That was a close one!

GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
edited 19. Aug 2017, 04:25 in Community Chit-chat archive
As you know I've been a target member at Slimming World since 28.12.16. I started my weight loss journey 31.08.15 and in total lost 5stones 1.5lbs to get to target.

Recently I've been hovering around 2.5/3lbs under target (3lbs is the lowest point of the target range permitted). Last Friday when I weighed in I'd put on 2.5lbs in 2 weeks! :roll: I have to admit I wasn't surprised. My jeans belt was a little tighter and I'd been eating too many biscuits. I'd also in those 2 weeks had a fruit scone, not once but twice! Plus (yes, it does get worse), I'd been taken out for Sunday lunch by my lovely neighbour Maureen. I didn't eat the stuffing but I so enjoyed those 3 roast potatoes and that huge, massive, Yorkshire pudding. Also I'd had a few too many skinny lattes in those 2 weeks. So, all in all those 2.5lbs were my own fault. :oops:

I weighed in this morning at class and 1lb has gone. Last week I've reduced my biscuit consumption vastly, took out the extra "B" allowance (bread, etc.,) and made sure I stuck to the plan.

After all my had work getting the weight off during those 16 months, I promised myself it wouldn't go back on. This has been a very timely reminder and a salutary lesson for me as it shows how easily I could slip back into bad habits.

I'm due to go away to my friend Deb in Cambridgeshire next Friday so won't be able to weigh in. But I intend to have another good week so that during my weekend away I can have my cooked Sunday breakfast (including a cooked sausage and a couple of fried eggs) and a few treats.

So, as I say, a very salutary lesson for me and a good reminder that sensible, healthy eating is the way I need to live my life. If I have treats in the future they'll be more spread out so I can still enjoy them now and again.

Turn a negative into a positive!


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Scary eh Grace :shock: :shock: :shock: That was close how easily could you have got back on the slippery slope :shock:

    I think you've pulled it back quickly and effectively and now you will keep a close eye on treats Bs etc.

    You have lost an amazing amount of weight and no way will you let that go to waste.

    You will enjoy your break in Cambridgeshire and eat well, but not gain.

    Keep it up Grace :)


    Toni xxx
  • GraceB
    GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Toni. I've heard of people slipping completely and piling all the weight back on and having to start again. I don't want to do that.

    I spent a lot of money weighing in all that time and don't want to stay paying again (you can tell my distant forebears were Scottish can't you!). Plus, my wardrobe has completely been revamped and the only "bigger" clothes I still possess are the clothes I wore when I weighed in at the start. That was deliberate as I thought if I was tempted to stray I'd put them on, pull them out to their biggest and stand in front of the mirror. This particularly "delightful" - not - outfit is in the drawer under my bed. Getting rid of everything else meant I couldn't "grow back into them". :lol:

    And yes, thank you I will enjoy seeing my friends. They know I eat healthily, Deb is a vegetarian and her Husband had a quadruple bypass in 2014 so also has to eat healthily. I'll take plenty of fruit with me for snacking in case I get tempted.

    Turn a negative into a positive!
  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,468
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hey GB you're doing well, a few hiccups along the way don't mean defeat.