PIP refusal
Member Posts: 140
hi all first off sorry for the
longest post ever ...
i applied to pip in august this year and had my assessment last week . i have received my decision this morning i have failed to meet the criteria for both the daily living and the mobility components...4 points were awarded for each component( 8 in total )
i was quite upset at this decision and will be appealing/ asking them to re evaluate the decision as they have awarded me 4 points for daily living as they say i can get myself dressed unaided which i can not do this al all from the waist down. i told the assessor that my husband has to help me get dressed and undressed each day as i can not dress my lower half. they also said that i can bathe unaided which is also incorrect i told the assessor my husband has to help me do this . he has to physically hold my up and help wash my lower body . they said that i can take my medication,and eat regularly without being asked to do so or reminded .. i am always forgetting what medication ive had, i am asked daily if ive had food and told to eat .. . which i also told the assessor ...toilet needs i didn't score any points for this .. my husband has to physically help me to and from the toilet .. on my bad days i can not move through being to stiff and in too much pain he has to carry me to the bathroom which i also told the assessor. help with preparing a meal/supervision . if an when i do manage to get to the kitchen to make a meal my husband has to watch me incase i fall as this has happened several times .or if i burn myhand/ cutting myslef which has happened also on several occaisions . i was scored nothing for this even though it is awarded 4 points ..
for the mobility part i didnt score anything for the planning and following through on a journey ... i dont understand how i didnt get anything for this as i need help getting from one place to the other. aided by my husband or with crutches... i can probably plan a journey ere im going i as if i know where it is im going i know how to get there such as the doctors i know its on a certain street and i would have to get a taxi there , but i would need help getting into and out of the car and into the doctors office.. if however i dont know where im going i would get lost and start panicking . we we even got lost on the way to the assessment which i told the assessor ..so no i can not follow a journey to somewhere i dont bloody know. and i certainly can not follow through on a journey unaided !!!
i have had a look at the breakdown of components and how they are awarded .. i should have been awarded 9 points for the daily living at least .. which would make me entitled to lower rate . its a bit more difficult with the mobility one as i dont quite understand the whole planning anf following through on a journey .. how is a person who has physical impairments supposed to follow through on a journey unaided ??? i was awarded 4 points for being able to walk 50 meter but not more than 200 i have no idea how far 50 meteres is .. i can walk for about 2/3 minuets at a time at the moment then i have to sit down and then start again
i will be asking my GP.and physical therapist to both write me letters to address these findings... as well as my mental health nure when i finally get another appointment as apparently according to DWP i dont have any mental health issues .. i have been that bad over the past 6/7 months since my waste of space operation that i have had several thoughts of self harm to take this god awful pain away .... i dont get dreesed most days and will stay in the same clothes for 2/3 days . i have lost intrest in reading i dont read half as much as i used to do i have actually got books that i recieved for my birthday that i have not read.i hardly leave the house other than to go to appointments . i have been out twice since my operation and they were on the last 2 weeks. i cry for no reason. i cant think straight ,my mmoods will swing from happy to angry in a split second. i keep loosing weight little bits here and there , my anxiety is so bad that if my husband is even 2 minuets home from school. shop ect imm in a complete mess. im forever saying sorry to evryone for no reason other than i keep thinking im a burden and i should be able to do stuff on my own im angry with what has happened and how and why this has happened to me ??
Emma x
longest post ever ...
i applied to pip in august this year and had my assessment last week . i have received my decision this morning i have failed to meet the criteria for both the daily living and the mobility components...4 points were awarded for each component( 8 in total )
i was quite upset at this decision and will be appealing/ asking them to re evaluate the decision as they have awarded me 4 points for daily living as they say i can get myself dressed unaided which i can not do this al all from the waist down. i told the assessor that my husband has to help me get dressed and undressed each day as i can not dress my lower half. they also said that i can bathe unaided which is also incorrect i told the assessor my husband has to help me do this . he has to physically hold my up and help wash my lower body . they said that i can take my medication,and eat regularly without being asked to do so or reminded .. i am always forgetting what medication ive had, i am asked daily if ive had food and told to eat .. . which i also told the assessor ...toilet needs i didn't score any points for this .. my husband has to physically help me to and from the toilet .. on my bad days i can not move through being to stiff and in too much pain he has to carry me to the bathroom which i also told the assessor. help with preparing a meal/supervision . if an when i do manage to get to the kitchen to make a meal my husband has to watch me incase i fall as this has happened several times .or if i burn myhand/ cutting myslef which has happened also on several occaisions . i was scored nothing for this even though it is awarded 4 points ..
