Arthritis since 4 years old, now 30. Hoping to help!

rickyoleary Member Posts: 3
edited 13. Mar 2017, 07:17 in Say Hello Archive
Hi all,

My story is very long, but I'll keep it brief.

I've had arthritis since I was 4. I've suffered very badly with arthritis in my life, on and off, but it's currently under control with methotrexate and Humira.

I have an awful lot of experience living with arthritis and personally think I should do more to give back to the community and share advice and hopefully help anyone I can.

Feel free to PM me if you ever fancy a chat, in the mean time I look forward to working my way through threads and trying to help as much as I can.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Welcome to the forum -

    You have already helped many members - you have shown it's possible to get arthritis under control!

    The forum, by its nature, is somewhere where those starting a journey with arthritis as a hanger-on visit, those who are struggling to get control of symptoms visit and those who are now unable to get symptom free even with the drugs available reside.

    By far the biggest bunch are those who have meds that keep arthritis at bay - they are out there living their lives able to largely forget they have arthritis.

    So thanks for coming in to share that with us.

    I'm sure you will find lots of ways you can help others, here's a link to volunteering opportunities with Arthritis Care - you could even become a forum moderator!

    Take care
    Yvonne x
  • Dlwilson
    Dlwilson Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi I have a similar story. I had juvenile chronic arthritis since I was about 8 years old. It went into remission when I was 24, I turned 37 recently.
    Since October last year my life has been turned upside down with this disease. I found out I had a bad case of scleritis, thankfully eye hospital were great and still got my sight. I never knew your eyes could be effected due to having arthritis. My other joints have gone haywire and saw a rheumatologist beginnihg of march. Im now on methotrexate and steriods. But unfortunately steriods dont seem to taking away pain and inflammation from my elbow. Good news is that my eye pain has almost gone.
    I have two children, thankfully I had them when I was healthy. I feel so frustrated and tired. I am missing my life I had only 6 months ago. Any advice would greatly appreciated.
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Ricky. What a kind thought! Just join in anywhere on any thread. Experience is good but so is just sympathy and empathy. I hope to see you around.

    Hi Debs. I'm sorry you've had a tough time of it recently. Yes, I know RA can affect many organs as well as the joints. I've been lucky and got away with it – so far.

    Steroids work well for some people: less so for others. How long have you been on methotrexate? It can take up to three months to kick in properly and fatigue is a normal part of living with arthritis. It's also a normal part of motherhood. I combined the two (I had my sons when I was 9yrs and 12yrs into RA) and it was certainly difficult. But we all survived and they're now grown up with sons of their own. In fact, I'm off to Los Angeles tomorrow to visit one of them :D Things do get better. 'Adapt and survive' is my motto. Good luck!
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright