What should I expect after OA diagnosis

DaveJ5 Member Posts: 9
edited 23. Nov 2017, 14:16 in Living with Arthritis archive
Can anyone explain what I should reasonably expect following a diagnosis of OA? I was first diagnosed over two years ago in my knees and my GP just said you need two knee replacements but you are to young to have them. He did not offer any help with management or advice on exercise, I thought a visit to a physio might help but that was not mentioned.
I was already taking Tramadol for the pain from my EA but it does not really work any more having taken it for 13 years. When I brought this up earlier this year he gave me pregablyn to try but I found that my knees were worse and I got pain in my back when taking them as well.
I now also have OA in my hands, wrists and feet and I worry that at the rate it is spreading that it will leave me unable to work as both my jobs involve manual work. I all ready had to give up my original work as a motor mechanic.

Thanks for any advice you can give sorry for the long post.



  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello, I am afraid I cannot answer your question because everyone is affected in their own way. I have OA as a result of the joint damage caused by my other arthritis and I have it in numerous joints: some joints have one, some the other and others both.

    My OA has spread which isn't surprising; as one joint is affected we unconsciously change the way we move in an effort to reduce the discomfort and this throws other joints out of kilter. I needed two knees six years ago and was refused due to youth (I was 52 :lol: ) but I have recently begun working with a personal trainer. My leg muscles are getting stronger and the pain in my knees has reduced - only a little - but it has. Sadly it has increased in my ankles but that isn't surprising. I have had physio and still do the prescribed exercises to this day (that's fifteen years now). They didn't stop the spread but they might have slowed it, who knows? I started aged 37, I am now 58 and fortunate in that I have been able to stop work - it must be very difficult for you if that is still a requirement. Any non-weight-bearing exercise is good such as cycling and swimming, certainly not running as the jarring on the joints is horrendous.

    I'm shattered and must go to bed. I wish you well. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,150
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Dave

    I think Dreamdaisy's advice about exercise is good. I find my aches are (on the whole except when flaring) much better with exercise.

    However a lot can happen in two years....I think you might reasonably ask to 'see someone' about them. I know they will do joint replacements when we are too young because my own daughter had a new shoulder in January and she was 19. This won't happen until you see and orthopaedic consultant though of course.

    It might be an idea to ask for a referral to a pain clinic if there is one nearby? they are great at fiddling with medication trying this and that and can also refer for physio, pain-killing injections into joints etc.

    It's in everyone's interest to keep you working as long as possible surely?

    Let us know how you get on :)

    Toni x
  • DaveJ5
    DaveJ5 Member Posts: 9
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks for your comments. Dreamdaisy I feel the same as you my EA has caused the OA especially as it was not treated other than the tramadol after I had to stop sulfasalazine which did help. But both GP and rheumatologist just blame my age I am 55, 52/53 when my knees went.

    I forgot my GP tried a steroid injection in one knee but it just left me in agony for two days and no benefit after that.

    I know exercise can help but don't want to do the wrong thing and make it worse hence thinking a Physio consult would be usefull. Especially as I also have astma which limits my physical abilities.

    I will have to make an appointment with my GP and ask for more help.

  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've been racking what passes for my brains but cannot decode EA - what is that, please? The best I can come up with is enteropathic arthritis. We read so many sets of initials on here which mean something to the poster but not necessarily to the reader. :)

    I have had numerous aspirations of my knees to relieve the PsA followed by a steroid injection and they never did anything. The only steroid injection that was effective was for the OA in my right ankle, that relieved matters for twelve weeks or so but of course it all returned so I don't bother with them now.

    My personal trainer is learning as much from me as I am from her so it's a mutually beneficial relationship. She is in a crowded market so working with the physically disabled could be a useful string to her professional bow but she does struggle to understand my physical limitations. Seeing a physio privately is an option but your GP can refer you to the NHS. I too have asthma but that is very well controlled by the meds for the PsA plus the judicious use of inhalers. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • DaveJ5
    DaveJ5 Member Posts: 9
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry it is enteropathic arthritis which is a type of inflamatory arthiritis associated with disease of the bowel usually Crohns or Ulcerative Colitis. It is the Colitis I have.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Dave ..I would certainly ask to be referred to a physio, exercise is very important but has to be the right ones..and right for you..hope you can get some help soon..
  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,477
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What should you expect? Well apart from lots of painkillers the sad answer is nothing, I've had OA most of my life and all I get is 'its more arthritis' from my GP which elecits the same treatment. It would be a pleasant surprise to find a joint without arther!

    I make up my own exercise regime and carry life on in a way that helps me cope, I am a great believer in cognitive functions i.e. do something you enjoy and the pain will lessen.

    The government declared that arther would be pushed to the forefront of treatment, it never happened. Thanks for that Mr. Blair.