for the mobility part i didnt score anything for the planning and following through on a journey ... i dont understand how i didnt get anything for this as i need help getting from one place to the other. aided by my husband or with crutches... i can probably plan a journey ere im going i as if i know where it is im going i know how to get there such as the doctors i know its on a certain street and i would have to get a taxi there , but i would need help getting into and out of the car and into the doctors office.. if however i dont know where im going i would get lost and start panicking . we we even got lost on the way to the assessment which i told the assessor ..so no i can not follow a journey to somewhere i dont bloody know. and i certainly can not follow through on a journey unaided !!!
i have had a look at the breakdown of components and how they are awarded .. i should have been awarded 9 points for the daily living at least .. which would make me entitled to lower rate . its a bit more difficult with the mobility one as i dont quite understand the whole planning anf following through on a journey .. how is a person who has physical impairments supposed to follow through on a journey unaided ??? i was awarded 4 points for being able to walk 50 meter but not more than 200 i have no idea how far 50 meteres is .. i can walk for about 2/3 minuets at a time at the moment then i have to sit down and then start again
i will be asking my GP.and physical therapist to both write me letters to address these findings... as well as my mental health nure when i finally get another appointment as apparently according to DWP i dont have any mental health issues .. i have been that bad over the past 6/7 months since my waste of space operation that i have had several thoughts of self harm to take this god awful pain away .... i dont get dreesed most days and will stay in the same clothes for 2/3 days . i have lost intrest in reading i dont read half as much as i used to do i have actually got books that i recieved for my birthday that i have not read.i hardly leave the house other than to go to appointments . i have been out twice since my operation and they were on the last 2 weeks. i cry for no reason. i cant think straight ,my mmoods will swing from happy to angry in a split second. i keep loosing weight little bits here and there , my anxiety is so bad that if my husband is even 2 minuets home from school. shop ect imm in a complete mess. im forever saying sorry to evryone for no reason other than i keep thinking im a burden and i should be able to do stuff on my own im angry with what has happened and how and why this has happened to me ??
Emma x
I'm sorry to hear you had your claim declined.
I have just had my second face to face in less than a year. PIP being how it is decided I needed to have another assessment so soon as my condition could go away......I wish
I strongly advise you to appeal the decision right up to a tribunal, It can be a lot of work on your own so I'd strongly advise you either find a local disability charity which can help you with the process and come with you to the tribunal or somewhere like CAB could also be helpful.
The assessor I had for my pip this time really did open my eyes and shock me. Even if you cannot cook a meal like myself, I will never get awarded the full points because I'm able to stand for short amount of times on crutches, even though I cannot sit for more than 30 seconds and unable to carry items due to both hands being used, The DWP don't care about that, they just assume I can cook with assistance.
The new system really is designed to make as little people as possible qualify for PIP.
Also what assessment company did you have, Capita or Atos?0 -
i had atos for my assessment the lady that i saw was really nice . they did some movement test on me which i could barley move my legs as i am im the middle of a flare ... they measured my thighs and there is over an inch of muscle reduction on my right thigh. they did a strength test on both legs and i could not move the lady's hand off my thighs and calves . i can barley stand at the moment . i keep having really bad leg tremors which i can not control and i have to be physically held down to help stop them .i have had 3 falls this week alone due to my legs giving out .im lucky that they have all been at home or they could have been much worse.
it makes me laugh how someone who you spend 10/20 minuets with can turn around and say no there is nothing wrong with you .if thay could be a fly on the wall of each one of us then they would see a different side to the story ...
i will be ringing welfare rights /CAB for more information on how they can help . i am ringing them first thing tomorrow to disagree with their decision as they are certainly wrong about 3/4 of the components . i can not get my self dressed and undressed without the help of my husband. and i can not go to the toilet unaided my husband has to carry me on my really bad days and on my goodish days i need to use my crutches but my hubby is right there with me in case i fall . i cant stand for long periods of time long enough to make a meal ,i need to be remeinded to take my pain meds and of any appointments ect as i forget things so much now .. i never used to .0 -
Hi have also had my PIP assessment on the 4th also with Atos, and as yet not received a decision but am expecting to be turned down as well.
Do appeal the decision all the way as I have read about so many cases getting a result on appeal, and I will most certainly appeal mine if it is turned down.
Good luck to you and hopefully you will post here to let us know the outcome.0 -
Ask for a copy of the report and the reasons for the decision, in my case the reason I wasn't awarded any points for mobility was not because of the ATOS assessors judgement but the decision maker at DWP.
As my mobility has since worsened I am now going through the "unplanned intervention" process, so another form to fill in. I did an out of time appeal ( supported by IDS, my Mp) which agreed that I was correctly awarded 8 points for daily living but upped my mobility to 4 points.
Good luck.He did not say you will not be storm tossed, you will not be sore distressed, you will not be work weary. He said you will not be overcome.
Julian of Norwich0 -
i have rang them yesterday morning it has now gone to be re-assessed ..they have asked me to get my GP to send them a letter on how my illnesses/conditions are affecting my daily life ...
when i rang i was put through to a decision maker who then in turn out it forward to be re-done he said that the original decision maker has obviously not taken into account how server the pain is and how it is affecting me .. he did doubble check to make sure the assessors had put all the relevent info down I.E hubby having to help me to the toilet and with dressing .. he did say tis wa on the form but it seems to have been over looked ..
so all in all the decision maker NEVER even contacted any of the health professionals that i had given information for he just had a quick look through and said no ...
i will be asking for a copy of the report and why it was turned down should it be refused again ..0 -
emmaadams wrote:i have rang them yesterday morning it has now gone to be re-assessed ..they have asked me to get my GP to send them a letter on how my illnesses/conditions are affecting my daily life ...
when i rang i was put through to a decision maker who then in turn out it forward to be re-done he said that the original decision maker has obviously not taken into account how server the pain is and how it is affecting me .. he did doubble check to make sure the assessors had put all the relevent info down I.E hubby having to help me to the toilet and with dressing .. he did say tis wa on the form but it seems to have been over looked ..
so all in all the decision maker NEVER even contacted any of the health professionals that i had given information for he just had a quick look through and said no ...
i will be asking for a copy of the report and why it was turned down should it be refused again ..
Did you ever get a positive reconsideration?0 -
It never ceases to amaze me just how many things get "overlooked" on the PIP assessments or with the decision makers. Fight fight fight, I know we should not have to, but they make us jump through hoops to get the least possible amount of help. XX BubblesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
Hi I was refused Pipe last year.So putting up with pain & also being a carer for my husband.To be honest from what I see is yes we need help but you have to be dying on a bed totally unable to walk,eat or do anything before you get anywhere.The whole situation is utterly madness,when we've all paid our tax.And no one can help being ill.It will end up being like Europe with no benefits for anyonev& family's have to look after each other.regards Amanda h0
bubbles wrote:It never ceases to amaze me just how many things get "overlooked" on the PIP assessments or with the decision makers. Fight fight fight, I know we should not have to, but they make us jump through hoops to get the least possible amount of help. XX Bubbles0
Hi Amandah
I completely understand what you are saying, we do have to go through hoops, it has long been a bugbear for me. I would ask for a mandatory reconsideration, after seeing where you did not meet their criteria and for what reasons. I know it is stressful, very stressful. They should have given you a list of reasons why you are not eligible, you can challenge that and another person will re-assess your case.
Make sure you take copies of everything, Drs letters etc, in support of your reconsideration.
X AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Good you appealed and it's good you told them to talk with your GP, mind you can you trust your GP?, I was retired on grounds of ill health in 2012 due to arthritis and associated chronic neuropathic pain and my last GP was all for me putting in for a blue badge to my face but behind my back he scuppered me, it took me 4 years and a new GP and a diagnosis of stomach cancer for me to finally get issued with one this very month.0
Hello petal ,
I also have been refuse pip, i got 6 points for care and 4 for mobility, The main thing for mine was that apparntly i can do my meds and gels also my heat patches myself,, lol this is crap from all the so called point scoring this one i thort wouldnt have been a problem for them at dwp to work out ,as i need reminding to take tablets put gells on and heat patches that my partner has to do for me also 2 20 mins massages each day,, i have read your message and i think its disgusting how they have treated you , like yourself i feel that i should be intited to lower end of pip, I truly hope that you go to tribunal with this , i am altho its only going to be a paper one for me,
good luck hun,0
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