Hotline forTKR questions ..........
Member Posts: 7,412
Hi everyone!
Great to be back home and on here again ,although being in hospital was like a mini holiday with a difference!
All seems to be going as it should go and I passed the tests well in hospital for my homecoming. In all I was there from 4 January at noon, having the op around 4.00 pm and left on 9 January around 7.00 pm. I prolonged my stay that day for just one last delicious meal! Husband went to the restaurant and brought his dinner back on a tray to my room so we ate together on the last night of my stay. We did not order any wine, as I needed all my senses to be in top top condition to walk along the corridors, down the 4 flights of stairs and get into the car and manage a curb too!! The nurses kindly asked if I wanted wheelchair help to leave the hospital! The look of shock horror on my face must have said it all and we left laughing!
Should anyone have any questions, fears or whatever about having a total knee replacement, I shall try to answer them as well as I am able, based on how I have found it all to be.
I am very positive as that is how I feel and how all has gone for me so far.........
I believe someone has asked me a question about my op but I do not seem able to find my original thread which was called something like "See ya Lata Guys and Gals".......
Elna x
Great to be back home and on here again ,although being in hospital was like a mini holiday with a difference!
All seems to be going as it should go and I passed the tests well in hospital for my homecoming. In all I was there from 4 January at noon, having the op around 4.00 pm and left on 9 January around 7.00 pm. I prolonged my stay that day for just one last delicious meal! Husband went to the restaurant and brought his dinner back on a tray to my room so we ate together on the last night of my stay. We did not order any wine, as I needed all my senses to be in top top condition to walk along the corridors, down the 4 flights of stairs and get into the car and manage a curb too!! The nurses kindly asked if I wanted wheelchair help to leave the hospital! The look of shock horror on my face must have said it all and we left laughing!
Should anyone have any questions, fears or whatever about having a total knee replacement, I shall try to answer them as well as I am able, based on how I have found it all to be.
I am very positive as that is how I feel and how all has gone for me so far.........
I believe someone has asked me a question about my op but I do not seem able to find my original thread which was called something like "See ya Lata Guys and Gals".......
Elna x
The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
Hi Elna & welcome back to the new improved you!
So glad all went well, & here's hoping for a swift recovery.0 -
Haha! wonkylegs, "the new improved me". Yes, let's hope so! Thank you for your good wishes.
Hi Kat
Thank you for your kind words. The hospital food was first class. Breakfast was ordered the evening before and then with the breakfast came the menus for the lunch and evening meal and brekka the following morning, to be chosen by me and the boxes ticked. As the menus looked so tasty I ordered a three course cooked lunch and similar for dinner. I was able to eat every morsel the following day because I had to starve the day of the op from 6.45 am and after the op had only been given delicious soup and sandwiches, all with diferent filllings in them, after water to start with and then a cuppa. I am one of the lucky ones where the anaesthetic does not give me any nasty after effects at all. far.
By the next day, I quickly realised that there was no way that I could eat two three course meals plus a hearty breakfast, a day. I NEVER do that at home, let alone lazing around, so to speak - perhaps making a speedy recovery is better wording!!
But they had obviously thought of that and there were all sorts of snacks to mix and match, eg omelette, poached eggs, sandwiches, ploughmans, side salad, soups, breadroll, toast, a very extensive menu indeed!!
At this hospital there was no cooked brekka on offer but that was ok by me. Cereal, croissant,honey, prunes, plain yogurt, fruit juice, coffee was A1 for me! There was a choice but this is what I ate on most days.
This was a private hospital. I am indebted to my husband's firm for private insurance that includes other halves. I know that I am a very fortunate person indeed.
Elna xThe happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.0 -
Hi elnafinn
Glad that you are back and everything went well, did you see my post were I have an appointment, I am soooooo glad
welcome BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike R & Hazel0 -
Hi Elna
Great to have you back. We have missed you and glad that everything went well for you. Now you take it easy for a few days!! Lol Lol Lol
Take care
Fayann xxx0 -
Hi Elna
Nice to see you back i didnt know you had been in the hospital
Hope all went well foryou.
I dont know if you have read my posting just to say i have been awarded the high mobility and low care allowance .
It amazes me how they can turn you down and then give you high rate .
Been and chosen my car iam having a ford focus my husband put the extra money to so iam having top model
Hope your knee is better soon
Amiee/ jean xx0 -
Hi Elna,
Welcome back! Good to hear that all went well with the op and afterwards. You bounced back real quick you must be very fit and healthy, all that cycling eh? I hope you continue to progress so well but do take it easy won't you? You need to really focus on yourself for a bit and get really well. Don't overdo it!
Strange how your 'See ya later......' thread just disappeared. Take care. x0 -
Thank you all for your good wishes. I am getting on fine and quite surprising myself with how well it has gone and how good I feel. Of course I have pain, swelling, megga bruising and the 6.5 inch scar looks like the top of a cornish pasty! I have started putting coconut butter on it already. I had stitches (some peeps have staples I think) and the day before I left the nurse cut the "knots" off each end and the stitches will disintigrate. Part of the package provided an ice pack which during my stay in hospital I could fill with ice cold water from a container which was refilled by the nurses. On leaving I was allowed to fill the ice pack thingy and now I put it in the freezer and can re use it time and time again. This is proving invaluable. It fits comfortably and snugly around the knee and thigh and is fastened with 2 thick bands of velcro. This aids the swelling. I am doing the exercises at least 3 times a day.
Hello bluesky, I do not know if it was the cycling but I really believe that trying to exercise the thigh muscles before the op helped me but I can tell you that after the op when asked by the physio to lift my leg off the bed I just could not move it at all. The whole leg felt like a block of concrete. I really thought I would never be able to do it, but by the next afternoon and help from the physio and determination on my part I did it. I could have kissed her, but I refrained. LOL They must see this all the time, patients saying they cannot do it but of course they can, given time.
Hello amiee/jean,I am so very happy for you. Remember how nervous you were. It is good to talk, isn't it? Well done.
Hello there, Mike and Hazel, really pleased that things are going your way for a change. Perhaps this will be your year. Let's hope so. You certainly deserve something positive to happen. You have been extremely patient.
Hi there, Fayann, many thanks for your good wishes, I shall try to take it easy but it is difficult when one is home again. People have been very kind to me and I have had lots of phone calls so that has made me rest. Seriously I am being sensible and trying to listen to my body and not overdoing it. I do not wish to undo what good has been done.
I have to give myself an injection into the top of the thigh once a day at a set time - this is to thin the blood. I will have to do this for 10 days in total. Actually this should be done into the stomach but the nurse said I had no fat there LOL, LOL so she suggested the top of the thigh. I was terrified at first but was shown how to do this whilst in the hospital. I really never thought I would be able as I do not like needles much (I am ok if I do not look!!!) but it is a very fine one and I can manage, no problem. I was quite proud of myself!!!! I have been able to get around on one crutch for the past 3.5 days. Stairs are ok, both up and down. I will go to physio starting on Monday. Until then I practice the exercises I was given in the hospital. I shall be wearing the anti embolism knee high stockings for 6 weeks. They are a "lovely" shade of dark grey/green. Yes, really!!!!!!!
One thing I found extremely interesting was that the blood that was drained out of my knee after the op was then recyled back into me via a drip. I received 2 bags of my own blood back again. The last bag was discarded as I did not need it. I was AMAZED!! What a great idea, don't you think?
I must stop rambling!!!
Love to you all,
Elna xxThe happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.0 -
Glad to hear it went well for you Elna. I had my right one done 18 months ago and what a difference it has made! Didn't have such luxury food though!!!
Like you I found it interesting the things that they do like the blood thing.
You are right about doing plenty of exercise before the op making recovery quicker - your muscles are already used to doing exercise and are stronger to support your new joint.
Good luck with the rest of the recovery and keep doing those exercises!!0 -
Hey doonhamer
I did not realise that you have had a TKR. Really pleased to hear positive words from you.
I know that it is early days for me yet but I still have pain and wonder when this will go. I presume I am experiencing pain because of all the bruising and swelling that is there. More bruising seems to appear daily. I wonder if I am perhaps on my feet a little too much. I find that the pain is worse on resting than walking about and when I mentioned this to a nurse she said that I may need to rest more. How did you find it all in the early days after your operation? I am positive it will sort itself out but it would be interesting to hear how it was for you.
I feel fairly confident standing and walking around and sometimes find that I do a few steps without the aid of the crutch.
What degree knee bend did you end up with? The consultant told me the max would be around 120 degrees for me.
I see a physio therapist on Monday but in the meantime I am doing my exercises that I was given in hospital, regularly!!
Take care,
Elna xThe happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.0 -
Hello Elna,
I am fairly new to the forum and it was me that asked you questions on yr tkr. Congratulations in having the major part done, the op, and now you can begin to heal! I have oa behind the knee cap which in oct 07 i had put back in place as apparently it had been out for years. I was told then that i would eventually have to have more surgery as the oa would get worse but when i asked what surgery i got no answer what so ever, can you believe it!
After researching myself which i have probably got all wrong, i assume i will now need only a partial tkr, as the only thing wrong with my knee is the kneecap. I thought they could just replace it but this cannot be done so who knows?
Anyway, out of curiousity, how long did you wait before you had your tkr, did you have to wait until it became unbearable and then had it done? I know that they like to wait until the last possible moment.
How long did they say that it would last?
And yes, pleeese do not overdo it, my surgery was minor compared to yours but i over did it and put myself back 2 weeks!
I am using an exercise bike to build up my thigh muscles as well and this also seems to relieve my knee.
Only thing though with my knee is that it feels really really loose, it makes me feel quite sick at times.
You poor thing with yr pain relief in hosp, i bet you could have kicked yourself (if possible) with the morp patch. I have now gone back to work after 3 months off, i work as a domestic and at first done 4 hrs daily and did my usual 6 hr shift on friday.
Boy, am i paying for it this weekend, I really do believe my days may be over as a domestic (doc laughed when he asked me my profession, he said this the worst job for my condition).
I love my work in an nursing home so will try to struggle on as long as possible.
Good luck tomorrow with yr physio, remember, each day becomes easier, although we are all entitled to our off days!
I undersand that you are also having yr other knee done?
Or is it the hospital food that is enticing you back!
Please let us know how monday went
Best wishes
dilly0 -
You are sounding really good and have a great attitude - really positive about it all. Do take your rest and don't overdo being on your feet otherwise it will swell. Your body has had major trauma so be kind to it. You have to keep moving regularly otherwise you will seize up but you also have to rest with your legs up on a stool or something to reduce the swelling. You can also do some of your exercises whilst sitting down with your feet up - the one where you raise your straight leg off the bed is good.
You are reaping the benefit of doing exercises before your op as your thigh muscles are so much stronger than they would otherwise have been so good for you - I found that is what really helped me and my surgeon was most impressed as I got out sooner than people usually do once I had passed the 'stairs test'.
I was sent out with two walking sticks as my surgeon preferred it that way but can't remember how long it took to reduce it to just one - it is mostly confidence. I was back at work after 6 weeks once I was able to drive again. Not being able to get myself out and about was the worse thing having to rely on hubby and friends to go out. I drank a lot of coffee in garden centres during that time - flat ground for walking and a short outing as well which wasn't too tiring!!!
I think I ended up with about 140 degrees as it was really good bend. I took up playing bowls last summer as I was determinded to find some sort of exercise that I could do with others. My new knee was fine - it was the other that caused me problems. I should be getting the other done in a few weeks - I am waiting for my assessment appointment letter then it would be a month after that. We have an 18 week waiting time up here and that is due about the end of Feb.
All the best with the physio tomorrow - just keep doing the exercises but remember to sit with your feet up too. Make sure everyone round about you pampers you for a while.
Best wishes
xx0 -
Hello dilly!
I thought it was you that had asked me questions and here you are! Bless!
