After some advise really please guys...

jackiel Member Posts: 19
Hello all, I am new around these parts and I'm after some advise really on a few issues.

Just to give you some background - I'm a 40 year old female who is a Type 1 diabetic using an insulin pump, have been diabetic for 30 years. At the age of 18 I was diagnosed with cancer, hodgkins disease (cancer of the lymph glands) I received 6 months chemotherapy and responded very well.

Since then I have as the years have gone on been diagnosed with various other illnesses, such as tendonitis, dupuytren's contracture, lichen sclerosus, asthma (mildly) depression, anxiety, early menapause due to treatment of cancer), infertility and my most recent addition arthritis ta da lol !

I initially saw my GP who suggested it was osteoarthritis, I had a further x ray (hands and feet effected so far) and this was confirmed. He offered me some gel to use for pain which has done nothing. I presented myself again to him recently as I had a really bad flare up and after reading so much regarding osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis I was not totally convinced he has got the diagnosis right. I am also unclear on whether its 'wear and tear' arthritis or an auto immune related arthritis.

I go for an ultra sound on my hands next week to determine the diagnosis. I also have pain in my elbows which he has suggested is tennis elbow !!?? I fail to see how he came to this diagnosis, but anyway.... I have been offered no further care/advise/help. After reading some of the posts on here it seems many of you have had lots of further support and been given very good advise. I can't help but feel I am being given minimal support and absolutely no back up !

When I inquired about pain relief I was advised to use the gel, the gel doesn't work ! I am in pain daily with my hands, I can't open cans or jars, I've had my taps changed to make my life easier and I often struggle with the simplest of tasks. I feel I need some help with pain management and how to proceed really. Do you carry on doing tasks that hurt your hands or do you avoid doing stuff that puts a strain on them? I have got more information and support from blinking Google than my Doctor lol !

Obviously once I have a complete diagnosis I can decide what to do but until then how do I go about getting referrals and things?

Any help would be gratefully received, apologies for the long post I just thought it best you had some back ground on me !!