
Bantaman010 Member Posts: 15
edited 10. Nov 2015, 03:21 in Say Hello Archive
Hi all,
Saw Specialist today and have been told I have Osteoarthritis.
She has recommended that I take Methotrexate and do blood monitoring,
also had my hands and feet x-rayed.
Any advice on this drug please.

Thanks John


  • daffy2
    daffy2 Member Posts: 1,636
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi John
    Suggest you post this on Living with Arthritis as you're more likely to get replies. I'm surprised you're to take meth for OA, what was the reason given?
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Like Daffy this surprises me too. When you say specialist do you mean rheumatologist? They deal with the auto-immune kinds of arthritis and ignore OA because that has a different cause. I have read of meth being trialled for OA so perhaps you are taking part in this? Anyway, methotrexate.

    This is a DMARD (disease-modifying-ant-rheumatic-drug) and it works by reducing the immune system, thus stopping it from firing up and triggering the arthritis. It's more common side effects are nausea and hair loss, I very rarely have the former and have the latter but luckily ain't vain so don't care. Well-meaning people might tell you that it is used as a cancer treatment - and indeed it is - but the doses we take are miniscule compared to dealing with that condition so don't let that freak you out.

    It can be taken orally via tablets or injected - my guess is that you will start on the tablets. It's normally prescribed with folic acid, this is not a drug but is a supplement to help the body cope with the drug. It's a strong medication but many cope very well with it and for some it has made a difference and improved their arthritis.

    You will now qualify for a free 'flu jab (if you don't already). I urge you to have one because, as our immune systems are greatly reduced, we do not have much resistance to infections. We don't produce symptoms until things have got a hold so be very conscientious about hand-washing and keeping working surfaces clean. I've been taking meth and other stuff for years now, they do nothing for my OA but my auto-immune arthritis is controlled, I know this because my bloods are beautiful. My joints are not. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben