Fed Up With GP Practice

rayray Member Posts: 115
edited 29. Apr 2015, 23:28 in Living with Arthritis archive
I have posted before about my neck, shoulder and other joint issues. My spinal consultant organised CT and MRI scans and sent a letter to my GP recommending they refer me to a rheumatologist (this method is quicker apparently!).
The MRI scan has revealed arthritis in my neck causing nerve compression in my arm and so I am having a diagnostic injection to confirm that this is the cause of my symptoms. All very good.

On the other hand I saw a GP yesterday who agreed to the referral to the rheumatologist requested and then phoned me later to say she doesn't see the point as I saw one four years ago. I was calm on the phone and stuck to my guns but she is insisting she speaks to my named GP and the consultant as she believes it is a waste of time. The fact that numerous things have happened in the last four years has no bearing.

I also discussed giving up work and mentioned that I have a form from one of my pension providers which will give permission for them to provide information. She asked nothing about my situation and suggested I speak to CAB! There are no questions asked whatsoever, no attempt to find out who I am, what I do and the effects this has on my life and when I have a major flare as I did last week I have no-one to approach for help as they really don't want to know. I understand that this is widespread and there is little help with arthritis despite NICE guidelines - I wonder if it will ever change?

I am not looking for a cure, just some support but cannot get any.

Sorry needed to have a rant! I'm normally very chirpy but yesterday left me feeling very low and alone.


  • Ladybrown
    Ladybrown Member Posts: 130
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Really sorry to hear that things are going so badly for you. Have you considered a written complaint to the practice manager? I had to do that once when I was struggling to get a referral for knee pain - worked a treat! otherwise might be worth changing GP entirely (also had to do that...)

    Best of luck
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Yes a letter to the practice manager might help.

    Also... my back specialist sent a letter to my GP asking her to refer me to the pain clinic. I would never have known this if I hadn't got a copy letter because she didn't mention it!!!!!!
    I mentioned it to her and she said " they wont be able to help" ...that was it full stop!!!!!!!!!!!
    I said I would like a referral to the pain clinic please.
    She repeated what she had said.....and then got up and walked to the door.......{10 mins was up!!) I just sat where I was, she said is there anything else I can help you with? Yes a referral to a pain clinic!!!!!! When she eventually saw I wasn't going to move and her list of patients were all going to be waiting for quite some time.........she gaveme form to fill in for a referral

    I know its not the same as you but, writing to the practice manager and persistence {after being polite} LOL should help
    If not change GP's
    Good luck
    Love Hileena
  • rayray
    rayray Member Posts: 115
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I emailed my consultant`s secretary to let her know the GP will call her. Have also started looking at GP practices. We live in a rural area so the nearest one is 7 miles away and most won't cover this area. I will pursue this however and attempt to find one where a GP has a more holistic approach to chronic conditions.
    I too am going to ask for a referral to Pain Management if the rheumatology appointment isn't agreed on. I met the lead consultant in Pain Management a few years ago for a diagnostic injection and he was absolutely lovely. He would definitely see me - I did ask this of the GP 5 years ago and he agreed but never did anything about it - nightmare practice!

    Fingers crossed I get this sorted.
  • daffy2
    daffy2 Member Posts: 1,636
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    One of the problems in this sort of situation is that you don't know if the GP is refusing to help because of medical considerations or if it's a budget bouncing thing. Getting the GP to refer means as I understand it that the cost comes out of the GP budget rather than the hospital one, which the practice may be unable/unwilling to agree to. I gather that the advent of clinical commissioning groups has not helped such situations.
    I do sympathise with your wish for a more holistic approach that takes into account changes over time, and impact of your condition, as it's something I have been trying for, but it's not how the NHS works sadly. I have made some progress by changing to a GP who is willing to listen and try and help, but she struggles to find a way through 'the system', and having to wait 6 weeks to see her makes for slow progress. And yes I did speak to the practice manager about that wait, and there's not much can be done about it - don't believe any politician who says his party will solve that particular problem!
  • rayray
    rayray Member Posts: 115
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Daffy,

    Feeling better about things over the last couple of days. Funny but I have a few good days and change my mindset to 'this really isn't such a big deal and not causing me too many problems'. I then have a flare which stops me doing 90% of everyday things and I start to feel desparate. I always pray the last flare was the last one ever ... and you never know do you!

    Thanks for being so supportive and helpful.
  • rayray
    rayray Member Posts: 115
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    :D Good news!

    The spinal surgeon has advised my GP I must see a Rheumatologist. This was also backed up by my shoulder surgeon so woohoo! I know I may still not get any answers as to what is going in around my joints but at least they can take a good look from a medical perspective and maybe I will avoid surgery number seven (and a biggie - fusing my neck) if a medication will help.

    This news comes after another problematic episode last weekend when I ended up in such intense pain when out walking. My Husband had to leave me in a field, walk two miles back to the car as I slowly made it to a nearby lane and he collected me. I keep trying to battle on but it is hard work isn't it?
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello rayray
    sorry I am late seeing this, but glad to see you are going to see a rheumy, I had a struggle to get to see one but eventually I did, make sure you take a list of pain rashes hair loss and anything else you can remember and a list of questions.
    They are very busy people so be aware they don't usher you out before you have your say...and good luck hope it all goes well..
  • GraceB
    GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Life is difficult enough without barriers such as these being put up by those who are supposed to help us.

    I thought the rules had changed now in that you could register with whichever GP practice you wished to, but you may not qualify for home visits.

    Can your Local Health Authority help you find another GP? What about personal recommendation by friends/relatives? It's more work for you though and just when you don't need it and isn't this always the way?

    You may want to chase that rheumy appt and check with your current GP practice when the referral was sent off. I'd not trust them myself.

    I hope you get this all sorted out.

    Turn a negative into a positive!
  • rayray
    rayray Member Posts: 115
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks so much for replying. Yes I will be well prepared for the appointment...noted! Still looking at a new GP but didn't want the referral falling down a black hole by changing while were sorting it out. We may be relocating soon so need to decide on this so I don't hop around different GP's in a short time.

    Likely to be October before I see the Rheumatologist. Due a nerve block in my neck June and to see the shoulder and spinal surgeons in October. They are really trying to help at my local hospital which is very reassuring.

    Thanks again.