PsA at 31!!

sianheff Member Posts: 7
edited 29. Nov 2018, 04:16 in Community Chit-chat archive
Hi All,

I was officially diagnosed yesterday with PsA and give a steroid injection (depomedrone) and told if it is eases my symptoms then I will be put on methotrexate and/or sulfasalazine.

I have had joint aches and pains since I was about 15 but always fobbed off and made to feel like a hypochondriac. It seems that every winter another joint begins to really ache. It used to always be my knees but last year it was my right foot (all along the outside was extremely sensitive to even touch and felt a bit like bad bruising). This year it is my left hand especially hard to even clench a fist. One of the knuckles on my left little finger has been extremely painful for weeks but recently eased off. I have had MRI's on both hips and sacrum but they didn't show anything. I had ultrasounds on my hands and feet. Bizarrely my left hand showed no inflammation and my right hand had grade 2 synovitis although not where I normally get the pain?! Other than my RF being very slightly raised at 20 all other bloods are fine except vitamin D being a bit low. The ultrasounds also showed plantar fasciitis. When I wake up in the morning I hobble around like I am 81 not 31 and get terrible pain in my feet. I also have very mild psoriasis in my scalp.

Finally getting a rheumatologist to diagnose PsA even when scans are either not showing anything or what they are showing is mild has been very overwhelming and I almost had a little panic attack thinking maybe I am imagining all these symptoms over the years...surely I can't actually have arthritis!! Has anyone else been diagnosed with PsA despite negative tests?? Am I imagining my symptoms??


  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,477
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sounds like a familiar pattern a lot of us have been t1hrough, although during late teens it stayed at bay for me.

    Stay warm and put your faith in the pills, there is still life past arther. 😆