PIP Refusal

b2syo Member Posts: 18
I recently had my decision back from my claim to PIP. I was refused PIP despite being practically housebound for months with the flare up I had.
I was refused the mobility component because I walked from the car park to the assessment centre (holding on to my boyfriend the entire time and hardly a long distance I'd like to add). I also said that on a good day (which I made clear was very rare) I could walk in constant pain for about ten minutes slowly. The decision maker took this to mean that I could do this all the time.
As for the living component. I was awarded 0 points for preparing meals because (I wish I was joking/exaggerating on this) I was "observed to sign a document without apparent difficulty". How scribbling your name on a piece of paper means you can cook is beyond me, but they recon if you can hold a pen you can hold anything.
I was awarded 0 points for dressing, because I put a coat on at the end of the assessment "without difficulty".
The fact that I was observed to be"well groomed, casually dressed, nourished" for my assessment was mentioned as a reason why I could not qualify. It was also stated that I was not "seen to be in pain" during the assessment despite the fact that I was and didn't broadcast it.
Oh and possibly what annoys me the most is that the decision maker put the wrong type of arthritis on my form, it's like he didn't read any of the evidence.
The lady who carried out my assessment didn't do a full physical examination because in her words it was obvious what was wrong with me, my angry red swollen joints could be seen a mile off. Yet this isn't mentioned, none of the things we discussed are mentioned. Reading the reasons why I was refused makes me feel that the assessment was just a series of traps to throw in my face later.
It's horrendous that if I had known how to play the system I could turn up in my pyjamas, unwashed and unkept, complained the entire time and refuse to do anything then maybe I would have got something. Instead I tried to maintain some dignity, answer truthfully and not put on an act. I have do doubt that if the woman who had done the assessment was the decision maker I would be receiving PIP. No wonder the government complains about benefit fraud, the system actively rewards jumping through hoops and putting on a show, while genuine claimants are left without anything. Disgusting.
Sorry about the rant people, it's not here to scare anyone just to highlight how broken the benefits system is and the traps to look out for if you want to be taken seriously.


  • FenTiger
    FenTiger Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    May I suggest you try the BenefitsandWork website. Lots of information kn there. I now have A PIP form to complete whicb fills me with dread. Goof luck.
  • Popsmith1874
    Popsmith1874 Member Posts: 29
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi there the first thing you need to do is appeal and take it from there, I've just started a new Bisomars Benepali and when the Health at Home care nurse care came to examine me she was saying that 2 off her pals were essesors and they resigned after a week because they were honest girls and were embarrassed after being told by they're bosses to fail patients who in some cases could hardly walk and were in a great deal off distress, so that's what your up against
  • nonaproxin
    nonaproxin Member Posts: 53
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    b2syo wrote:
    I recently had my decision back from my claim to PIP. I was refused PIP despite being practically housebound for months with the flare up I had.
    I was refused the mobility component because I walked from the car park to the assessment centre (holding on to my boyfriend the entire time and hardly a long distance I'd like to add). I also said that on a good day (which I made clear was very rare) I could walk in constant pain for about ten minutes slowly. The decision maker took this to mean that I could do this all the time.
    As for the living component. I was awarded 0 points for preparing meals because (I wish I was joking/exaggerating on this) I was "observed to sign a document without apparent difficulty". How scribbling your name on a piece of paper means you can cook is beyond me, but they recon if you can hold a pen you can hold anything.
    I was awarded 0 points for dressing, because I put a coat on at the end of the assessment "without difficulty".
    The fact that I was observed to be"well groomed, casually dressed, nourished" for my assessment was mentioned as a reason why I could not qualify. It was also stated that I was not "seen to be in pain" during the assessment despite the fact that I was and didn't broadcast it.
    Oh and possibly what annoys me the most is that the decision maker put the wrong type of arthritis on my form, it's like he didn't read any of the evidence.
    The lady who carried out my assessment didn't do a full physical examination because in her words it was obvious what was wrong with me, my angry red swollen joints could be seen a mile off. Yet this isn't mentioned, none of the things we discussed are mentioned. Reading the reasons why I was refused makes me feel that the assessment was just a series of traps to throw in my face later.
    It's horrendous that if I had known how to play the system I could turn up in my pyjamas, unwashed and unkept, complained the entire time and refuse to do anything then maybe I would have got something. Instead I tried to maintain some dignity, answer truthfully and not put on an act. I have do doubt that if the woman who had done the assessment was the decision maker I would be receiving PIP. No wonder the government complains about benefit fraud, the system actively rewards jumping through hoops and putting on a show, while genuine claimants are left without anything. Disgusting.
    Sorry about the rant people, it's not here to scare anyone just to highlight how broken the benefits system is and the traps to look out for if you want to be taken seriously.
    ..Sorry to hear about your assessment ordeal...Can I ask...Did you submit any supporting documents from Hospital or GP...Some of the stories you hear are truly shocking...And the decisions made totally unfair..I had a similar experience..But appealed..And got some help from welfare rights ..Who accompanied me to the appeal..It was overturned within minutes..And I was awarded DLA...So do not give up //THAT'S WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO DO...
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yes don't give up appeal.
  • Kazziwaz
    Kazziwaz Member Posts: 35
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I recently appealed and had a decision change, I submitted a letter of support from my consultant.
    My assessor suggested that PSA AND RA were basically the same!

    Definitely appeal!! Good luck
  • Ryedaledigger
    Ryedaledigger Member Posts: 24
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi I am going though the PIPs also had my assessment and received a knock back on two points on my DLA care so I appealed and a no change reply came back. I am now going to a Tribunal in Court but this time I am bringing ammunition, a letter from my GP, a letter from my Consultant, a letter from my Psychologist plus a brilliant support worker. All this is going to cost a lot of money with the court to pay plus the Judge, Solicitor and Doctor all picked up by the DWP, crazy. I was told that the assessor would be a "health professional" but when I asked if they were a nurse, doctor or care worker no the were health assessors with no medical training, weird that!!! So any one who is going to a assessment take that day as your worst day, wheelchair if unable to walk, don't smile, take all letters you can get and most important think before you answer any questions. If you can get a professional supporter to come with you get one. All the best of look and fire all your bullets. Ryedaledigger
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    oh do appeal. It makes my blood boil.

    the system has gone to pot and no denying. I feel for you, it really is SO stressful, from beginning to end. Ask for a mandatory reconsideration, that way, all your case and evidence from GP Consultants, etc, will go to a completely different decision maker. Make sure you emphasize every point where the "medical assessor" has made a blatant error and put them to rights.

    Take copies of everything and anything. I was refused both a blue badge, then Incapacity benefit, both of which I appealed and won, then they decided I was not eligible for DLA and or Mobility. Well, I had Drs come to the house, forms by the score, a GP and a Consultant who were absolutely fuming - anyway, big do's and little do's, I asked for a mandatory reconsideration as I wished to go to full appeal. I had a letter back, within a week, yes, within a week, to say that I had met the criteria and the appeal process would end there.
    Holding a pen, does not count as being able to prepare a meal from scratch, oh my, I could swear................... :x :x

    So, don't give up, they want us to give up, but, we have to fight, ask your CAB, talk to the Helpline on here and your MP, anyone who can support your corner.

    Please let us know how things progress to a successful outcome. Take care - Aidan xx
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).