I'm furious ...

GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
edited 25. Feb 2018, 04:18 in Community Chit-chat archive
... with myself! Why, do you ask?

I went to see an ex-colleague last night (who's become a good friend) I've only been to her place once before and wasn't sure where I was going as it's complicated to find. So I switched my Satnav on. Because of how Sharon's housing estate was built, the Satnav took me to the wrong part of the estate. I decided to turn around (sensible you'd think!) and the area was unlit, very dark and unfamiliar to me. My reversing bippers didn't come on. Oh yes, you know where this is going, don't you? :roll:

I then heard "crunch" from the back bumper. I'd gone into a wooden post style fence! I rang Sharon at this point and she "talked me in" so I then found her. (I have Bluetooth in the car). I took a photo with my mobile phone of the bumper and we looked at the photo in Sharon's kitchen. Not good! :x Needless to say no damage to the fence as it had been reinforced with metal protectors!

I inspected the damage this morning and my language wasn't at all ladylike. My back bumper is cracked, the paint is broken and the bumper has come slightly away from the clips where it adjoins the back wing. The lights are all working and the boot shuts so the car is okay to drive. I spent the best part of 90 minutes on the phone this morning to Motability's insurers sorting this out.

My car goes into the repairer's next Tuesday afternoon (they'll collect it from my place of work); I'll be left a courtesy car whilst the repair is carried out.

So I'm now £100 excess out of pocket. And my 20+ years of driving without an accident has gone down the pan! And that's what hurts the most. :x I consider myself to be a good and safe driver. I didn't hurt myself but I am kicking myself - I usually put my hazards on when I'm reversing but, because I was lost and by then getting very cross, I didn't. I'd also had a very frustrating morning at work yesterday which didn't help.

I've always taken a great deal of pride in my Motabiity cars and have looked after them as if they were my own. I'm careful where I park and I take care of the cars I've been privileged to drive through this scheme. And I do this! Aarrggghh!!

Turn a negative into a positive!


  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,469
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Whoooops! I've done similar things by not taking care, as I could have done and felt a fool. I am about to get a car with a reversing camera, a good idea.

    Its a grin, honest!
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh dear, I can understand your fury but these things happen: the main thing is although a lump of metal has surface damage the lump of flesh inside is OK apart from hurt pride.

    I think Motability can stand the bill, after all with the bosses earning massive spondoolicks and the carefully cultivated reserves of £2.4 billion courtesy of the tax payer I don't think your little bill will hurt them too much. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • GraceB
    GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks to both of you for taking the time to reply.

    I've accepted now that I did this. I realise the important thing is that no-one was hurt - and it could have been a lot worse. It still grates though but I think that's my pride rearing it's head! :roll:

    Turn a negative into a positive!
  • GraceB
    GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Well my car went yesterday for repair. Assessor spoke to me today to say new bumper on order; back wing (where bumper clips on) is also slightly damaged. :roll: The wing will be repaired. The car is due to come back to me 20th Feb so not too long.

    I'm now in the courtesy car - Vauxhall Corsa automatic. I don't like it! It feels huge and heavy. There's no oomph like there is with my Kia Picanto! However, it's only for a few days and I'm thankful to be mobile. Without a car I can't get anywhere.

    My flaming washing machine has now packed up! So I've had to order a new one and pay through the nose for it to be delivered, unpacked, installed and the old one taken away. Naturally my current one failed this afternoon when I had a load of dark washing in it - jeans etc., so it was lovely and heavy for me to lug to my lovely neighbour Maureen who kindly let me use her machine to spin it all. New machine comes Friday.

    Oh, and I tried to install a new cat flap (the old one failed so the cat wasn't overly pleased) today. I got the flap into the door - with difficulty - but I've not got the bicep strength to tighten the screws properly. I've texted my poor long suffering nephew Matt and asked if he can use his biceps on this for me. Before you get the idea I was wielding drills and saws chopping a hole in my door, let me put you right. I ordered an exact replacement cat flap so the hole was already in the door. :)

    February is a bad month for me anyway with John's 2nd anniversary on 21st and my late sister's 5th anniversary on 26th so I clamber through the month. I can certainly do without all these "extra's" going on.

    Turn a negative into a positive!
  • GraceB
    GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Well, my washing machine was delivered and installed last Friday and has already enabled me to catch up with my laundry. The delivery man even cleaned the floor for me when the old machine came out! Excellent service in my mind.

    My car came back to me yesterday afternoon and I was very pleased to see it back. It looks like new again. The Corsa (courtesy car) enabled me to get from A-B but crikey, it was heavy re drinking the petrol! However, I was very grateful to have the use of it.

    I've got through the 2nd anniversary of my John's death which was today. To say I'm pleased to be at the end of these dates is a bit of an understatement, which I suspect you'll understand. I went to a local beach today - Hythe in Kent - where we'd spent many hours looking at the sea, having short walks and ice-creams.

    Although it was upsetting to be there on my own, it was something I felt compelled to do today with it being the 2nd anniversary. Various friends had offered to go with me, but I needed to do this by myself.

    Now as a family we just need to get through my sister Sue's 5th anniversary on Monday. And, as a family, we'll get through it.

    Turn a negative into a positive!
  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,469
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I had a luverly image flash through my head of a cat attempting to get through a new cat flap then looking disgustly at his owner on the inside for 'changing the locks'. :mrgreen:

    Haha :animal_busy: