
Hughesl Member Posts: 2
edited 22. Nov 2015, 10:35 in Say Hello Archive
Just joined . Had operation 10 weeks ago after feeling very fed up with severe pain day and night. Always very active and lively and was so happy to go in for a knee operation for pain relief. Was told after it my knee is not in a very good way and more surgery will be needed. But for now going back to work soon hoping so much that I can cope and pain won't return. But have decided to keep positive and any tips will be appreciated


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Welcome to Arthritis Care Forums Hugjesl from the moderation team

    As mods we are here to help with any problems you may have on the message boards.

    There are lots of lovely people here with a wide range of experiences with arthritis and the problems of living with the condition. Just join in wherever you like you will be made very welcome.

    I look forward to seeing you posting on the boards.

    Best wishes

    Mod JK
  • Ladybrown
    Ladybrown Member Posts: 130
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello and welcome! Your experience sounds a little like mine - I had an arthroscopy (which did at least stop the knee from catching so much) and was told that my knee is pretty rubbish and would need further surgery. Don't expect anything too soon but do make sure that you speak to GP about getting a good medication routine if it starts playing up at work.

    Is it osteoarthritis or one of the inflammatory ones? I've got OA in both knees and it's taking a bit of getting used to (using the lifts etc) but still managing to work

    Best of luck
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Hughesl and a warm welcome to the forum,sorry I cant offer any advice, but with that attitude I am sure you will do well..good luck