Feel like I'm falling to bits!

GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
edited 20. May 2016, 18:37 in Living with Arthritis archive
Still having physio on my blasted neck. Physio last week said he thinks I have OA at C2 area which is either compressing the disc between that and the next vertebrae or has made the disc prolapse. Either way the disc is pressing on the nerve, hence all the symptoms I'm having. Some days I can't hold a pen even so life is a challenge! I regularly have electric shocks and pins & needles down my arm, into my hand and into my fingers. All the pads on my fingers are numb and I'm now dropping things at times or am unable to grip with this hand. MRI is 29th May but I'll be ringing regularly to see if they have any cancellations before this as my physio says the MRI is very urgent.

Yesterday I had my right big ingrown toenail sorted out. The podiatrist felt it was best to take both sides of the nail off rather than the whole nail. I went with her recommendation.

The local anaesthetic injections were dreadful as they went into nerves on each side of the toe. :shock: I didn't watch them do this, but instead stared at a very boring ceiling. I came out of the clinic hobbling, on both crutches with sandals on. I spent all of yesterday with my feet up, with bed socks on as I couldn't get anything else on over the huge bandage. Today the bandage was removed and a dressing put on. The podiatrist I saw today was happy with things. I came out of clinic today - still hobbling - and clutching a box of dressings. There are 50 dressings in this box so it looks like I'll be dressing this for quite a while. :!: I go back to clinic in 2 weeks to have this checked. Once the left big toenail is healed I have to go back and have the right big toenail undergo exactly the same treatment. Gulp!

Turn a negative into a positive!


  • Anny
    Anny Member Posts: 13
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Dear Grace

    I'm sorry to hear you are having such a bad time, it's bad enough just contending with the pain. I have RA practically everywhere and have felt the days when i thought I'd never move again. But we do and you will! There will be better times, i know it will never go away but its the way we deal with it that helps.

    I have only recently joined here after years of 'going it alone'. One step forward is believing it won't always be this bad. I hope you get to see someone soon. All the best. X
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh dear, it's one thing after another isn't it, my lovely? I find anything to do with feet very uncomfortable (if only we could hover!) and yes, I reckon this will take a little while to heal so treat it as gently as possible. The only tingling I had was caused by carpal tunnel syndrome and I am very thankful that was sorted by the op; yours sounds horrible. :(

    You will overcome because that is what you do, I'm hoping you are able to take some time off work? How on earth are you managing to get to the clinics? DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    You are still very much under the cosh, Grace, but, as Anny wisely says, things will get better. Just hang on in there.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Grace hun, it is horrid, annoying, irritating and many other expletives that come to mind. You are with many like minded people here on the forum, no one judges or falls out. We are, in the many ways that arthritis shows itself, in the same boat.

    I can totally sympathise with you about the problems with your hands, arms, neck. Loss of sensation etc. I think my Dr called it Radiculopathy - a term I had never come across in my nursing career. I hope they sort out the MRI, cancellations are quite regular with MRI scans, so fingers crossed you will get seen sooner.

    There are several drugs that can be used to help with neuropathy and neuropathic pain. They don't offer a cure, but, along with other pain relief etc, it becomes a little more manageable. Arthritis and the effects is has can lower peoples moods, so often antidepressants are used, in low doses to help. Pain and all that goes with it are very wearing.

    Hope your toe heals soon. They normally heal well and everyone I know, who has had the nail taken off or partially taken off says how much better it is. No more ingrowing, which can turn into infections.

    I can only reiterate what other people have said, things will get easier to deal with. Take care XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Ooh Grace I can only imagine how painful the anesthetic was in your toe there are so many nerves in there..can you not get someone to help with dressing..or can you manage.. the neuropathy from your neck sounds to be quite bad have they given you anything, I take pregablin for mine..and its helps..and heat on my neck before I exercise it..(()) xx
  • GraceB
    GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you all for your lovely replies.

    I've been given Gabapentin for the nerve pain so the daily "roll call" of pain meds is: 3x100mg Gabapentin; 2x100mg slow release Tramadol; max of 4x50mg quick release Tramadol, and 8x500mg paracetamol. Gabapentin helps a bit, but I'm getting more and more episodes of pins & needles, pain and numbness.

    However, good news re the MRI! I rang the MRI appointments line this morning and asked if there'd been a cancellation. I was told yes, a cancellation had arisen for tomorrow (Fri) morning at 8.20am, which I naturally accepted very quickly. That's taken 8 days off the wait for the MRI, which can only be good.

    The toe sadly is causing issues. I've had to change the dressing twice today as it's soaked through both times. The area around the nail is red, inflamed and there's a fair amount of pus; more than I'd expect to see. I'll dress it again tomorrow morning before the MRI and if it's worse or no better, then once I'm finished with the MRI I'll go to Minor Injuries (I rang my surgery today to see if there were any nurse appts tomorrow, but naturally there's nothing. Won't be able to get GP appt tomorrow as you have to be constantly on the phone for about 25 minutes from 8am and - if you are lucky - you get an appt. I'll either be in the MRI section or on my way and by the time I'll be clear all the appts will be gone). Naturally I'm hoping it'll improve overnight.

    Turn a negative into a positive!
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    So glad that you managed to get a cancellation. Those vibes must have worked on their bookings. :D

    That is a fair cocktail of drugs Grace. Many of us take similar, more, or less, in varying doses, patches, etc. Sometimes is really is a game of trial and not so much error, but just getting the right medication to the right level, to dull any pain. Pain killers is always a bit of an overrated term, as the adverts would have you believe, "targeting pain at the source", nah, don't work like that. :roll:

    I am not being Dr, (I was a nurse though :D), but it sounds a bit like cervical spondylosis, possibly with bone spurs, or osteophytes. I have them too. An ortho surgeon said all the symptoms were due to the damage in my cervical spine :roll: Let's hope you get the results as soon as possible.

    Good idea to go to minor injuries, if your toe is weeping, with a discharge evident, then best to see someone, as antibiotics might well be needed.

    Take care and keep us posted. XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • GraceB
    GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    MRI was done although this was in a mobile unit so I had a challenge of getting into the unit! I could have gone on the lift but, to be honest, I didn't like the look of it, so I took each step one at a time and got there eventually. Took me ages but I got into the unit! The results will be with my GP in two weeks' time so I've got a reminder set to ring my GP at the appropriate time.

    When I got back to the car after the MRI I rang the surgery and to my surprise not only got through practically straight away but actually got an appointment! :shock: I saw the GP who took careful notes of the dates of when I had the nail surgery, had a quick peep at the nail as I carefully and slowly peeled a bit of the dressing back. (She didn't seem too keen to get too close I have to say). She confirmed the nail is infected so I'm now on antibiotics. I'd hoped I'd be told the inflammation was part of the healing process, but never mind. She advised me to wash the nail in salt-water (amazing really how this is still recommended even after all these years!) and change the dressing when it gets mucky.

    I managed to have a shower tonight; rather difficult standing on one leg (especially when that's the leg with the TKR) but after my quick shower I checked the dressing and it was still dry! I had to change the dressing anyway so got the salt water out. I'm now hoping the antibiotics make a difference before I go back to work on Monday.

    Turn a negative into a positive!
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    You did well, not only getting into the mobile unit, but then to see the Dr. Glad you have some antibiotics to sort out the infection. Saline is still one of the best cleansers, from the dawn of time. You can get a special foot bag, that has a tight collar on it, so you can shower as normal and your foot stays dry. I forget what it is called, but the Dr can prescribe one. I have one, I cannot get it on without OH doing the job for me, but it is excellent for keeping things dry. Re-useable and strong.
    I am sure the AB's will do their job and start working over the week end.

    Take care XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).