Another Newbie

LindaM Member Posts: 3
edited 27. Oct 2017, 03:49 in Say Hello Archive

I've just found this forum and wish I had found it sooner. i was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis in June and have been on Methotrexate since then. I started on 15mg but had to have this increased to 20mg. Its still not working so I'm due to start injectable Methotrexate in the next few weeks. I'm just had my third steroid injection. The second one was brilliant but I'm still in a lot of pain after this one. Feeling very tired and down about the whole thing. I work full time and have two teenage sons who both seem to be going through difficult periods. My husband is very supportive but I feel like I'm letting him down. I'm usually not so downbeat just seem to be in a bit of black fog at the moment. Reading through some of the other posts though has made me feel that I'm not so alone. My doctors have suggested additional medication to the Methotrexate but I don't want to be taking a cocktail of pills with even more side effects. I would like to try and improve my condition by diet but at a bit of a loss to know where to start. Can anyone advise what works for them?
Thank you.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Linda M, welcome to Arthritis Care Forums. I am sorry to hear about your difficulties.

    As mods we are here to help you with any problems you may have using the forums.

    In regards to Methotrexate, I hope this factsheet helps, Plus, here is a factsheet about psoriatic Arthritis

    Please try not to worry about letting people down as you are not doing so. Having arthritis has a massive impact to your life, as I know, so take care to look after yourself and discuss any issues you have with your family, as they just might not know what to do. Having a full time job and two teenagers is difficult at the best of time, let alone when you have medical issues. You sound to me a very brave lady and I truly hope this forum helps to bring your bubbly self back out again.

    There are many lovely people who use the forums with a wide range of experiences. Have a good look through the different forums and pick the ones you feel are best for the information you seek. The most popular forum is Living with Arthritis.

    If the above links don't help and you need more specific information, you can always contact our Helpline at: or phone them on 0333 336 5509.

    I look forward to seeing you posting in the forums.

    Best wishes,

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,787
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Linda

    Welcome to the forums from me too.

    Don't feel bad letting off steam here we all do it and I am not a all surprised that you are feeling down ATM it's really early days after your diagnosis. I thought my life was over initially I was so upset. Wouldn't plan anything incase I couldn't do it....wouldn't stop thinking about it and annoying friends and family mithering.... :oops:

    Luckily I found this site too and could talk to those who understand :) Over time things turned out much better than I expected - I am still on my feet and life is pretty darn good :) These medications prevent so much joint damage in most of us so try not to fear them if you can help it an awful lot of us are on more than one DMARD like MTX.

    I can see you are already helping other people so think you will fit in really well both giving and receiving support to and from others :D

    Take care

    Toni xx