Rib / Chest wall pain Psoriatic Arthritis

jgledhill Member Posts: 7
edited 24. Apr 2015, 09:26 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi Folks,

Just wanted to see if anyone else had much experience of this? I get quite a bit of discomfort on my right hand side / flank and have had various tests, ultrasounds, xray and even a scope :( which all came back clear.

I hurt along the line where the cartilage joins the ribs, but not at the join with the sternum, its the other end and while its not immensly painful, it is quite uncomfortable at times. I find it too uncomfortable to lie flat on my back at night etc.

I was wondering if anyone else had this and if so, what they do to relieve it?

Thanks :)


  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Jonathan
    I dont have PA, but have suffered from rib pain a few times..they are saying it could be down to fibro but I am not convinced..if you type ribpain in the search next to members and not the box you should get a few post coming up, mine comes and goes.
  • As5567
    As5567 Member Posts: 665
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Sounds to me like Enthesitis

    Enthesitis is painful inflammation where a bone is joined to a tendon (a tough cord of tissue that connects muscles to bones) or a ligament (a band of tissue that connects bones to bones)

    I've had to deal with this almost every single day for the last year, so far I have found nothing really that takes away or eases the pain much so I really can't help you there. I would certainly mention it to your rheumatolgist next time your see him/her and see what they suggest. It may even be something completely different but if the area is tender to touch, and is closer to the surface rather than deep in the chest then chances are that what you're experiencing. I also get it on the front and below the front of my knees which can be very painful yet my knees will look totally normal. Most rheumatolgist don't even know you're experiencing it unless you tell them and I've been told it often comes and goes with or without a flareup of other joints.
  • LemonMerigue
    LemonMerigue Member Posts: 62
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello! I too have this problem (the same area as well!). I've found not much helps either. I've taken to sitting about drinking tea. Not really a solution but pushing myself to do things is entirely unhelpful to the situation.
  • jgledhill
    jgledhill Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks guys, will certainly ask the rheumatologist about that next time I see them..... although that's November :( Think I will make an appointment to see my GP in the first instance though as it is bugging me quite a bit at the moment.

    I have a horrible feeling my cycling is aggravating it a bit but will see what the GP says first before jumping to conclusions!
  • Starburst
    Starburst Member Posts: 2,546
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jonathan,

    I get horrible rib and chest wall pain. I once took myself to A&E as I was convinced I was having a heart attack at the grand old age of 26. :oops: I was told mine is costochondritis. http://www.patient.co.uk/health/costochondritis

    Not much eases my pain but I find that the pain makes me slouch which makes the pain worse and it's a vicious cycle. So, I try to chest my posture and make sure I'm keeping my back and stomach muscles strong.

    What sort of pain relief are you taking? Could this be adjusted?

    Take care.
  • Jonwright
    Jonwright Member Posts: 9
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I've got this! It's a discomfort and sometmes a slight stabbing pain all around to rib cage area. It's only come on recently since I stopped taking my meds.

    Hopefully i'll be able to get back on the meds soom and all will be put to right - but it is weird.