Around 5 years ago I had OA in both knees but the RIGHT knee was by far the worst. I had an arthroscopy but afterwards felt that some grit had been left inside, so the consultant gaily said that he would do it again for me. I only had relief for a VERY short time. I kept going back to see him and he said a partial knee replacement would do the trick. I carried on with my life but the pain got worse so I went for a second opinion to the consultant that a week ago operated on my LEFT knee. The consultant said that the right knee was past a partial and he recommended a total knee replacement. I carried on and then the LEFT started creating BIG time. Back I went to the consultant who operated on my knee recently and he said he would like to give me an arthroscopy on the left knee as it had not been tampered with, for two reasons, one being that he wanted to see for himself what was going on and secondly to see if the cleanout gave me any relief. He told me that I had aggressive nonspecific arthritis and that I had a knee of a 70+ person but I should wait until the pain was unbearable as he thought I was too young to have the op at 56 years old. I went back to him around 7 months later and said that I wanted my life now and not later. The arthroscopy had not helped me at all really. He then agreed to operate. In all I would say that I have had bad knee problems for over 5 years. After the operation my consultant told me that it definitely needed to be done, it was bone on bone with lots of fluid trying to compensate for the lack of cartilege.
This consultant was also recommended to me by other consultants who I have seen for other problems like a shoulder rotator cuff tear and finger and thumb problems and one consultant had sent his wife to him when she had knee problems so I felt confident that things would be ok in as much as they can be.
I am indebted to the company where my husband works as I am included in their private insurance scheme.
I was told by my consultant that the TKR would last for 15 - 20 years. It could be done again but perhaps would not be as good the second time. He told me I would have a maximum of 120 degree knee bend and would be able to kneel on a cushion but it would not be as comfortable as before because of the scarring.
I need my other knee to be done at some stage but at the moment it is not too bad compared to the one I have just had replaced and my main objective is to get this "new" knee in good working order before thinking about anything else.
Interestingly enough, I have done office work most of my life but when the chlidren came along I did lots of cleaning jobs, taking them with me, and this appears to have taken its toll in my knees, and hands and shoulder. I no longer work in an office since being made redundant around 3 years ago but continue to do a few cleaning jobs that I enjoy doing. It is not easy but the money is good!! When I do not work I do not get paid. the jobs are there for me when I feel ready to return. Even when I was working in an office part time I still fitted in cleaning jobs and I have a gut feeling that in my case all this physical work, along with working in the garden, our allotment and being second mate when my husband was building extensions to our home and generally doing all the DIY himself has worn my joints out big time. Mind you, I loved doing all this type of work, mixing concrete, lugging bricks all over the place, from A to B to C, etc, etc. I have no regrets.
I do not have the same knee problems as you but I only know of TKR and partial Knee Replacements and arthroscopies.
I hope I have answered your questions but if not please ask again. I do not mind in the slightest.
I take 8 co proxamol (the maximum dose) daily and 2 Arcoxia 60mg anti inflamatory tablets daily. When I had to stop the inflams before the op I never realised how much I had relied on those little blue tablets. It was quite hellish without them and I was SO ready for the operation.
I am currently still taking this medication but hopefully as my new knee progresses and if the right knee and hands and shoulder do not play up too much I may be able to decrease the medication. I live in hope.
Lots of love
Elna xxThe happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.0 -
Thank you doonhamer for replying.
Yes, I was so pleased when I was able to do the leg raise as the first day and a half I just could not lift it off the bed. I am not sure exactly what the physio therapist did to aid me but suddenly I was able to do it and then there was no going back.
You appear to have done exceedingly well and it is very encouraging to hear of other people getting on so well. Yes, I have always been a very positive person but this can only help so far isn't that true? Determination and a friendly attitude also helps. I am sure it makes for a better working relationship with those that are trying to aid you in your recovery. We all prefer to be with someone who is trying to help themselves and is friendly than the opposite - it is so much easier to bond with people then.
I cannot emphasise enough, like you say, that trying to exercise before the knee op is the best help you can give yourself.
Wow a 140 knee bend is absolutely ACE!!!! I am sure he said my max would be 120 degrees. I am not there quite yet!
