Cycling after total hip replacement

Fabianskip Member Posts: 3
edited 30. May 2014, 15:46 in Living with Arthritis archive
I am a keen cyclist and ride with a club. I am scheduled for a Total Hip Replacement in October and am trying to work out at what level I can cycle after surgery. I know cycling is encouraged as part of rehab but I would like to know if I will be able to get back to 100+ miles in a day or even racing. My consultant made it sound as if this was not a good idea. Cycling forums tell stories of cyclists getting back to a good level after surgery but is this high risk and are people being less than wise. Cycling is non impact but a lot of force can go through your joints especially on hard climbs. I would be grateful for any advice or direction as to where I can find it.


  • Sarah01
    Sarah01 Member Posts: 192
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Fabianskip,

    I had a THR 18 weeks ago and before then I used to cycle, not as many miles as you I might add. My surgeon told me not to rush into cycling after the THR and to concentrate on using an exercise bike for a few months, then take it from there. Saying that, a friend of mine had a THR 15 weeks ago and within 6 weeks he was cycling 5 miles a day.

    I think every surgeon has their different opinions on what we can do after a THR. First surgeon I saw told me I could never ride my motorbike again, but I could cycle. The surgeon who actually did the op said there would be no problem with riding a motorbike and once I was ready I could get back to riding.

    As I don't cycle many miles anyway I'm probably not the best person to ask just wanted to give my input on what the 2 different surgeons told me. I guess it will depend on how the operation goes and how you feel afterwards. Maybe speak to the consultant and the physio after your operation and take it from there??

    Sarah x
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Fabianskip and welcome to the forum
    My THR was nearly 11 months ago, I did used to cycle but it was quite a few years ago now, I wouldn't like to say how far you would be able to cycle , but cant see any probs getting back into it, I have back probs and waiting to have my other hip replaced,so these keep me from exercising at the min..I do use a cross trainer and like cycling there is no impact.
    I look at it this way if you are going to do 100s of miles them maybe the hip will wear out even quicker than the 15 to 20 years, but it is something you can look forward to getting back to..
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I think your surgeon might have been not to keen simply because you were ie although cycling is good, it might be that he felt you were wanting to 'run before you could walk' and, post THR, that's not a good, realistic plan. Why not just take it all relatively slowly then ask him again when next you see him? Once he sees your THR is doing well he might be happier for you to ;push yourself a bit more. Or, is he worried about you coming off at high speed? That wouldn't be good for it.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Fabianskip
    Fabianskip Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks everyone for your support and helpful replies. Plenty to think about :D
  • Tubby
    Tubby Member Posts: 177
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    There is always a balance to be had isn't there? I think the advice about taking it slowly from others is good advice but I find that most medics are over cautious with their advice as they don't want any chance that you will go back and sue them at a later date. I have always been very active (including being a cycling coach) and I have been very frustrated by the physiotherapists who seem to want to wrap me in cotton wool (I have PsA). I have now decided to take the 'take it steady' approach to exercise but to do much more than they have suggested and so far I have lost weight, I am feeling better and I have less pain. Although I don't have the same type of arthritis as you, my advice is to listen to your own body, research what others have done, build up slowly and see where it takes you.