Moderately Grotty Beckons.

dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
edited 18. Jul 2019, 11:08 in Living with arthritis
Today HaH confirmed that my next delivery in mid-August will comprise of two sharps bin, methotrexate and humira. I will have two imraldi left and have been advised to put them, unused, into the sharps because they cannot be reissued to anyone. I balk at the waste of money but the lure of possibly beginning to feel at least a little brighter is too tempting.

I have left a message on my rheumatology helpline to let them know that this is happening and thanking my rheumatologist. I shall also send her a card to say thank you more personally. DD
Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben