Carer with Arthitis & also Caree

18amandah Member Posts: 43
edited 12. Mar 2017, 13:24 in Living with Arthritis archive
Good afternoon, Hope everyone is having a peaceful weekend. I am a carer with Arthritis & a failed Hip replacement as I did not have proper after care. With in days I was back to normal although really struggling. My ( Husband) is also Disabled also with Arthritis also & severely sighted in both eyes. Non of my Family believe that I have a problem. I am also putting myself before other people. I sometimes cry myself to sleep. I live for Reflexology every other week. I would love to have a mini break somewhere with my Husband with a spa pool but that will have to wait. I did apply for pips and was turned down. Its not worth all the stress I went through . I suffer with Anxiety as well. We dont really have much support. Even my local carers group will be no longer from next month. As neither of us drive its not easy for us. I refuse to put my Husband into care as he will NOT go. I would like to hear from others in surrey or Hampshire. Thank-you regards Amandah Ps sorry for the rant