Three weeks post total hip replacement progress report

newhipandy Member Posts: 60
edited 4. Oct 2015, 04:07 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hello All

Here are this week’s progress observations.

Week two to three has seen some good progress in mobility terms and in feeling a bit more like the operated leg is not a noodle, but has some muscles in it somewhere!
One of the best things this week has been being able to shower now that the dressings are off. Somehow or other I have mastered getting the blasted TEDs off and on (with the help of a grabber and determination/patience) so this makes it possible to shower and dress independently … bit scary first time you do it in the house on your own but I have grown in confidence each day.

Massaging the scar three or so times a day seems to be helpful. Bio oil was recommended to me – but it is not cheap.

As an alternative, I added a few drops of pure lavender oil to some base grapeseed oil, you could use sweet almond oil or even a light olive oil. Lavender is known for its healing and antiseptic properties, and is harmless when well diluted – do not use pure oil directly on the skin. If you like the smell, a couple of drops of tea tree can also be added, this has healing properties too. (this is knowledge I have leartned during courses in massage therapy so it does have a sound basis, not just my own invention!

Prior to the surgery I was a bit worried about what I would wear day to day because of the difficulties of dressing. I generally favour jeans and trainers outside work, with tops/cardigans. But it would not be possible to manoeuvre myself into jeans at the moment (they probably wouldn’t do up either!) and the thought of denim on the wound is not a good one either. I bought some leggings from a well-known supermarket that begins with the letter S and they are great. Two pairs for £10, one navy, one black and they are very comfy. I also invested in a pair of pull on ‘Ugg type’ boots from the same store, and these are easy to slip on and off over the Teds. I have a long denim shirt which covers up nicely over a T shirt or top so if I am not exactly stylish, at least I look vaguely presentable!

I am walking for about twenty minutes with the crutches outside, ten minutes out, rest, ten minutes back, and that feels about right. I have found that my hands are getting painful with the weight going onto the crutches and wonder if I should be lightening up on leaning on them … I wonder what others’ experience is of that.

I am gradually reducing medication so that it is now three times a day instead of four, will probably drop to two next week if progress continues. Sometimes my hip and leg feel quite achey, but most of the time the pain is quite manageable. I had a bad day yesterday, felt quite low and sorry for myself and needed a good talking to myself before I felt better, I don't think this is unusual after surgery/anaesthetic and all the associated stresses.

I find the best time to walk out is in the morning, then it is back home in time for a light lunch and a snooze. Gosh it’s no wonder I am not missing work! – and have been so lucky to have beautiful mellow autumn days so far. :sunny:

Best to all


  • Jen
    Jen Member Posts: 155
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Sounds like you are doing really well Andrea.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences as you progress.

    Best wishes to you for a good recovery, keeping fingers crossed this glorious weather will continue :)

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Well done you! I am in awe of anyone who can master the dreaded TEDS. If I'd tried to get my own on I'd have still been trying when they told me I could forget about them now.

    Lots of things are scary at first but doing them creates the confidence and self-belief which urges us on.

    I'm sure I've heard of an alternative to bio oil but can't think what it is. I never used anything.

    Denim is cotton so I'd have thought it'd feel OK against the wound as long as it wasn't too tight but whatever rocks your boat.

    Owing to the RA in my hands I've never managed crutches post op but my belief is that one should use them for balance rather than weight bearing. I could be wrong.

    You're quite right about the post op blues and no wonder when you think of all that your body (and mind) has gone through. Be gentle with yourself. It will pass. You're doing great.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • daffy2
    daffy2 Member Posts: 1,636
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Following on from Sticky's comment about balance versus weight bearing I wonder if you are tending to grip the crutches hard without realising it and that's causing sore hands?
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    You are dong very well, I remember the understandable nerves beforehand but so far so good, yes? There will be low points after surgery (and they can take one by surprise even a few months later) - surgery is regarded as a matter of routine by surgeons (cut, saw, drill, glue, off you go) but for the body it's an invasive procedure and the deep healing that has to happen can take some time - this can be tiring. It is also hard, when in the middle of it all, to accurately evaluate the progress one is making but you are doing all the right things - keep up the good work!

    Palmer's do an oil which is similar in nature to Bio - Mr DD reluctantly used this after his appendectomy but is pleased he did because there is now very little evidence of a scar. I reckon any oil will do though, I used Johnson's baby oil with aloe vera. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,873
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hell Andrea!

    I think you are doing fabulously!!

    Well-done you :)

    I can't believe you can do your own TED stockings!!! You may need to do one of those You-t*be videos ;)

    Take care


    Toni xx
  • newhipandy
    newhipandy Member Posts: 60
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Many thanks all you kind folk for your positive and helpful responses. Yes, I think I have been gripping the crutches too hard and am practising not doing that!

    A video of the Teds event - ooh no I am not sure that would pass any censors :) :oops: it's not so pretty. I do cheat a bit by leaning further than I am sposed to just to get the start of the TED over my heel, then it is relatively easy to pull them up - this is all done with my legs up on the bed, seems the only way I can manage it. That foot seems a darned long way away!

    Yes, UP and down like a yo-yo mentally, but more up than down I am glad to say, and feeling a bit stronger each day. More next week

    Thanks again

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,873
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    newhipandy wrote:
    A video of the Teds event - ooh no I am not sure that would pass any censors :) :oops: it's not so pretty. I do cheat a bit by leaning further than I am sposed to just to get the start of the TED over my heel, then it is relatively easy to pull them up - this is all done with my legs up on the bed, seems the only way I can manage it. That foot seems a darned long way away!

    Well however you manage it I think you are doing amazingly well. The foot IS a long way away from the hand isn't it? :lol:


    Toni xx