Codeine no longer effective so what next?

JenniferB27 Member Posts: 74
edited 9. Aug 2017, 13:08 in Living with Arthritis archive
Can anyone tell me if they found codeine effective in pain relief and if not what was the next medication for pain relief you were prescribed? Had a pain running down my outer right leg and discomfort in lower back off and on for a while seems to be getting progressively worse. I have OA in knees and thumbs so tried the codeine I had but it didn't relieve the pain. Codeine makes me feel sick as well.


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    It's a bit of a horses for courses thing with pain relief. What suits one doesn't suit another. Unfortunately, many stomachs dislike a lot of them. Perhaps you could mention this to your GP as (s)he might want to prescribe something to help your stomach.

    I guess one of the 'next things up' is tramadol. It's a bit of a marmite pill ie some love it and some hate it. I'm in the latter category. That really does mess with my stomach. The stronger the pain relief the more likely you are to feel spaced out but you might be able to juggle things so that you only take them when it doesn't matter.

    Can you take anti-inflammatories? Maybe one of them might help.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • trepolpen
    trepolpen Member Posts: 504
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    painkillers work well for some things like headaches but pretty bad with arthritis & nerve pain & alot of RA people dont take anything ,

    you could try anti-inflammatories & paracetamol & some of us do take stronger pain-killers , & there is some that they give out for nerve pain like pregabalin

    talk to your GP , try to think of pain as your freind & telling you when you need to rest , we tend to get use to pain-killers & keep wanting stronger & stronger ones
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jennifer

    I am sorry to hear you are suffering and that codeine hasn't helped and also made you feel sick.

    There are many painkillers which might be suitable for you to try for your arthritis and it wouldn't be appropriate for anyone to recommend a particular medication to you. It is definitely best for you to speak to your GP about your own pain and how codeine was for you.

    It might be helpful for you to have a read of Arthritis Care's information about medication for arthritis so you feel equipped for the conversation:

    Best of luck and please do let us know how you get on.

  • JenniferB27
    JenniferB27 Member Posts: 74
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks everyone. Have been diagnosed with sciatica. Been told to persevere with codeine and also given naproxen. Just wanted people's experience so I knew what to expect, I know it's not appropriate to recommend certain drugs as everyone is different. Guess the pain is just something I will get used to and power through it! As my boss says!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    I very much hope the addition of naproxen is enough to help you with your sciatica, which I know can be very painful. I have experienced it myself.

    If not though, you may need to go back again to the Dr, it's definitely not always possible to power through some pain!

    Best of luck

  • TheLordFlasheart
    TheLordFlasheart Member Posts: 302
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    There's not much I can add to what has already been said, but can chip in what i've experienced with my OA on my left knee.

    I sarted on codine and naproxen, later been given omeprazole to protect my stomach from the naproxen. But lately I have found these to be less effective, so I referred myself to a pain management clinic, and was put on 7 day moprphine patches. These do help me manage by making my pain more managleable.

    I have been fortunate in not hapving any side effects, but a work colleague who also has OA in her knee can only take paracetamol.

    It might be worth seeing if you can get referred to a pain management clininc via you're GP (if there is one in your area).

    Keep us updated

    "Stoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast"
  • JenniferB27
    JenniferB27 Member Posts: 74
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks again everyone! Slight relief so hope this passes although I really shouldn't read up on symptoms as I'm convinced I have Ankylosing Spondylosis! Oh dear lol
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,873
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jennifer :)

    I have tried so many painkillers I can't tell you! I have had diazepam to relax muscles and amitriptyline, both have the effect of helping you sleep.

    Brufen anti-inflam' for many years, but now I can't take so take arcoxia instead.

    Gabapentin for nerve pain (an epilepsy drug) which did nothing even though I got up to 3600mg/day.

    Codeine, co-dydramol and yes tramadol gosh I cannot remember them all!

    At the moment I am on pain patches, but that was via many other tries and years :roll: The advantage of them is that, once you have done the first day, the level of the medication stays stable in you. No wooziness due to a 'hit' of the stuff and no desperation when the does is due.

    Many other meds are available slow release too though so you don't have to go there straight away.

    Then there is physio, hydrotherapy and acupuncture.

    Other things like wheat-bags and ice packs and tens machines too.

    I would advise against reading too much online I does tend to terrify us!! If you genuinely suspect AS you ought to mention it next time you see your Dr so it can be checked.

    If you do look on line I tend to stick to reputable sites Here/ARUK or NHS for instance.

    Take care Jennifer and I hope things improve for you very soon :)


    Toni xxx
  • JenniferB27
    JenniferB27 Member Posts: 74
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you very much Toni xxx