more xrays....

nearlybionic Member Posts: 1,899
edited 10. Jul 2014, 14:21 in Living with Arthritis archive
I have been back to see my GP for the results of the bloods she sent as part of investigating Fibro/ pains etc.. My bloods are all ok. Good. But I still am struggling to get on top of the widespread pain. She has upped my Gabapentin although she said it will not help my awful lethargy. I am going to bed between 7-9pm every night as I am exhausted, but wake regularly when trying to change position.
The GP wants to do Xrays/ and ? MRI of my neck and spine as it is a while since they were checked and years ago I had bone spurs on X ray. I have a lot of neck/shoulder pain and get pins and needles etc down my arms /hands. I have also been referred to see the MSK GP (whoever they are??)
I rang to try to book an appointment, and was told they would look at my referral and I would be allocated to either see the MSK doc or a physio. I then explained that I am still seeing my physio at Wrightington regularly so please not to refer to see another physio!!
She asked how I am coping at work, at which point i got a bit choked up. I am trying to hold it together at work as my new boss isn`t the most understanding. The GP said she was surprised that I am managing really, but I will keep trying. The hospital rang to offer my SI joint injections but I had to decline as it was too short notice and I couldn`t have a lift as Mr NB is working. But I have a provisional date for 30th July and I can plan for transport etc.
I have renewed my DLA application today. Not sure what will come of it, but hope I get it renewed. I am suffering with my back after sitting for a while completing the paperwork.
My Dad is recovering from his cancer op quite well. We have a date to see the surgeon again in 2 weeks and we will find out the results of the histology from the tumour they removed, and find out if his tumour on his kidney is malignant or what?
Phew! I didn`t mean to type so much!
I hope you are all doing as well as could be x


  • Sarah01
    Sarah01 Member Posts: 192
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi NB,

    I'm so sorry to hear about everything you are going through. You have had a rough few months. Good to hear that your bloods are ok. So sorry to hear that you are in so much pain and your new boss isn't very sympathetic. Some people really need a kick up the backside, that's how I feel about my bosses and colleagues having gone through the same where I work.

    It is great to hear that your father is recovering well after his operation and I will keep my fingers crossed that you get good news when he sees his surgeon. Hope all goes well with your DLA application too.

    You take care of yourself and keep me posted on how you are getting on, we are all here if you need someone to talk to :)

    Sarah x
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi NB,Just sending a few hugs to help get you through.(((()))) Mig
  • Megrose489
    Megrose489 Member Posts: 780
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Things are hard for you at the moment, NB. Sending you my best wishes. ((()))

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello NB
    So sorry you are struggling, its a rotten time for you with everything going on..I hope you get that MRI through very keep pushing for results are next week... :shock: there is something causing all your pain, they have changed my gabapentin to pregabalin and it seems to work better and you don't need to take has much.
    I do hope you get that DLA you certainly need it and I will be thinking of your know where I am...(((()))) xx