me to overdo it on my first session.

Tomorrow he is going to start me on some weight training to help build the muscles around the hip. He knows the leg is weak and stressed the importance of starting at the bottom and working my way up on the weights.

He will assess my progress on a weekly basis and will not increase the cardio or weights until he is sure that I am progressing well.

All in all it was a good session and I am looking forward to tomorrow.

Sarah x


  • Tubby
    Tubby Member Posts: 177
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Sounds great Sarah. I used to be fit....(did a Sports Science Degree and post grad stuff in PE). I still try to do stuff but it is hard - work gets in the way, never mind the body! Exercise makes me feel better so I hope you have the same reaction. Keep going with this but you do right to seek advice and support.
    If I didn't work 3 million hours a week, I would go in the hydrotherapy pool at work (I work at a Football Club) very regularly as it is fabulous - it has a treadmill in the bottom so I can swim or walk/ run in it - note, I only hobble when not in this magic pool. I would really recommend water based exercise as part of a regime but weight training is also very important and something that many of us neglect.
    One thing to be very aware of though is your footwear. I was recently advised by a podiatrist to get very well supported training shoes and this was for daily use, not in the gym. In my case, he was concerned that my second toe on both feet was beginning to deform sufficiently to be pushing on the ball of my foot. He suggested that I should look at New Balance or Brooks as they have wider fittings. I went to Sweat Shop at Meadow Hell (Sheffield) and they were BRILLIANT. The fitting was meticulous with moulded insoles made to my foot. I will say though my OH is still coughing and choking over the price but comfortable shoes, particularly when exercising is not an option when you have this lovely disease. I ended up with Brooks Trainers by the way but many of the other top brands came very close.
  • Fionabee
    Fionabee Member Posts: 146
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sarah
    Is it a private gym you go to or an NHS facility? I'm wondering whether to think about this, am just a bit concerned about how knowledgeable and well informed the staff are about clients who are post surgery. Some I've met are a bit gung ho, if u know what I mean! I did go to the gym many yrs ago before all this started, but got bored, but if it helps I'd prob be more motivated.
    A pool with a treadmill! Have never heard of such a thing, sounds a terrific idea. I have just looked at Brook trainers, they're not cheap, but if your feet are happy it makes all the difference. I'm so glad I'm not wanting to wear trendy footwear anymore and go for comfort, not always easy as I'm a size 9 & have "funny" feet, if they look stylish too, its a plus!
  • Sarah01
    Sarah01 Member Posts: 192
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Tubby,

    Nice to meet you :)

    Like you I used to be quite fit, I did a lot of walking, swimming and used the gym. Once the OA got severe in my hips I stopped using the gym and couldn't even swim anymore. I managed to go for walks on an evening but after 20 mins of walking I could feel the pain in my hips.

    Because of this my muscles became weak and that's one of the reasons why my recovery is taking so long, well apart from the dodgy knee as well.

    I went to the gym this morning for my weight training but unfortunately my PT instructor was off sick, so I did 30 mins cardio instead. He's due back tomorrow so I'm booked in for 9am. As I'm still having to use a crutch (surgeon's orders) until my knee is investigated I am not allowed to swim. I do manage to go for a walk on the beach with my son and the dog on an evening. Every little helps :)

    I bought some new PUMA trainers at the weekend. Like you I have not told the OH how much they were, he would probably have a fit :lol:

    On a positive note I was speaking to one of the other gym instructors who told me it was great that I was doing this after having a THR and I had a determined look on my face. She understood the weights and the cardio but couldn't understand why I was wanting to lose weight. She thought I had a lovely figure and was very surprised that I had put on a stone since the operation. I think she needs glasses, but it was a nice comment all the same :lol:

    Will let you know how the weight training goes when I start tomorrow.

    Sarah x
  • Sarah01
    Sarah01 Member Posts: 192
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Fiona

    It's a private gym. I still go to physio rehab at the hospital once a week. I was nervous about going to the gym, like you I was unsure if any of the instructors would know what I was talking about. I have never used this gym before. It's part of the rugby club and a 5 minute drive from my house.

    I was very impressed with the knowledge Paul (my PT instructor) had. He understood everything I was telling him and certainly knew his stuff regarding exercise after a THR or TKR. The woman I spoke to this morning told me he was one of the best instructors at the gym. There are 3 fully qualified gym instructors. I also found out that they have an on site physio too.

    I'm a size 8 shoe and have to shop around for shoes/trainers that don't look too massive. I was lucky to find these trainers at the weekend.

    Are you having physio at the moment Fiona? I only started using the gym when he gave me the go ahead. Maybe it's worth having a word with them?

    Sarah x