
nanny2507 Member Posts: 23
edited 11. Jan 2019, 16:20 in Say Hello Archive
Good evening all.

I am in so much pain tonight i am beside myself. I have been for 2 days now. i have slept in different room from hubs due to this. I have jones the bones oil but its making no difference. I only have naproxen but i dont take it as it makes me sick.


  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    The major problem with pain relief is that it doesn't, it merely dulls the sharper edges. I never found any NSAID of use as a pain duller, I have always needed paracetamol etc. Pain blights all our lives, I take four 30/500 cocodamol per day which dulls enough for me to get on and allows the feedback to come through to warn me it's time to stop. I'm in pain 24/365 but so what? With two kinds of arthritis life is hardly going to be pain-free.

    I apologize but I cannot remember your circumstances as to which kind of arthritis you have, where and how new you are to it all. Do you not take pain relief because you cannot or because you don't want to? I've never heard of Jones the bones but am not surprised it's doing nothing: if such things worked this forum would not exist, the reason it does is because they don't. Pain is a horrible thing, it affects all areas of life and focussing on it always makes it worse. I swear by my cocos and distraction but I have the advantage of being twenty-one years in and very used to my conditions. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • nanny2507
    nanny2507 Member Posts: 23
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have Psoriatic in my hands and ostio in my feet...hand issues about 5 years in and ostio about 18 months in. I have had hardly any help from my old hospital (very limited info on everything) and now i am at a new hospital and things are going well. I dont take pain killers because they make my physically sick. Butt i am going to ask new hospital if there is any others I can take