Hi and has everyone had an NHS letter telling them they are Extremely Vulnerable?

Silver_Susie Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:05 in Living with arthritis
I'm Silver_ Susie
I've not had an NHS letter but I am on methotrexate self- injections and steroids plus sulfasalazine and have difficulty breathing and regular chest infections. I've been so I'll the last 5 years that I've lived in and around my bed, I have extreme chronic fatigue but since Christmas, my breathing has become terrible. I had an ambulance out twice with chest pain and breathing problems and they told me I had a heart problem (from the ECG... Ischemia) I have swollen legs, feet, hands and face and the breathing problems are linked to my swelling so it's swelling of the lungs and osophagus (voice is like a bear)
I can't get a shopping delivery slot despite getting through to Sainsbury's and registering in the gov.uk site, they told me that I would have to await an email because they are only targeting the over 70s (I'm 58) Has anyone else not had a letter please? I feel like I've slipped through the cracks because I haven't got treatment for my breathing problems (I've been asking for over a year but begging since Christmas to no avail, they ignore me and treat me as though I'm guessing over nothing,) and I haven't been going in for all my chest infections because I have them so regularly that I just wait for them to go so it's not on my records.


  • chrisb
    chrisb Moderator Posts: 739

    HI Susie,

    Welcome to the Versus Arthritis forum.

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been suffering so much for the past 5 years and are struggling to get a slot for a home delivery.

    This link may help you get support from the Government but https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus-extremely-vulnerable although I suspect this is where you've already registered.

    Where I live the parish council have put a letter through everyone's door offering food shopping services for vulnerable people, are there any similar initiatives where you live?

    I'll ask my colleagues if they have any other suggestions and hopefully someone else on the forum will be able to offer advice.

    Best wishes

    ChrisB (Moderator)

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520

    Hello, I am sorry you are going through such a rough time. I am 61 with psoriatic and osteoarthritis plus fibromyalgia. I also have asthma but that is under control with my inhalers. I inject meth and humira and had my flu jab last October. I rarely fall ill due to assiduous hand hygiene but recently had a nasty tonsillitis-type thing which wasn't very nice.

    I haven't had a letter and am not expecting one because I no longer work. I have slipped through the medical net a few times over the years so now take a more proactive attitude in managing my medical administration (I call it medmin). Many low-risk people are now jumping on the supermarket home delivery service at the expense of those in real need but they care not: persevere, getting a slot can be done if one is vigilant. I am fortunate in that my shopping is done for me but I too am playing my part in using less of everything so my carer is not placed at un-neccessary risk. DD

    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • Eir23
    Eir23 Member Posts: 20
    Hi Silver Suzie
    I have received a text message followed by a letter on Tuesday. I was half expecting it. I know a few people who are surprised not to receive one. Everyone should have received them by 29th March, if there are delays with Royal Mail, something could turn up in the next couple of days.
    I am.sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly. It is difficult getting delivery slots. Have you considered using a milkman? Many also deliver cheese, eggs bread etc. Are you a facebook user? There are many community group on there with places offering deliveries. If your not on there try contacting local markets, greengrocers, butchers etc to see who can deliver. A lot of school and hospitality suppliers are also offering to deliver items to the public.

    Hope this is of help.

    Take care x