
[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
edited 7. Feb 2023, 10:08 in News Archive
Welcome to a new forum on the Arthritis Care message boards.

This forum is open for posting news, both from Arthritis Care and about developments dealing with arthritis. It is open to all forum members and can include links to news and websites elsewhere on the internet - reputable sources, please :D

We also hope to be bringing you information of the new Arthritis Care website and the new design format for the forums, both of which are on the horizon. When these do arrive, any problems or queries about the new design should be posted to the Technical Support & Feedback Forum.

Best wishes
Mod B


  • daffy2
    daffy2 Member Posts: 1,636
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    new design format for the forums,
    I'm afraid my heart has just sunk reading these words. I like this forum because it isn't 'sexy' it just does what it needs to and I find it easy to use. Another forum I belong to had an 'improvement' which caused all sorts of problems and is still, months later, not right. I also find it too clever for its own good and counter intuitive for someone like me who doesn't do much online stuff.
    How much consulting have you done with forum users to find out what they value/would like to see?
    I think this new section is a good idea though - I don't go through the main AC website so this should be a chance to catch up with some of the news?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi daffy2

    We don't yet know what the redesign will look like, although we did ask members in the past things they would like "fixed". These turned out to be mostly around the size, colour and position of buttons and icons.

    There was also a survey carried out last year as to what the new web site be like in terms of content.

    My best guess is that the main feature will be that the forums will be readable on mobile and tablet, as well as computer: the layout may change according to which device is use. Moderating on small screens can be a real pain :lol:

    We will add to this thread when we know a little more :D

    Best wishes
    Mod B
  • daffy2
    daffy2 Member Posts: 1,636
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Mod B
    Yes I can understand that small screen moderating has its challenges. As it happens now that I'm having to use a netbook until my son comes through with a 'proper' computer, the other forum I use has become a real pain since it was 'improved' with a lot of clutter restricting the actual message display, necessitating several clicks to get the whole. Given less than accurate control of the touch pad thanks to OA that can be very frustrating!