Hello i'm a newbie

di56 Member Posts: 2
edited 23. Sep 2017, 14:57 in Say Hello Archive
Hello, my name is Diane, i am 61 feeling alot older right now. I have been living with advanced oestoarthritis of the hip for many years, but recently it has worsened to the point that pain killers have little effect and my GP won't prescribed anything stronger, which makes everyday living very difficult,i thought i would join this forum so i can talk with those who know what it is like to live with arthritis, and i look forward to reading other members stories,expieriences and views.

Hello Diane and a very warm welcome. You have certainly come to the right place for support. I was sad to read that you are struggling with the pain and that you are finding it difficult with your everyday living. If you look to the top of this page you will see "Living with Arthritis" this section has a host of information from managing pain, eating healthy to exercise & arthritis. Please do search through it for tips and ideas and support. You will also receive lots of support and ideas from members of the forums.

with love

Denise XX


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Diane and welcome from me too.

    I've had both hips and knees replaced but my OA started as a result of years of RA. Pain really can get us down at times and seem to dominate our lives. You have some excellent advice there from Denise - eating healthily, exercising the affected joints to keep muscles strong and supportive all help.

    Pain relief can still be necessary though. What are you taking? I tend to keep mine as low as possible and, if I feel it's not working, I don't see the point in taking it. I use distraction as a first resort - just do anything to take my mind off it. Sometimes this means boring housework or, if stuff's really bad, nicer things - basically anything that I can get really absorbed in.

    If your arthritis is advanced has no-one ever suggested a replacement? Mine have been brilliant.

    Please feel free to join us on any thread on any forum. Living With Arthritis and Chit Chat are the most popular ones. It can be really good just to talk to others who understand what it's like living with arthritis.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,791
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh Diane

    Welcome to the forums form me everyone on here is very helpful and supportive.

    You do sound to be struggling and in a lot of pain :(

    Have you had anything other than pain meds for your hip? Physiotherapy or hydrotherapy for instance or referral to pain clinic or to see and orthopaedic surgeon to see if surgery is an option?

    If you are ready to brave seeing the Dr again I suggest taking someone with you to support you. Them being there makes me feel less likely to be fobbed off and also they can remind me what was said!!


    Toni xx
  • Lady3106
    Lady3106 Member Posts: 17
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Diane. I too am new to the forum and am glad to find such a supportive understanding community. Sorry to hear you are in so much pain. I agree with previous comment go back to Dr or ask to see someone different in practice and take someone with you. I would like to think they could give you something that would make life more comfortable. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on!