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scozzie Member Posts: 333
edited 14. Apr 2014, 17:10 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi all

I've not been posting much on here over the past few months, but I do drop in from time to time.

I must say the mild, but "slightly" damp (if you're a duck) winter hasn't been too bad on my OA, apart from the odd spell of agony -- usually my hands!

I've been keeping fit by doing a lot walking, whilst I can (I'm not letting this blasted condition stop me or slow me down, too much) ... the shoes/boots I bought last year have been my biggest problem. The boots are a bit tight on my forefoot/toes and the shoes rub my heels badly, but as money's tight (six years since my last pay rise) and I hate throwing out something that's not been worn to death. I have new shoes ready for the summer months which are fine, I need to wear boots at the moment to keep the cold out of my ankles.

I've also managed to maintain my current weight (within a few pounds), but really do need to lose more ... wish it was that easy! And my other health problem (laryngeal papillomatosis) seems to have taken a turn for the good (I have had my "normal" voice for almost three months).

A few things I have noticed over the past several months -- a couple of my finger joints seem to be getting thicker, especially my left index finger's DIP joint; and, I think I have a mild dose of Raynauds -- a couple of months ago I rubbed my eyes with both hands, only to be shocked by my cold right hand finger tips and I've noticed it a few times since ... my finger tips at those times seem to be noticeably redder than the rest of my hand. And, lastly, I have gone from one "fleshy" lump under the PIP joint of index finger of my right hand to three on my right hand and one on my left -- I'm not sure what it's called, but it corresponds with the sheath through which my finger ligaments run.

The other thing I've noticed with my hands is I seem to feel the cold in them more nowadays, sometimes I've had to wear gloves even though I'm warm enough to be in short sleeves ... lol!

Anyway, that's my update ... hope you're all as well as you can be and as pain free as well!



  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello again, scozzie, and well done on keeping up the walking and maintaining your weight. Good, too, that the laryngeal papillomatosis is currently at bay. I imagine that is very scary.

    As for the boots - now I'm from Yorkshire and, like you, hate to chuck anything out until it's been dead for several months :wink: but wearing footwear that cramps your toes is really not a good idea for anyone, let alone someone with arthritis. I suggest you take a deep breath and buy some new ones for next winter. And take your insoles to the shop to try them out inside before you buy.

    Also, if you think you might have Raynaulds you should let your GP decide. It might not be that but, if it is, maybe you'd be better taking something for it.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • scozzie
    scozzie Member Posts: 333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Sticky,

    I have already bought some new boots, but I'm keeping them pristine for my impending trip back home in June where it will be winter, but not as we know here in the UK! And I learnt a year or so ago to take my insoles with when shoe/boot shopping. The current, old, boots I'm wearing have stretched a bit and should be worn out very soon.

    The laryngeal paps are weird cos everyone thinks I have a sore throat when my voice goes, but apart from making me sound raspy it's just the frustration of having to shout to be heard in normal environments. The only "cure" is periodic operations to clear them, but the sods keep growing back ... the ops are a necessary evil, as, if left unchecked they have the potential to block the airway. It's nice to know I'm not gonna have another op for a while, but I've got used to the occasional three days off work ... BUT the two days of total voice rest is a real pain ... lol!

    I will mention the possible Raynauds next time I see my GP.

    Thanks again
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello scozzie its good to see you again...yes the winter has been really good apart form like you say the wet...
    Glad you have got your summer shoes ready ...I have my eye on some that seem really comphy and have velcro.. :) I have lumps appearing all over my fingers ...the name has gone out my head...but you go and see your GP if your hands feel so cold it could be one of a few things...its brilliant that you are exercising and keeping your weight down..its not easy..x
  • Francie7532
    Francie7532 Member Posts: 40
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Good fitting shoes make a big difference in my feet, which seem to be very sensitive to touch. If they rub too much my OA acts up for at least 3-5 days afterward. I wear orthotics also to keep my arches from falling too much. Your feet are your foundation, treat them well and they will get you where you want to go. Worth every penny for good shoes!!!

    I started curling this past winter for fun and it's very cold inside the rink. Strange that the only thing I feel while curling is my pinky finger. When it gets cold it aches and aches like a toothache and lasts at least for the night when I get home. It aches so hard, it makes me a bit nauseous (stupid finger). I wear gloves and SWEEP!!! a lot but that doesn't seem to help. Next year I will buy some of those chemical hand warmers for inside your gloves, see if that works. All you arthritis sufferers out there, curling is not the best sport for us!!!
  • scozzie
    scozzie Member Posts: 333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Barbara and Francie

    I do spend a fair bit time buying shoes/boots but the previous pairs weren't very good choices, in fact they were shockers!

    I spent a lot more time buying the newest ones, but as I've said I'm keeping them as new as possible for my trip back home, but they will be broken in before flying out.

    I find the two areas that feel the cold the most are my hands/fingers, which I have fingerless gloves for working with and under my thermal gloves, and my ankles, for which I wear two pairs of socks along with boots -- come the warmer months, like now even, I comfortably drop back to a single pair of socks and shoes. If the cold gets into my ankles it can take a day or three to thaw them out, and I don't mean standing in snow for hours type cold. Even when I'm out walking in the cold I have to make sure they're well covered, so I think curling would not be an option for me. In previous recent cold winter, I found my left knee would also be hard to keep the cold out of, must buy knee warmers for next winter.

    I work in a factory, and not a very warm one, yet despite my problems with my hands and ankles I'm still the last person to put a long sleeve top on and the first to take it off.

    Oh, I just remembered another bit that seems to feel the cold ... the tip of my nose.

    Apart from the obvious reasons I'm looking forward to going back to Oz, I'm also interested in seeing how their winter affects my arthur, although we're only going to be in the south for two and a half weeks out of four.

    Take care
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Scozzie I used to work in cold conditions..and always wore thermals even in summer and that was before I really do feel for you..hopefully OZ will be nice and warm..shame you cant stay in the South...but you enjoy, it will do you good x
  • scozzie
    scozzie Member Posts: 333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Barbara,

    But just one thing to note about the Southern Hemisphere ... the further south you go in winter, the colder it gets. :wink:

    We're spending time near Melbourne and Adelaide visiting my relies where it'll be cold, interspersed with a ten day trip to Alice Springs/Ayers Rock area -- which should have lovely days and cold nights. :D