I think that if I worked in an office I would be confident to go back at 6 weeks too. As I do a few cleaning jobs now I feel I may take a little longer only because there are a lot of stairs involved and I would hate to undo all the good work by taking a purler down a flight of stairs hanging on to a heavy vacuum cleaner!!!! The jobs are there waiting for me when I wish to return. They know a good worker when they found me hahahahaha! Shame they do not pay me when I am "off sick" LOL I did get flowers though!!
Elna xxThe happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.0 -
Hello Elna
I have to say I'm deeply impressed by two things particularly - the 100 degree bend that you achieved so quickly after the op - it was mentioned in your disappearing thread. I've only just achieved over 100 at least 2 months after my partial KR!!! And the lifting of the leg so very quickly - again, after my PKR it was several days before I could do that. It didn't matter how hard I strained the dratted thing just wouldn't respond. I found that very hard as I had actually worked v hard on the physio exercises before the op and had felt quite smug - I'd be ok as I'd worked so hard!!!! Little did I know.... So - very impressed how well you are doing, but add my thoughts to others - don't overdo it! I'm the same as you in that it's my husband's firm's insurance that covers me - very grateful for that - but it doesn't cover routine care, so they'll stop soon.
All best
Cx0 -
Hi CateE
I know exactly what you mean about feeling smug that you will be able to do the exercises after the op as you had exercised BEFOREHAND. I too was horrified and upset in myself that my leg felt like a block of concrete and however hard I tried and willed the damn leg to move it just would not budge. As I said before, I felt like throwing my arms around this physio and giving her a big kiss when, however it was that she helped me, the leg then did it by itself. If I could only remember what she did I would tell everybody but I was concentrating so hard to lift the leg that I was not paying so much attention as to what she was doing. I know that she lifted my leg for me a few times and gave me a "helping hand" and then there was no stopping me.
Yes, I know that I may well be overdoing it a little. I am grateful to you all for keep reminding me about it. I do sit/lie down with the leg raised always and use the ice pack a lot. At night I can also raise the end of the bed so religiously do this too. I am sitting here typing with the said leg on the worktop. I find it extremely comfortable actually. Not a pretty sight but there is no one here to see hahaha!
You are doing well though so do not underestimate yourself.
Lovely to hear from you.
Elna xThe happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.0 -
I am back from the physio appointment. I feel a little exhausted and the knee feels inflamed.
I was there one hour with this lady but she had no info on me except the letter from the physios at the hosp where the op took place so the paperwork took up quite a lot of the time. I am having physio now more locally.
She was very pleased with me. She exclaimed at the bruising! She said the knee was a little swollen and the wound had not quite healed yet. She was not at all surprised at what she saw.
I was given an additional exercise on top of the ones that I have already been doing. This is to straighten knee over a towel (towel rolled around a rolling pin) and hold for 5 seconds, relax, to be repeated 5 times.
Rest 1 - 2 minutes and repeat another 5 times.
She asked me to practice more the one sitting in a chair with the foot on a stool to straighten back of the knee. (I hate that one!!)
She said that I have a 105 degree knee bend now. I am trying very hard to obtain that!!
She watched me when I walked with the crutch and she said I lean a little too much on the crutch for support. I had realised this!! I must try to think about it more when walking and learn to put a little more weight on the left leg.
She watched me walk without the crutch, only a few steps, and said that was ok....
Actually I feel quite exhausted now!! I have the ice pack on the knee. She asked how many times I used the ice pack and I said 3 - 4 times a day and she said that was fine.
I must do my exercises daily and regularly and I shall see her again in one weeks time.
I got a lift there but took a taxi back. The hospital phoned for the taxi - obviously a company they use regularly. This is the first time that I have ever been in a taxi on my own and had to do the paying so that was an experience in itself but not unpleasant!!
So there we are, a mixture of exercise, rest and walking around until my next appointment.
Elna xThe happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.0 -
Hi Sarah
Bumped up for you the beginning of my "diary" I think, if you are interested!!! Took me ages to find on here!
ElnaThe happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.0
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