recovering from ankle fusion

saint Member Posts: 2
edited 29. Apr 2015, 17:24 in Say Hello Archive
I had ankle fusion 5th march, the hospital forgot to make my 6 week appointment for xrays so I'm not back until 1st may. I feel like ive been left with no support. I was told to partially weight bear at 4 weeks which I am and I think its going ok.
Really I'm after hearing other peoples recovery stories and time frames after fusion so I dont feel so alone.
From a very active 31 year old female who currently feels very frustrated.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Welcome to Arthritis Care Forums Saint from the moderation team

    As mods we are here to help with any problems you may have on the message boards.

    There are lots of lovely people here with a wide range of experiences with arthritis and the problems of living with the condition. Just join in wherever you like you will be made very welcome.

    I look forward to seeing you posting on the boards.

    Best wishes
    fridaymod :D
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello there saint. I'm sorry you're feeling so abandoned and frustrated and no wonder.I've not had an qnkle fusion. Mine fused themselves but I've had knee amd hip replacements so I kmow how I'd have felt.

    I've no advice on ankle fusions except that, as not many look on this forum, I suggest you re-post on Living With Arthritis where more will see it. Good luck.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello, I am sorry you are feeling this way but, sadly, it's a common phenomenon. As far as the surgeon is concerned you are 'done and dusted' as you're wheeled out of theatre and he's thinking about the next patient. The NHS is a wonderful thing but it's downside is it's run by fallible human beings who have (as do we) good and bad days.

    I don't think there are any hard-and-fast rules about recovery times: they depend on many factors including one's general health before and after, how one reacts to the surgery, being sensible about the physio etc. and how long the body itself takes to heal. As you are on the younger side of things hopefully the latter will be quicker than that for someone older. I have not had fusion surgery but I have had a number of large operations and never fretted about how long or short the recovery time was - things were as they were, end of. This is certainly the better time of year to be recuperating - believe me it's worse in winter! Things will improve in time but it may be worth contacting the hospital and saying that you would be willing to take a cancellation appointment - I have done that in the past and sometimes have been seen very quickly but I am fortunate in that I don't live too far away! DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello sorry I'm late seeing this
    I would ring the hospital and tell them you are not happy and need an earlier appointment, the hospital I had my THR stick firmly to this 6 weeks rule and it does put your mind at rest
    I do wish you a good recovery..
  • jamart
    jamart Member Posts: 27
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello sorry I've only just seen your post. I had a subtalor fusion (joint under the ankle joint) on the 5th January. I was 7 weeks in a non weight bearing plaster cast, then had a air cast boot for another 6 weeks also nwb, then 2 weeks part weight bearing. Now after seeing my consultant on the 20th April I am able to fully weight bear as the X-ray showed that the bones had fused together. I am still using crutches as my muscles are very weak but I am getting more mobile every day. I am booked in for physio this Friday, so that should help to get me going again. Don't feel like you have been abandoned as there isn't much they can do, it just a case of resting and waiting for the bones to heal. I was told that it was a long recovery process so I was expecting it to be a few month before I would be able to get back to normal. I was in considerable pain before the op but I haven't had any pain, only the occasional twinge. Hope this is of some help to you.
  • GraceB
    GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello, welcome to the Forum.

    Can't give you any actual advice as not yet had my ankle fusion. This will be later this year. I have, however, had one knee replacement and like DD says, everyone is different. What's right for one person isn't right for another.

    I too, request cancellation appointments. I would suggest that you ring your hospital and speak to your consultant's secretary and request to go on the cancellation list. However, 1st May is Friday so not too long to wait now. Hopefully your next appointment will be organised whilst you are in clinic.

    Good luck for Friday, I hope it goes well.

    Turn a negative into a positive!