Beelee Member Posts: 14
edited 29. May 2014, 13:41 in Living with Arthritis archive
hi I am new to this forum and am hoping I can get done advice or support. I am in Australia 64 and female and have just had a second flare up of pain associated with OA I think. I had X-ray's yesterday on my ankles and knees and am currently experiencing significant pain in both if these places as well as tightness and discomfort in my hands as well as pain in my shoulder. Sorry to sound like such a whiner. My GP when I saw her last week suggested 3 days of steroid medication and strong painkillers. I hate taking the steroids so have avoided taking them until today and just used painkillers which have eased the pain somewhat. I have some questions I hope some of you can answer. This seems to be getting progressively worse, I still work as a substitute teacher some days but have found walking around a large school very difficult and I think I will wait until I feel better to return to this. Should I ask my GP to refer me to a specialist rheumatologist? I take glucosamine and other complimentary medicines but can't take some medications due to a stomach ulcer. I feel like I am on a downward spiral at the moment can anyone offer advice?


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi beelee and welcome to the forum. I promise you, you don't come over as 'a whiner' just as someone in pain who's trying to be truthful about it.

    Arthritis in any form is a pain (Excuse the pun). If you already take dietary supplements such as glucosamine does that mean you've had it for some time? Has the possibility of an auto-immune form been mentioned? Or a blood test as a preliminary check? I ask because rheumatologists normally only deal with auto-immune forms of arthritis while GPs deal with OA. (I have RA which has led to OA so I get to do the double.)

    It is the nature of the arthritic beast that it moves on to other joints at will. Rheumatoid normally, but not always, starts in the smaller joints whereas OA goes for the bigger ones. The auto-immune types usually strike before one gets into the 60s but not always. I think you could see what your GP says about seeing a rheumatologist. If you've already had x-rays your GP is clearly on the ball.

    Many of us on here have a love / hate relationship with steroids but the little monsters can reach the parts that other meds don't. However, do take them as prescribed or not at all. Don't just dip in and out as that can be dangerous. And please don't assume that 'complementary' means 'safe'. Many of them can irritate the stomach too. If in doubt ask the pharmacist.

    You might find some of Artthritis Care's publications helpful. There's on on the different types of arthritis. 'Publications and Resources' button at the top of the page then go to the list on the left.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Beelee
    Beelee Member Posts: 14
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Stickywicket I had blood test the second time it flared up, my GP tested for everything to do with arthritis. RA ROSS river Virus something we get from Mosquitos in Australia and other things associated with that sort of joint pain, she dud them all but blood test was clear. Although she did say that sometimes there is no evidence in blood tests. I am not sure about this. A cousin on my mothers side of the family had sections RA but not sure of that gene would transmit my mother and her cousin were connected through their mothers. I am seeing my GP on Thursday. I will download so e of the info you suggested. I really need yo be proactive about this as it seems to be happening more often. :mrgreen:
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello, I don't have much to add to Sticky's comprehensive reply. Like her I have a creaky foot in both camps, I began with psoriatic arthritis (PsA)and the joint damage from that has led to OA in both ankles, both knees and both hips (plus some other parts too). My rheumatologist ignores my OA and my GP ignores my PsA whereas I cannot ignore either of the beasts. :lol:

    Any form of arthritis is degenerative and progressive but how fast it happens is as individual as us. We can take preventative measures but there are no cures. Your GP is on the ball and he may consider a referral to rheumatology but let's wait and see, yes? Do you use any form of walking aid? DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • Bonnielinda
    Bonnielinda Member Posts: 37
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Beelee,

    welcome and you are not alone!

    Firstly, remember the flare up's last for as long as they do. To keep sane please follow your GP's advice and learn to manage your pain both physically and emotionally. Painkillers do help dull the pain and allows you to get on with life and even rest. Beelee, keep your chin up and know the flare up will subside soon. Dealing with your OA pain, I believe is all about coping as best as you can.

    Try to be proactive about the long term management of your OA such as try to manage your weight.

    Lastly, do slow down! If you have a hot water bottle use it.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Auto-immune arthritis (of which there are many kinds) can either be sero-positive (i.e. rheumatoid factor is present) or sero-negative (where it isn't). My PsA is a sero-negative kind. Given there is a vague family connection there may be no harm in asking for a referral, it's better to rule things out than rule them in. I think that the auto-immune kinds prefer to affect the younger ones in life but arthritis is not that discriminating. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi and welcome to Arthritis Care forum, I think what Sticky & DD have said has covered pretty much everything and they are the wise ones of this forum!! You will get great support on here and also we do try and have a little fun on here as well! Welcome to the family!! :)
  • Beelee
    Beelee Member Posts: 14
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you all very much it's great to be able to share with people who understand. I am going to see a Physio tomorrow to get some relief for the tight muscle I have in my calves and lower back hope she will be able to give me some relief she also does acupuncture and I am hoping that might help. I know when things are really bad apart from the pain my knees and ankles swell up, I suppose that is the inflammation. I don't have any walking aids just my two legs that are very slow. At least we are having a reasonably warm autumn as once it gets cold I really feel it too, not that it ever gets as cold in Australia as it does in the a UK. :D
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Beelee
    And a warm welcome from me
    Iam 64 and have had OA for at least 4 years, like you it has spread to most of my joints I have had one hip replace dand waiting for the other..but also like you my hands have gone very stiff and sore ..so to cut a long story short I asked to be referred to a Rheumy, it was such a good appointment and he thinks there is far more going on, so yes you asked to be referred..and take a list of everything you can remember about your OA I even went back to childhood ..they said then it was growing pains..
    I do hope you can get some help very soon and please let us know how you get on..it really does help to talk about it... and we all understand.. :D
  • jrliv
    jrliv Member Posts: 22
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi everyone. I am 65 and I have OA in most of my joints, and cervical spondylosis in my neck and scoliosis in my lower back, so I have few pain free days but just do the best I can. What is bothering me is that my hands and feet are rapidly deteriorating becoming increasing stiff and painful, sometimes I cannot grip things at all and am starting to fumble and drop things. My hobbies are mostly craft based and I worked with my hands all my life, now I am slowly losing the use of my hands not from the pain, I just grit my teeth, but I am losing my dexterity and some tasks are becoming more and more difficult, just this afternoon it took me 30 mins at least to change a blade in a craft knife a task which normally can counted in seconds.I don't know how many times I dropped either blades or tool. Is this something you all experience?
  • Beelee
    Beelee Member Posts: 14
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi jrliv I just read your post and commiserate with you, I am in a similar situation although I am not struggling as much as you seem to be. I do find myself dropping things more frequently. I also love to knit and crochet and find I can only do this for short periods of time now Before experiencing discomfort.
    I am happy I can still do bits and pieces and will do what I can to keep doing this

    It's sad when your body starts to fail you but things can always be worse.

    Good luck with it

  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Welcome to Jrliv,and Birgit,Sorry you had to find us ,but it does help the contact and finding people in similar circumstances ,I am 59 years old ,I have R/A and some osteo ,I had 1 TKR 100 percent success but flares now in multiple joints looking forward to starting a biologic in the next few weeks keep strong and hope things get better for you both I am always dropping things to O/H went mad this am as multiple bottles and bits and pieces crashed into the bath this am :roll: ((()))hugs from Marrianne
  • jrliv
    jrliv Member Posts: 22
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Birgit and Marianne,I appreciate you taking the time to reply. It does help to talk to others. I don't let things get me down and if my body thinks it is giving up it has another think coming as my old granny used to say. I do pace myself Birgit probably not as much as I should, I can be very stubborn,well according to my wife am very stubborn :D Anyway please call me John jrliv is an invented name the registration would not recognise John :?
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi John and Birgit ,Just looking in to see how you are ,just hope pain is less ,we are haveing a wet spell here and though it does a lot for the garden the stiffness in my joints is not so good have a good day and keep posting, :)
  • jrliv
    jrliv Member Posts: 22
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Marianne it is so good of you to look in. It is wet here too and all my joints are achy and stiff but not unbearably so, I am off to have a nice bath in a minute. Sorry to hear you are not so good but have as good a day as you can, you too Birgit :)
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi John Hope you are ok ,have used so much stuff in the bath over the years arnica rad. X sea salt seaweed detox well they all feel good at the time but no lasting affect ,I hope your not to bad and do find extra things to help with the pains .rain again today ,I certainly did to much yesterday but on so little medication I. Expected to hurt like mad 2 neurofen first thing 6am and 2 paracetamol at 10 am and that's it until tonight the strange thing a few months ago I. Was on treble that and 500 Mgs of naproxen twice a day amytrippiline gaberpentine and emergency tramadol and the pain was worse with many more really debilitating flares ok no one should junk the prescribed medication but I. Did read about the body stopping the production of its own pain relief maybe I. Am on the right track here only time will tell looking forward to my first biologic in the next few weeks so will stick it out until then ,hope you have a good day John BIrgit to MArriannex
  • jrliv
    jrliv Member Posts: 22
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Marianne, am a bit rough at moment, day started alright but little reigned have crept in until I now have a flare going. I worry about taking pain killers and despite advice to the contrary I tend to take them as needed, like now, with a following dose later. I am coming round to thinking about taking the prescribed doses regularly as I suppose I should. Keep well John xx
  • jrliv
    jrliv Member Posts: 22
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    For reigned read twinges, stupid predictive text. :roll:
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi John
    Sorry I'm late answering this post.....I think you have all the info from other people :wink:
    I have OA, had 2 hip replacements, am now struggling with a fracture in my hip....I also have kypho scoliois in my back
    So that's my story
    Hope you enjoy the forum
  • jrliv
    jrliv Member Posts: 22
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Hileena, sorry not been able to log in for some unknown reason finally had to request a new password. Thank you for your post, I am sorry to hear that you are struggling with a fractured hip, hope you are soon on the mend.
    OA, cervical spodylosis, along with the Kypho Scoloiosis is what I have, comprising two curvatures in different directions as a result of polio when a very small child in the early 50s, but I have never heard that term before, always been referred to by medics simply as scoliosis. Trouble is that it wasn't discovered until my late teens or early twenties when my growing had stopped so little could be done. I was treated and x-rayed for all sorts of symptoms throughout my childhood which can now be recognised as being caused by the undiscovered scoliosis. (Though nobody x-rayed my back until I was an adult).
    Anyway that is my story. I love the forum it is fun and informative and all the people are so supportive and friendly.
    Love john
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi John
    I've been OK on the forum recently but I went through a time where I couldn't log on and had to change my password goodness knows how many times :?
    I've just got one curvature and it wasn't diagnosed until I was in my 50's :roll: The Kypho as far as I know is the slight hump at the top and the scoliosis is the curve....I think!!!
    Mine was eventually diagnosed as idiopathic, degenerative, kyphoscolios......previous to that all I knew was it was a sore back and arthritis in my lower back :roll:
    Glad you're enjoying the forum :lol: