More pain since lockdown?

Hello everyone. I'm new to the group so unsure of how it works? My question is: does anyone else seem to be in so much more pain since the lockdown? I had a few joints that were painful but now, I have pain in every joint, some worse than others. I live alone & feel alone.


  • Bluebell7
    Bluebell7 Member Posts: 41

    Hi Sandy,

    What type of arthritis do you have? I'm so sorry your pain is worse.

    I'd contact my GP or rheumatologist. I hope you get some relief very soon.

    Are you getting more stiff too?

    What pain meds do you take?


  • Sandy
    Sandy Member Posts: 3
    Hi Blubell7. Thanks for your reply. I have Osteoarthritis & Osteoporosis & yes, I am much more stiff. Pain meds Co-codamol, strong ones Duloxetine, which is an antidepressant that supposed to ease the pain. I stay active, walking & exercise because doctors advised this but every movement is agony. I think the pain becomes part of life, with you no matter what. Hope you are staying safe. Thanks again. .. Sandy 👍
  • Cole
    Cole Member Posts: 7
    Make sure you try and keep moving, even if it's for a short walk and that will help. I feel that we no longer have the distractions for our day to day lives and being stuck indoor we now have more time to focus on our body and what it is doing and the pain we are in. If you feel like you are getting worse give your GP a call for peace of mind. You are not alone in this and I hope you feel better soon