
Nikkijamie Member Posts: 34
edited 14. Nov 2014, 07:17 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hello All
Sorry I haven't been around and being supportive of you all but things have been crazy with working full time, mummy to 2 young boys, doing a degree and managing house etc. I hope your all doing as well as you can be x
I need some advice please
Im over weight and this is really getting me down, I've tried to lose weight but then fail each time i try as i can't focus on it due to being tired and can't exercise as walking is getting painful
Im struggling with the pain (I have osteo in my hips and hands and poss my knees) and have been holding out on using Naproxen but when I took it there was no pain relief :(
I feel constantly tired from morning to night and not just sleepy, i feel like i could drop off at my desk and struggle to focus.

Im wondering if there is anything i can do, or if anyone has any tips for how I can move positively forward as I'm seeing my only option is anti depressants and I tried them and they made me even more tired.

Feeling quite helpless and can't see a way forward.

Thanks for reading

Nikki x x


  • Boo
    Boo Member Posts: 9
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Nikki - I'm new here so 'hello'! :)

    You are doing an awful lot so definitely be good to yourself and rest when you can. On a more practical note, I was feeling really dreadful, more than tired - an absolute 'can't be bothered' feeling. I went to see the practice nurse at my GP and after some blood tests it was found that I was very low in vitamin D, so I now take a strong vitamin D capsule every month. It definitely lifted my mood and gave me a little energy so maybe it's worth asking about?

    As for the weight loss, I'm in the same boat and am currently doing Slimming World. It's a great regime to follow because it's about eating real meals with real food that's good for the whole family, not a separate 'diet' meal for you and something else for everyone else. (I've just had spag bol!)

    If it's not something you've considered, have a look online.

    Anyway, hope that helps a bit!

    What are you doing your degree in?
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    You have an awful lot on Nikki and all credit to you for all that you're doing. To do a degree with all you have going on is amazing. Well done you!

    I think Boo has made a very good point about the Vit D. Get your doc to check your levels. A simple supplement might make a lot of difference. Iron levels, too, might be low. Worth a check.

    Did you take naproxen regularly ie daily? If you only took it on an ad hoc basis it might well do no good. If you were taking it regularly and it still didn't maybe a different NSAID would help more.

    As for the weight, again Boo has made a good suggestion. One of our members lost a lot of weight with Slimming World. However, it sounds as if you might struggle to make a weekly class. I personally find I will eat whatever's in the house so I no longer buy crisps, chocolate, sweets, desserts etc. Desserts are a treat when I'm out with friends (or in with friends). I cook every night so I know what goes into our meals. I'm guessing that might be difficult for you with such a busy life. Can you take a little time to more or less plan the week's meals before you shop? Some very nutritious meals can be very simple. I wonder if your surgery has a dietitian who might advise you.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Nikkijamie
    Nikkijamie Member Posts: 34
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you ladies for your sound advice I really appreciate it x

    I've had quite a few blood tests done recently and my gp has referred me to a rheumy but won't see him again and get my results till February although I have an Mri on Wednesday. But I will go to gp and see what bloods I've had done, I hope it is a case of deficiency because that feeling you have Boo about can't be bothered to do anything is really me :( I hate it.

    I think I should try slimming world and I have the books but it's getting my butt into gear sticky wicket like you say and plan, that's where I fail it's like a vicious circle.

    I only took the naproxen twice as my gp prescription says 1 tablet three times a day although rheumy said only take for three weeks max so really not sure how many to take for how long, any ideas x

    Thanks again girls really do appreciate it x welcome to the forum Boo everyone here is so friendly and helpful x
  • Nikkijamie
    Nikkijamie Member Posts: 34
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh and I'm doing a degree in childhood and youth studies it's hard work but trying to get more time with my boys x
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    If you've seen a rheumatologist I assume that means there is some doubt as to whether or not you might have an auto-immune form of arthritis. What results won't you get until February? That's a ridiculously long time to wait for anything.

    I've no idea why the rheumatologist told you to only take the naproxen for three weeks as most people take these NSAIDS for years. There might have been some reason at the time but they can't help if you don't take them :wink:

    The whole thing seems muddled. I suggest you go back to your GP for clarification. You clearly need something but we can't tell you how to take them. (If you do start to take them regularly though ask for a stomach-protecting med to go with them.)

    Your GP will have got a report from the rheumatologist and he / she should be able to explain better what the situation is. If you do have an auto-immune form of arthritis you need proper meds for it. (The fatigue could be a factor in that.) If it is simply OA then the meds are more optional.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I took naproxen (with a stomach protector) for over two years and no real reduction in pain or inflammation was granted. I now take the occasional diclofenac because my inflammation is very well controlled by my triple therapy for my auto-immune arthritis, but it hasn't reduced the pain of my OA in my knees, ankles and hips.

    Arthritis itself is tiring because we have to make an extra effort to do what others find so easy. Pain is tiring, running a house is tiring, working is tiring, children (like arthritis) don't come with an off switch; it seems to me that you are demanding far too much of yourself. Arthritis demands we make changes to our lives - if you try and carry on as you always have then no wonder you are feeling as you are.

    I'm slowly losing weight because I am changing not only my attitudes to food but also how I eat it. The public nature of slimming clubs doesn't appeal to me, neither does the having to go out or pay money which could be better spent on a better cut of meat, or some extra vegetables (I'm not a fan of fruit). I ignore the 'diet' options of various foods: I prefer to eat less of the supposedly 'naughty' things rather than the diet alternatives which are usually packed with nasties. Diets are not about denial, they are about eating quality food in sensible quantities. Everyone knows it's about eating less and moving around more but, when the moving is accompanied by frequent blasts of exquisite pain, it ain't that easy! DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Nikki
    Sorry to hear you are struggling like this, I have OA in most joints not but dont have two young children to look after, no wounder you are tired and..all I can suggest is rest when you can,has for the pain you have to keep on top of it..or try ...hopefully talking about things to us will help if only a little..
  • Nikkijamie
    Nikkijamie Member Posts: 34
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks for the replies.

    I'm not sure why my GP referred me to a rheumatologist because all my bloods came back clear but I think he wanted to double check as I'm only 33 and things have progressed quickly.

    I have an mri on my hips Thursday and the results for those and the other bloods he got me to have I won't get till feb when I see him again.

    I will go see my GP as think he might be able to clear some stuff up re the meds

    Well done DD on losing the weight, i need to get my mind in the right place, all my will power and energy has gone, hopefully the visit to the Drs might help.

    Barbara it is helping so thank you all x x x x
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    So, it's the rheumatologist who ordered the bloods not the GP? That makes more sense.

    I don't know if you're aware but some auto-immune forms of arthritis give negative blood results so the rheumatologist won't rely on them alone.

    Your GP should have a report and it might help you to make more sense of things. I hope so.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Nikkijamie
    Nikkijamie Member Posts: 34
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I had lots done by the gp which were clear then another lot by the rheumy which I won't get results for until February same as my mri I'm so impatient but then thought today it won't make any difference if I have to wait I guess it'll be the same answers.
    X x
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I don't think you need to wait until February for the results of the rheumatologist's tests. I'd have thought your GP would have got a report on them. To be honest, if there was anything urgent I'd expect one or other of them to have contacted you but no harm in asking what the rheumatologist's report was.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • RosaD
    RosaD Member Posts: 4
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    If you're working full time, raising two lads and studying - that's amazing. I did something similar when my children were 2 & 4, I used to write essays at midnight, as it was the quietest time! I think your schedule would leave anyone, not also dealing with arthritis tired, so you deserve a pat on the back.

    I've just gone back to Weight Watchers and lost 5 lbs in the first week. I'd put on weight since my mobility worsened. If you can get to a meeting of whichever plan you use - it would be good. If nothing else, it'll be time out for you, where you can focus on yourself.
    Rosa x