Hallo from the Fens

Toofaruphill Member Posts: 5
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:05 in Living with arthritis
I retired 18 months ago have thoroughly enjoyed lockdown.
My Dr sent me for xrays about 6 years ago and told me I had extensive lower back arthritis,since then my neck seems to be going the same way.Tried to see a Dr recently but after 2 weeks phoning at 8am and only getting through twice,,only to find there were no appointments left I gave up.
Enjoying lockdown has been simple-I bought a steam engine ! A very large 'model' and help an elderly couple to clear the ivy off a patch of woodland they bought.Pain,never known anything like it but still enjoyed myself more than at anytime before. Numb brains probably help.Jonathon


  • ajolly
    ajolly Member Posts: 59

    Hi @Toofaruphill,

    Welcome to the forum! I am glad to see you are enjoying retirement and have such a positive outlook, although it must be frustrating not being able to see your doctor. Is a telephone consultation an option?

    I’ve provided a link to our website with some suggested exercise to help manage pain, including back and neck pain. These might be of some help, especially if you’re suffering after a big day in the garden.

    Please feel free to join in any of the forums, ask any questions you have or offer your own advice. We have a very welcoming and supportive community here.

    Best wishes,


  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,745

    Hi Jonathon, your steam engine sounds very absorbing, it’s good to have something to take your mind off the pain, gardening does that for me. And taking my camera out for walks, (gives me lots of excuses to stop and look!).

    Getting hold of a GP is near impossible here too, poor things don’t know if they’re coming or going, but hopefully that will settle down soon, but keep persevering, you need to be supported too. Hope you can get through soon.

  • Toofaruphill
    Yes walking too Lillymary. We found asparagus growing along an old road ,presumably it was once farmed there. 8 big spears a week .actually I gave up the Dr before coronavirus.I suppose best to use a chat part of the forum now?
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 23. May 2020, 16:56

    Hello, I like your username and your attitude, it is better for us to keep going with smiles on our faces than not. I am in my 24th year of psoriatic arthritis and 15th of diagnosed osteo so am familiar with pain interfering with stuff but, with a judicious use of minimal pain relief and keeping my brain occupied I am able to get on reasonably well. I've used walking aids for years which has paid off as my ROM in ankles, knees and hips is still pretty good. I am 61 and shielding so lockdown is meaningless, and will be until there is a vaccine but hey-ho, it is what it is. DD

    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • Toofaruphill
    Thanks for your reply.
    I am also 'protected' during lockdown although mainly bacause of my partner after heart surgery! Not that I d want to go out much anyway apart from walks. Oone thing I had no idea about was the types of arthritis. Hundreds perhaps.'Dreamdaisy ' would also suit me perfecly 😄😁
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658

    Hi @Toofaruphill

    Jonathon lovely to meet you too as well as @Lilymary

    Quite right go on in and join us. There's a gardening thread....a pets thread and a virtual café (for mad people - I know because i am one!) all visitors very welcome.