Yipeee I have at last got an online order for flour.


I feel like I have won the lottery I have spent the past month trying to get an order from my supplier. They closed their site for some time then you had to keep going on to find a delivery slot to be invited to place an order. My patience or just "bloody mindedness" last night got me an order slot. I have ordered some flour for a neighbour who is a nurse as she hasn't been able to get any for weeks and hasn't the time to sit and refresh pages in the hope of being lucky. I can't wait for it to arrive in a couple of weeks I will celebrate with a pie or a cake or both, and what flavour. I think the cookery books will be coming out.

Keep safe everyone.


  • Delaine
    Delaine Member Posts: 10

    Yah! The simple things in life can mean so much.

  • stellabean
    stellabean Member Posts: 307

    It would if the whole order had arrived how can Parcelforce loose a 16kg bag of flour. Unfortunately it was the one for the NHS worker and her family so I am going to chase it up today. The pie was mince and veg I made 5 to share.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658

    I hope you get it!!!

    I thought i was getting three bags one for my sis one for a neighbour one for me but sadly it was out of stock on the day :(

    Cake please a really yummy one with lots of butter icing!


  • stellabean
    stellabean Member Posts: 307

    Flour arrived and there was a very happy family able to bake their bread, it was late being dispatched as the mill had to mill more so it is very fresh.

    Frogmorton I would but don't think it will post too well have to try to get some at Val's café. Going to make a fudgy chocolate cake for the chap who is single handed keeping the farm supply shop open so we can feed the animals. He is also stocking hand cleaner etc and selling it at low prices to help people out so he deserves it.It is so nice to find someone who isn't trying to profit from all this mayhem. There is a local shop here selling flour and yeast at a 120% plus mark up.

  • Bluebell7
    Bluebell7 Member Posts: 41

    I can't get SR flour or plain flour, have bread flour luckily.

    missing baking so much.