Well, it isn't PMR!

hippy Member Posts: 55
edited 12. May 2017, 05:24 in Living with Arthritis archive
Saw the rheumatologist today, or rather, the registrar. It was rather an unsatisfactory appointment in a way, but in another, not. He said that he does not think I have PMR, which I agreed with.....and this is a good thing. I am pleased about that. However, he says he does not know what is causing my pain, nor how to treat it. I have a "little crunching" in my knees and possibly granulation (I think that is what he said :? ) but that was to be expected in a woman of my age. :shock:
He is going to recommend to my my GP that I am referred to a pain clinic, which is also good (I think!) but he completed that with saying "Which might help....but it might not"

I am so cross at myself though. :x I get quite anxious at times and because of this, I thought I was well organised by writing out the problems I was having and a short diary. I forgot to write questions down though! So I didn't ask "Why if it is not PMR, did I respond to steroids so quickly?" or "How much of a bearing would you say my weight has?" or even "Could the medication I am already on be contributing?" I just got all flustered.

So, in short. I am not much further forward! On the bright side however.....the pain has actually been not too bad the last few days! Maybe.....just maybe.....the problem has gone....or is going! That would be good :) Or maybe I have had a flare up and now I am not!

Lastly, he did say that sometimes it is difficult to say what the problem is unless you are having an active flare up and as I said, it has actually been not too bad the last few days. So, if I wish, I can ask my GP to re refer me and they will try to fit me in quickly.

For the moment, just to keep on trying to walk even a little bit each day.


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Leaving the door open to another appointment is always good.

    I'm sorry you don't seem to have an answer but I do personally like honesty in my docs. If you'd mentioned the steroids it might not have made any difference. Or maybe the steroids helped your other condition. The body is a weird machine. (Well, mine is :lol:) There are often unforeseen knock-on effects, both good and bad.

    I do hope things are, indeed, looking up for you and you won't need to re-refer.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • hippy
    hippy Member Posts: 55
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yeah SW, you are right. Having had a wee bit time to process it, I am actually thinking the appointment wasn't too bad. He didn't prescribe any drugs that might not be necessary, he was honest and he actually managed me being anxious, quite well. It isn't PMR and for that I am glad. He also said there were no real indicators of RA.
    He was quite thorough in his examination. He even noticed thickened skin on one of my fingers....but I was able to tell him it is because I pick at it. A childhood habit I have retained!

    Like I said, the pain has not been too bad. Maybe it has ended....I can but hope.

    Also, I completely forgot until today when he was asking me questions. ...when I was a teenager, I was diagnosed as having arthralgia. There was no clear cause and it only lasted a short time. It is quite some time since I was a teenager but maybe this last few months has been something similar. .... I don't know. ...again, I can but hope!
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh hippy I do feel for you..I have done the round of the rheumy's and one doesn't agree with the other so I plod on..I have had PMR fibro..and a couple of other things..after finding my childhood files ..it seem to stem form there..good luck with your next appointment..hope they can give you some answers