Occupational Health meeting & meeting with manager

nearlybionic Member Posts: 1,899
I have a big day next Monday. I am seeing Occupational Health at 9.00am and my new manager at 2pm the same day. I had ALIF ( spinal surgery) in October and due to my other health problems/falls/ car accident all in the a 12 month period I am already on half pay from work. There is also a lot of restructuring about to take place in our organisation which will mean job losses and/or redeployment.
I am not pain free, and still have mobility issues , but this is probably as good as it gets for me. So I am probably going to be offered a phased return starting later next week. We need me to go back for financial reasons, and I am scared that if I stay off I will be the first to be put forward for redeployment which will mean a drop in pay. My new manager has said I need to convince her of why I need /require certain equipment for my job, that I know will make my working life easier , as she has said she could relocate me rather than let me go back to my previous role with the equipment that OH has previously recommended me. I know OH recommendations are just that- recommendations, but feel that she is singling me out. I have thought about how to approach this issue without causing an argument. I don`t really want to go to a new base where I will have to get used to new people who do not know my health issues/disabilities.
I have decided that I will give it my best try at going back to my current role, but am thinking that if I can`t cope without it affecting my health/pain I will think about ill health retirement.
I have started with insomnia as I am worrying about next week. I wish I could put it off but it needs to be faced!


  • daffy2
    daffy2 Member Posts: 1,636
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    What a worrying time for you NB.Going back after all that would have been a challenge at the best of times but the uncertainty at work doesn't make things any easier. Restructuring makes everyone edgy - I well remember the cloud of gloom caused a year ago where I work, and how it affected even those whose jobs weren't under scrutiny. I imagine that your new manager will have to justify any decisions made about you to those higher up, hence her wanting you to make the case for the adapted original role option rather than relocation/re-deployment. I do hope that everything goes as well as it can for you next week, and this will be a genuine attempt on their part rather than going through the motions for legal reasons.
  • nearlybionic
    nearlybionic Member Posts: 1,899
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Daffy,
    I am not sure what alternative roles I would be able to physically do to be honest, and do not want to go down a pay band as it will affect my pension! This stress does not help my pain tolerance!!
  • daffy2
    daffy2 Member Posts: 1,636
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    It's harder when you are dealing with 'what if' and other unknowns isn't it?
    Have you worked through the effects of different 'options' so that you have some figures. I was wondering for instance whether the effect on pension due to a lower payband could be offset by being able to stay in work longer in a less challenging role? Do you know what effect the changes in state pension have had on your situation and what other financial help might be available if you have to go down the ill-health retirement route?
    Apologies if you have already done this, but I find it helps me if I work through worst case and other scenarios(I'm something of a pessimist by nature in any case!), and have facts and figures, as more often than not things work out better, but if not at least I'm prepared and know what needs to be done.
  • Slosh
    Slosh Member Posts: 3,194
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Apologies if you have already done this but the two things that spring to mind are to request an Access to Work assessment and then to contact your union for advice and support.

    I had some work problems a year or so ago but found the advice and support of my union invaluable and I had already had an Access to work assessment which was helpful.

    Also ask your union about applying for "Flexible working ", this is a legal entitlement to request a reduction in working hours, you do need to follow certain guidelines in terms of your application, times etc but if you do decide to go down this route as long as you meet the criteria for disability the bar is set higher when it comes to refusing you.
    He did not say you will not be storm tossed, you will not be sore distressed, you will not be work weary. He said you will not be overcome.
    Julian of Norwich
  • nearlybionic
    nearlybionic Member Posts: 1,899
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Daffy- I had a pension forecast ( my work pension) about 18 months back. If I decide to try ill health route I will ask for an up to date one. I am not eligible for my state pension for nearly 20 years! So maybe they will have abolished it altogether by then! :lol:
    There is a lot to consider though.

    Slosh- I had an Access to Work assessment in 2010 and had a lot of aids/equipment then. My OH nurse has said in past it needs to be reviewed but my employer says she looked into it last year and was told we couldn`t do it again? Not sure if this is right but I will ask again. I work part time ( well 30 hrs/ 4 days) but again due to finances can`t really afford to cut my hour/wage.
    Thank you for your replies as it is giving me things to think about to discuss next week.
  • daffy2
    daffy2 Member Posts: 1,636
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am not eligible for my state pension for nearly 20 years! So maybe they will have abolished it altogether by then!
    Sorry NB I realised too late that you are a good bit younger than me. As you say who knows?! I did try planning for my future as a pensioner, but then the govt powers that be started doing sneaky things with my pension age, years worth of NI contributions etc, and now I can't get any sensible/credible info about what I might get in 4(possibly) years time, so have decided not to bother. "Sufficient unto the day" - I did my best, they changed the goalposts too many times. The advent of galloping OA and other problems has added another layer of uncertainty which again I can do nothing about so I've put it all to one side and am concentrating on the here and now.