How can your blood tests be satisfactory yet your in a lot of pain

I recently suffered with the normal symptoms of RA. Swollen hands feet and knees and yet my gp said my blood tests came back satisfactory. I'm beginning to think it's all in my head and the pain is just my imagination. I just cant cope anymore.


  • Lizhut
    Lizhut Member Posts: 4
    Dreandaisy thank you. I've been on methotrexate 25mg once a week and I dont think it's working. It took a steroid injection to reduce the swelling which my gp seen. I couldn't move my fingers feet or knees with swelling yet my bloods are normal. I just think no one believes me how sore and tired I am. If my RA consultant sees these results hes not going to believe me either.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520

    It depends what you mean by work. I learned early on that the meds are about controlling disease activity, not curing or relieving all the symptoms: meth has never relieved my pain. Neither did leflunomide, sulphasalazine, cyclosporine or any of the biologics. I have only been on one mdication for around four months, way back in 2002 when rheumatology grudgingly accepted me as being in their gang, ever since it has been two or more. It could be that you need something else with the meth to further reduce disease activity but I am not a doc, just an old hand at this malarkey.

    Your GP might be a bit of a twerp but your rheumatologist won't. He will be fully aware that people can have good bloods but not be feeling great. DD

    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • silverfoxxxx
    silverfoxxxx Member Posts: 131
    This has happened to me for the past 3 years, just ensure you are feeding back to Rheumy the actual state of your joints, I find when I’m face to face and discuss bloods with my rheumatologist it is only then that they take notice of any discrepancies in the bloods. I have yet to find a working medication but hold out hope it’s round the corner. You just need to stay strong and ensure you are keeping flexible and mobile to help ease the pain as much as possible, unfortunately the more immobile I become the more painful my joints get when I do have to move, I now constantly fidget, but it works to a degree. Fingers crossed you can get some comfort with different meds / pain killers, it’s a long process unfortunately so the mental preparation is key also.