More Waiting!!

Doubleouch Member Posts: 33
edited 10. May 2014, 08:12 in Living with Arthritis archive
Morning All
Physio referred me back to my GP as he felt there maybe something else going on other than OA in neck, as i am getting dizziness,pins and needles,headaches and of course neck and shoulder pain.
My GP referred to have my cartoid artery scanned luckily all clear.
Consultant said he will be writing to my GP to refer me to Neurology as they deal with all my symptoms.
So the wait goes on have to wait for the Consultants letter to get to GP (was advised this normally happen in 7-10 days) they are sending me a letter so will know that the GP has a copy.
Then appointment to see doctor
Then for the Choose & Book appoint letter to be sent to me
Then the actual appointment.
Presumely GP takes notice of consultants recommendations
Its so frustrating the pain etc is restricting even the slightest movement of arms,i.e combing hair etc...
Sorry for the rant .......


  • Slosh
    Slosh Member Posts: 3,194
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have OA in my neck. I have some symptoms similar to yours, pins and needles in my left hand, weakness in my left leg, pain in shoulders, upper arms and neck. Before I had surgery I also had muscle weakness in my left arm and hand and could not raise my left shoulder at all, and some bladder weakness.
    Although I was waiting for a second MRI and follow up orthopaedic consultation my GP sent me to our local hospital by ambulance as he was concerned. I had a CT scan to check my brain out which came back normal and a second MRI of my whole spine.
    The problems were caused by the OA which was/is putting pressure on my spinal cord and spinal nerves, together with two prolapsed discs in my neck. I am now recovering from surgery to remove the discs and fuse three of my vertebrae ( C5-6 and 6-7). While it has not removed all the syptoms fully it has restored the movement to my left shoulder. Just wanted to let you know it could all be caused by the OA. Hope you get your appointments through quickly as waiting and worrying is often the worst part.
    He did not say you will not be storm tossed, you will not be sore distressed, you will not be work weary. He said you will not be overcome.
    Julian of Norwich
  • DebbieT
    DebbieT Member Posts: 1,033
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    I have PsA in my neck & get similar problems to you both.

    I also see a Neurologist as I get tingling numbness in my face & arms, usually down one side, so was sent to hospital with a suspected mini stroke ... After a CT & MRI it wasn't, thankfully. I was sent to a Neuro after & was diagnosed with complex migraines & now I also get vestibular migraines. They're both unpleasant but medication is helping.

    This is easier said than done but if at all possible try not to worry. Stress will most likely cause tension which will make ure headaches worse & probably make ure neck & shoulder muscles to tighten up too.
    I've found heat/cold & a tens machine can help with shoulder pain, I find cold better nearer my head/neck.

    Good luck & I do hope it doesn't take too long.


    Xx xX
    Healing Hugs
  • Doubleouch
    Doubleouch Member Posts: 33
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Slosh & DebbieT
    Many thanks for taking the time to reply
    Apparently my GP also thought I was having stroke like symptoms hence why I had the scan via vacular dept according to the nurse doing the scan
    I think the thing that gets me is all the waiting around, and I do feel if one specialist thinks that you would be best seen by another dept then they should be able to refer you,they can if you are an inpatient but not if you are an outpatient..
    In the meantime the patient is left in pain and trying to get through the day & night and playing the waiting game,still everyone goes through it!
    I think I will become a postie watcher for the next few weeks waiting for the consultants letter so I can grt the ball rolling.....
    Take CareX
  • DebbieT
    DebbieT Member Posts: 1,033
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I do understand ... It is a very frustrating system :?

    Once uve chosen where you wish to go, you can ask ure GP to write & ask them to expedite ure appointment, it can hold a lot of sway!! Also letting them know you'd be happy to except cancellations can help too. Heck ... Anything is worth trying if ure really struggling.


    Xx xX
    Healing Hugs
  • Slosh
    Slosh Member Posts: 3,194
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I know what waiting is like. I first went to me GP last April, GP was great but physio lost my referral so I didn't get seen there until June. Had two sessions and then she felt physio wasn't working and my problems had worsened so she asked GP to send me for a scan. Had that at the end of July and mid August got my diagnosis of cervical spondylosis which was putting pressure on spinal cord/ nerve. GP made referral to Consultant and I finaly got seen mid november. Was referred for a second MRI, had another trip to hospital in between and then got seen again mid January. Was told I needed an operation and had that 5 weeks later. Go back to hospital in July to check that fusion has taken and start physio in two weeks.
    The shoulder pain can be awful, to the extent I have days when I have to think very carefully in the morning about what to wear as on a bad day I can struggle to get changed if I have to pull things over my head.

    Fingers crossed you won't have to wait too long to hear, know what it's like.
    He did not say you will not be storm tossed, you will not be sore distressed, you will not be work weary. He said you will not be overcome.
    Julian of Norwich
  • Doubleouch
    Doubleouch Member Posts: 33
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Many thanks for all your replies
    I appreciate it will vary from hospital to hospital but what is the average time for receiving a clinical letter, anyone has any expeirience of this...?x :roll:
  • Slosh
    Slosh Member Posts: 3,194
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I've just checked dates. It took 13 weeks to get my initial consultants appointment and that is with my contacting PALS to chase it as I originally told 6-8 weeks from referral, my second appointment to review after a second MRI was after another 12 weeks (didn't help that as the clinic is on a Wednesday I lost 2 weeks due to Christmas and New year). I had my surgery 5 weeks after that as I got a cancellation. I'm afraid I don't know anything about choose and book though as my GP/hospital don't offer that so I don't know if that is of any help. The waiting is hard though, hope you get some dates soon.
    He did not say you will not be storm tossed, you will not be sore distressed, you will not be work weary. He said you will not be overcome.
    Julian of Norwich
  • Doubleouch
    Doubleouch Member Posts: 33
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Slosh
    Sorry my post was not very clear...
    The clinical report letter I meant, i.e when the consultant writes to your GP regarding his findings/treatment/recomendation etc after you have been seen/ discharged from the clinic
    They are meant to be sending me a copy, although the consultant told me what his recommendations are and what he is going to recommend is the next step to my GP ,I am waiting untill I have the letter to see my GP again,so am keen for the letter to arrive sooner rather than later,onceI have my copy I can be sure my GP has hers
    I was wondering if the NHS wheels turn slow in this area as well.
    Sorry for any confusion
  • Slosh
    Slosh Member Posts: 3,194
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    My letter took about a month to come through. Does vary though as my daughter has had a lot of problems getting copies of reports
    He did not say you will not be storm tossed, you will not be sore distressed, you will not be work weary. He said you will not be overcome.
    Julian of Norwich
  • Doubleouch
    Doubleouch Member Posts: 33
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Just an little update....
    Have now received consultants letter recommending my GP refer me to a Neurologist
    Have GP appointment next Friday to see what her view is

    Had an eye test on Thursday and failed 'vision field test'so optician is writing to GP about symptoms cueing up to join the party.......g :shock:
    Not sure exactly what it means really ,I do not seem to have any problems with peripheral vision only occasionally if its late and I'm tired but other than that nothing
    Have a good weekend