Updating Pip

silverfoxxxx Member Posts: 131
edited 10. Dec 2019, 12:08 in Work and financial support

Over the past 3 months or so I have got progressively worse, much harder to walk around, now using crutches to help support, and struggle to eat non soft foods as arthritis has settled in my jaw. Has anyone had to update theirs PIP through DWP and how was the process?, do you have to fully go through the appointments process again and does it take as long as the initial process?

Also at what point do you update DWP? I didn’t make an initial claim for years as thought I would get better somehow and obviously these days much more conscious that when it ‘sets in’ it doesn’t seem to go away or improve, permanently in a flare it seems.


Currently on std daily living component of PIP.


  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I didn't conciously update but I am one of the government's unintended failures which the whole PIP farrago revealed. The idea behind PIP was to shed the spongers, instead they found that many people were being underpaid - I was transferred earlier this year from high-rate mobility DLA to standard rate (I was convinced I was going to lose it as I could meet their targets with ease using my aids) and, much to my shock, standard rate care was added to the mix so I now receive an increased amount. That was a slap in the face, I thought I was doing OK (and I still think I am) but total strangers decided otherwise.

    I claimed DLA back in 2007 and was amazed to receive high rate mobility without any medical person being contacted. I was using two crutches and had been for five years, and was researching rollators, all facts I put on the form. I always understood that things were never going to improve but as I deteriorated I adapted and never thought about rocking the benefits boat which was why, when it was rocked for me, I was taken by surprise.

    How recently were you awarded PIP? If you feel that things are worsening then you should contact the DWP and take it from there. It's a ludicrous system as it tries to be all things to all disabled people and we are nothing if not diverse. Good luck, I hope you achieve the right outcome. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • silverfoxxxx
    silverfoxxxx Member Posts: 131
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Only been on it for about 9 months, after being diagnosed 22 years ago, didn’t know it was something I could get and I was to stubborn to admit defeat for all those years. It has got drastically worse recently with no sign of let up, not sure I’ll be driving my manual car much anymore changing gear has become more and more painful, another QOL loss, as it’s not worth much and can’t afford a new automatic.
  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I had to update my PIP claim a couple of years ago when I had to use a wheelchair. The DWP basically treat it as a whole new claim; you will have to complete the whole form and send it in along with all supporting documentation etc and then wait months for an assessment followed my ages for the outcome. If you do get a higher rate it will be backdated to the date of the submission of the revised claim so the sooner you get the paperwork in the better. Get hold of your local CAB and ask for help.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Claiming a benefit to which one is entitled is not admitting defeat, it's acknowledging that life is becoming more expensive due to disability and that is what the money is for. Mine covers or contributes towards the increasing costs that my deteriorating condition incurs. I was not enthralled at the prospect of claiming from the State but the benefit is there and my case is genuine. We are now able to claim Carer's Allowance but won't which is probably foolhardy but old habits die hard.

    I carried on working for around seventeen years after the first symptoms apeared and the changes I had to make as I worsened were not a strong financial worry thanks to the cushion the DLA provided. The most effective changes have been my better quality rollators (my first was a nightmare!), my cordless vacuums, a steam generating iron and a fabulous cleaner. She does the stuff I can no longer manage such as cleaning the bath and shower trays and anything that involves kneeling: kneeling is highly over-rated, I haven't done it since 1997. :lol: DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • silverfoxxxx
    silverfoxxxx Member Posts: 131
    Finally heard back from DWP, after updating my claim due to getting worse and they have come back and removed all my awards. I don’t fully understand how this can happen, I’m clearly in a worse place than previous claim and included a letter from my specialist confirming this.
  • MarzMac
    MarzMac Member Posts: 47

    Dear @silverfoxxxx

    I don't know if you've had any help with updating your claim but you could call the helpline on 0800 5200 520 to chat with them about the steps you've taken so far - maybe they can help you understand how your existing benefits could be removed.

    Best wishes


  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Figures published by the DWP in response to a parliamentary written question show that as of 27 April there were 166,630 PIP claimants with either an assessment scheduled or awaiting scheduling. As of 4 May, 101,910 people were waiting on ESA claims.

    The shocking backlog has been caused by DWP disability benefit staff being transferred to deal with the upsurge in new Universal Credit claims in response to the coronavirus pandemic. This could well be the reason that your claim may have been mishandled. Phone them.

  • silverfoxxxx
    silverfoxxxx Member Posts: 131
    Thanks for the information, I’ve given them a ring and they are sending me out the phone consultation notes so that I can put together a letter with what I disagree with, unfortunately as ever they have stopped my benefit from last week and said it will take another 10-12 weeks to be looked at again, everything is a challenge these days, adding to my current run of bad luck these past few weeks.
  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    They should not have stopped your money. When my condition became bad enough to stop work a few years ago and I went from the lower to higher rate I advised them that I had become more disabled and they sent me the huge great long form to complete, then had to wait for the assessment but the benefit continued in the meantime. If and when you get the higher rate it is backdated to the day you made the claim, not the date of assessment.

  • silverfoxxxx
    silverfoxxxx Member Posts: 131
    It has been stopped based on my new assessment, over the phone, saying I no longer hit the points criteria for the standard rate, even though my condition has worsened and I can do less. I put all this on the form but maybe I didn’t cover it all in the phone consultation, I thought I did hence why I’ve asked for a copy. Frustrating as my face to face assessment 18 months ago went better than I was lead to believe it may have.
    I guess I would understand not increasing enough points to hit a different level but not less points than the original ‘proper’ assessment.
  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Have you double checked their phone assessment by doing the self-test on-line? Follow the link: https://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/personal-independence-payment-pip/pip-self-test

  • Rachel1978
    Rachel1978 Member Posts: 4
    Hi silverfox

    I am in the exact same situation as yourself and I have now lodged it with the tribunal people. How did you get on with your appeal? My money was stopped in April, which has been a total nightmare x
  • silverfoxxxx
    silverfoxxxx Member Posts: 131
    Sorry for the late reply, literally had a letter a couple of days ago saying my PIP had been reinstated and back payed to cover when it was stopped, no further call or anything just a letter appeared.