Pip assessment

tedthered64 Member Posts: 84
Hi all,
A brief history, I have avascular neurosis of left femural head, advanced bilateral OA of both hips, awaiting replacement, OA both kness, right awaiting replacement and OA of shoulder and a number of various other things.

Last week my Dr referred me to wheelchair services and also the falls team because I have had a few falls, also advised me that in the short term I could obtain a wheelchair, not self propelled, from the Red Cross which I have done.

My concern is that I have a pip assessment next week and after all the horror stories you read I am extremely worried that this will be used against me.
I am hoping that someone who as been through a similar situation can advise me please.

I find it disgusting and hurtful that people who are suffering from conditions like mine, who have little or no control over it have to worry about things like this and go through the turmoil of it.

The people who run this country should hang their heads in shame with this savage onslaught on disabled people although I accept that there are very many people in receipt of the old DLA benefit that should never have received it and these people are as equally responsible for what is happening.

I have had OA for many, many years but have always tried to work through it and get on with it, now that I am not able to anymore and need help, I realize the struggle that genuine disabled people are going through and they are being treated abhorrently.


  • Sarahd1609
    Sarahd1609 Member Posts: 64
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Make sure you highlight your falls and how it has been necessary to get a wheelchair for your own safety. I am at the other end of the scale as I have PsA and AS and have been declined a blue badge and PIP because on good days I can walk more than 100m unaided. However a bad day I'm Housebound as I daren't venture far as I know I'll be too far to walk parking in a normal bay as well as my restricted movement won't allow me to get out of my car in the smaller bay. This isnt taken into consideration and it angers me as I wholeheartedly would not abuse the system as I know how important it is, yet I know numerous people who have blue badges because they have diabetes but are able to go out drinking and partying on weekends and not give a damn about their condition. The whole system needs readjusting. Good luck and remember you have nothing to hide. You have a genuine need and should be taken seriously xxx
  • tedthered64
    tedthered64 Member Posts: 84
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sarahd1609 wrote:
    Make sure you highlight your falls and how it has been necessary to get a wheelchair for your own safety. I am at the other end of the scale as I have PsA and AS and have been declined a blue badge and PIP because on good days I can walk more than 100m unaided. However a bad day I'm Housebound as I daren't venture far as I know I'll be too far to walk parking in a normal bay as well as my restricted movement won't allow me to get out of my car in the smaller bay. This isnt taken into consideration and it angers me as I wholeheartedly would not abuse the system as I know how important it is, yet I know numerous people who have blue badges because they have diabetes but are able to go out drinking and partying on weekends and not give a damn about their condition. The whole system needs readjusting. Good luck and remember you have nothing to hide. You have a genuine need and should be taken seriously xxx
    Thank you for the reply,
    It also makes me very angry, many times I have seen wheelchair uses struggle to find a parking bay when blue badges are clearly being used by able bodied people, it's very sad. X
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Blue badges are awarded for a whole host of health reasons many of which do not affect mobility. It gets my goat too.

    Answer any questions based on a bad day, watch out for tricks such as asking you to pick something up from the floor, take your time in answering and try your best not to let them fluster you. I will be going through this at some point in the future and fully accept that I will probably 'gain' a reduced mobility payment front because I use aids.

    The questions and tests are designed by the healthy - no wonder they're rubbish. Give them a taste of our lives and I'm sure things would soon change! It is true that the system has been appallingly abused (and still is) but it is tough on us, the ones with the genuine troubles, having to prove we need this help.

    Good luck, sometimes they do go well but we rarely hear about those examples. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • tedthered64
    tedthered64 Member Posts: 84
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you DD, I'm just hoping I get a fair minded assessor who cares about people.
  • Slosh
    Slosh Member Posts: 3,194
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I was turned down for the mobility component of PIP as the fact my job in school is mainly office based and I don't do playground duties was disregarded. However I have got a Blue Badge, and even took proof of this to my assessment, as I applied for a discretionary one from my Council. It's the same as the one you can get as a result of a PIP assessment but I had an assessment from an OT employed by the Council and basically talked about my mobility problems, went up and down my stairs and then went for a walk of 50 metres in my street. I had to fill in a form, send in proof etc before getting the assessment.

    As for misuse I can honestly say that up until getting mine I never parked in disabled spaces, however when I compare the number of cars with blue badges parked in my local supermarket car park with the number of people inside who have obvious mobility problems I think a lot of badges are being used by spouses /partners while the holder is at home.
    He did not say you will not be storm tossed, you will not be sore distressed, you will not be work weary. He said you will not be overcome.
    Julian of Norwich
  • tedthered64
    tedthered64 Member Posts: 84
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Slosh wrote:
    I was turned down for the mobility component of PIP as the fact my job in school is mainly office based and I don't do playground duties was disregarded. However I have got a Blue Badge, and even took proof of this to my assessment, as I applied for a discretionary one from my Council. It's the same as the one you can get as a result of a PIP assessment but I had an assessment from an OT employed by the Council and basically talked about my mobility problems, went up and down my stairs and then went for a walk of 50 metres in my street. I had to fill in a form, send in proof etc before getting the assessment.

    As for misuse I can honestly say that up until getting mine I never parked in disabled spaces, however when I compare the number of cars with blue badges parked in my local supermarket car park with the number of people inside who have obvious mobility problems I think a lot of badges are being used by spouses /partners while the holder is at home.
    Yes places like the supermarkets are prime examples of how the blue badge/motability scheme is abused?
    Far too many people in receipt of DLA should never have received it and it is these people who take it away from the genuine ones who really need this assistance.
    It is a sad fact but it is a true one.