"NHS"musculoskeletal physiotherapy

mmags Member Posts: 3
edited 3. Mar 2017, 20:09 in Say Hello Archive

My name is Margaret I am 58 years old

A "NHS"musculoskeletal physiotherapy said I have osteoarthritis in my spine .
(I have a slip disk for last 10 years ) :sun:
I never went back to 2nd appointment as I wanted to be referred to pain clinic .
She just wanted me to do exercise.

Am assuming now she diagnosed osteoarthritis because my back was doing a lot of " clicking sound" she could hear it click!

I have been told a physiotherapy can not diagnose Osteoarthritis?

Now year after that first appointment pain is getting worse feels like I have a crashing feeling in my back in the morning, also wake me up during the night.

So went back to doctor now am seeing another physiotherapist who want me to see a physiotherapist at the gym.
(I am going)
So I thought I may as well join a health club near me have been doing Aqua aerobics classes.

But I am confused as in , is my pain coming from my slip disk which pain runs down my right let leg.
Is the pain in my middle back from the Osteoarthritis
I am finding standing longer then 2 hours makes my pain in back worse during the night, waking up all hours of the night with pain in back .
I asked doctor to give me Amitriptyline. As I read its good for nerve pain . Doctor gave 10mg.
Which makes me sleepy in the mornings , while pain is digging into my back. I feel to sleepy to get up! :o

(Sorry I have gone on so much about all this )

How is Osteoarthritis diagnosed ?


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello mmags
    welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear you have been having problems with your back. We do have lots of useful information on osteoarthritis here https://www.arthritiscare.org.uk/do-i-have-arthritis/a-z-of-types/62-osteoarthritis
    including a booklet that you can download here. https://www.arthritiscare.org.uk/do-i-have-arthritis/publications/223-living-with-osteoarthritis
    It would normally be your GP who would diagnose and manage your osteoarthritis. It would be best to ask him/her about the pain down your right leg and the pain in your back. He may be able to send you for some further investigations. Keeping as fit and mobile as possible is certainly a good thing to do.

    I am sure some of our members will be able to share their experiences with you too. Please keep us up to date with how you are getting on and if you would like to ask more questions it is best to post in the "living with arthritis" forum now you have said hello as most people visit that forum
    Best Wishes
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Margaret and welcome from me too. You are not 'going on'. You are worried which is quite natural especially when you're unsure of your diagnosis.

    Physiotherapists shouldn't really diagnose but they do acquire a fair bit of expertise over the years so some do occasionally.

    I think you're still wondering whether you have osteoarthritis (OA) or a slipped disc. The bad news is you possibly have both. These things aren't mutually exclusive. I have both RA and OA though my back is quite good.

    Well done on the physiotherapy front. Exercise does help as it keeps our muscles strong so that they support the joints. That means less pain. However, I'm not sure, from what you write, if it's just the gym sessions that your physiotherapist recommended or if that included the aqua aerobics too. If not I think you should point out your back problems to the aqua aerobics teacher just to make sure they're the right exercises for you.

    Unfortunately, we are not medical professionals and can't diagnose where your pain is coming from. It seems to me, though, that you're doing the right things wherever it originates. Exercise and pain relief are both good. Also a healthy diet and keeping our weight down helps too. A new bed, or at least a new mattress might help. I think we're supposed to change our beds every 10-12 years.

    I don't take amitriptylene myself but I know others have sleepiness in the mornings when taking it so they take it earlier in the evening – around 6-8pm I think, though I'm not sure – and that way they're not so drowsy in the mornings.

    Here is a link to Arthritis Research UK which tells how OA is diagnosed.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • mmags
    mmags Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you both for getting back to me, also for the links.
    Shall be clicking to have a look

    I think you're still wondering whether you have osteoarthritis (OA) or a slipped disc. The bad news is you possibly have both. T

    Yes both!

    Sorry I should of said I had an MRI scan that showed a slip disk (L4, L5)" bulging disk" I think its called.
    Which is pressing on the siatica nerve which runs down the right side of my leg into my right foot .
    So to be told I also have (OA ) in my Spine
    Just made me wonder is that why the pain is now radeating or feeling more intense in my middle part of my back, during the night in the morning.
    I did have an X-ray on a lump on the bone of my thump, which I must of damage at one pint in my life.
    Can not remember the technical Terms they used to explain , that I now have Arthritis in my thump

    Yes I told aqua aerobics teacher about my slip disk, but can not bring myself to also talk about the OA in my Spine .

    I also done a Pilates class . Order the book about Pilates Anatomy
    Pilates classes was amazing in learning the breathing.
    Learning the stomach is the core stength of the back!
    Is helping with my Pain.

    I have loads quations shall ask "living with arthritis"