Young and in pain!

Hello all. I'm new here. So I'm in my late 20s and yet feel like an elderly lady! I have psoaritic arthritis in my shoulders, neck, back and hips. Does anyone else suffer with this? Any tips to help cope with the pain? My rhuematolgist has put me on painkillers, strong ones or so she says, but nothing is working. Im having 4 hours sleep if I'm lucky, every time I move in bed I'm crying in pain - my partner even says some nights I'm screaming if he knocks me or moves my hips. Surely there has to be something I can do.
I would love a family of my own... But can I? 😔 Doesn't feel like I can ever be pain free enough to be normal and enjoy day to day things, normal things, can't even do a shop without being in tears by the end of it.
Sorry for the long post, I just don't know what else to do. It's crippling me along with the psoarsis.
