Exercise?! How??



  • stellabean
    stellabean Member Posts: 307

    I did do a pilates class for people with spinal problems and arthritis until lock down it was run by a physio who I had seen for nearly 20 years and considered a friend. It has helped with my core strength, balance, mobility and wellbeing. I was trying to do it at home but you always wimp out of the difficult ones when you are on your own no matter how dedicated you are,I do them more than the once a week.I spoke to her on the phone a couple of weeks ago and was upset when I asked if she knew if our group were okay to hear she had been doing classes on zoom since the lockdown started and I was the only one from the 2 groups to not be invited to join because in her words " you don't have a smart phone". Also when classes started again with less people there was a risk I would be dropped as I hadn't been doing it since lockdown so I was more than annoyed to say the least.

    When my husband saw her the other week and she asked how I was he told just how upset I was and she was surprised, he pointed out that a smart phone is not the only way to get on zoom so I have done my first class with the group. I was so surprised that I was more flexible than I thought and with my gardening and walking hadn't lost as much strength as I feared. I have pain no matter what I do so until it gets too bad I will continue doing what I can. Today is clearing the horse field of poop we do have a machine for some of it but can't use it on the 1:4 hilly bits so it is crawl up in kneepads and pick up drag the bucket down and start again.I will say standing on the slope is great for hamstring stretches!

  • N1gel
    N1gel Member Posts: 161

    I once saw a worthwhile ad on Social Media(!) for a set of tubular resistance bands called 'Ultimate Resistance Bands" (just google it) with 'dog clips' on the ends for attaching to adjustable (velcro) stirrups or handgrips (supplied) and looping around furniture.

    Not cheap (anywhere between £18 £30) but I took a chance and I'm now using them every day to keep my leg muscles exercised and there's lots of online tutorials.

    They're well designed and easy to set up so they get used a lot. I've got a first videoconference with the physio on Monday so will report back.

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,742

    Thanks N1gel, we’ve used those in pilates, but my leg hurts so much there’s not much I can do with it right now. But I’m trying to find some sort of programme that will keep the rest of me going, and save up whatever joint mobility I have for essential walking on a day to day basis,

  • N1gel
    N1gel Member Posts: 161

    Sorry for late response, I had a video conference with the physio last week and she's happy.

    They're standard ultimate resistance bands (the ones with 'stirrups' attached) but the important thing is the Youtube video which is specifically for people with limited mobility and based around sitting in a chair. It's from, 'Everlast Nutrition' with Mike Gale(?) and called 'ultimate resistance band workout' - 2 videos, upper and lower body, worth a go!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,445

    No @Lilymary Tommy doesn't help around the house and he needs to at the moment as his Mummy is in hospital with a suspected burst appendix!

  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,466

    Apart from the exercise regime, for knotty muscles I brought a branded massage gun which works wonders on them. It’s powerful enough even on its lowest setting, I use it twice a day or rather madam does on my back at present, it’s really quite pleasant.

    its a grin, honest!