(hip replacement) Hi I'm new

surreyseagull Member Posts: 7
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:05 in Living with arthritis

Hi my name is Peter and i'm new here.

I found this site whilst paging through the internet trying to find if the NHS had any dates in mind to restart elective surgery.

I was due to have a hip replacement operation on March 26th 2020 (after waiting for three years) but, as we all know, all elective surgery has been postponed and there doesn't appear to be any date for resumption.


  • Chris_R
    Chris_R Moderator Posts: 826

    Hi Surrey seagull Peter

    Welcome to the Arthritis Community glad you have found us and sharing your story. Everyone on this forum has similar story to tell of their Arthritis journey. It's a shame about your hip operation being postponed and I hope you have good news soon.

    Hope you enjoy the forum Christine

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870

    Welcome from me too @surreyseagull

    I am sorry to hear your op has had to be postponed. Such a blow when you are in pain no doubt lost mobility and have waited so long😕

    My advice would be to contact the hospital and ask for an update because a fair few hospitals are restarting their elective surgeries.

    Do let us know how you get on.

  • 0789blackie
    0789blackie Member Posts: 13

    hi Peter welcome

    im sorry to hear about your operation delayed due to the ongoing pandemic im pretty much in the same boat im waiting on an ankle fusion operation as my ankle is at stage 4 post traumatic osteoarthritis from a sport injury 20 years a go I was receiving a yearly cortisone injection. but as the years progressed the became less effective until now the last one didn't work so im at the stage of a fusion the pain is unbearable some days even with the strongest dose of cocodomol 30/500 im trying to keep in good shape with a healthy diet and try exercise daily walking and cycling and a few weights in-between but once ive done my exercise that's pretty much it for the day once I rest my ankle inflames and becomes real stiff and I can barely put my weight on it leaving me unable to work which as lead to some mental health issues like depression and anxiety but the exercise I push into doing daily makes a hell of a difference for my mental wellbeing ive been in touch with the hospital and there's no dates set for future operations because of the on going pandemic I do use hot/cold gels in wrap around my ankle or a tens machine which are effective whilst on but the pain always comes back so im not banking on an operation anytime this year I even tried going private but its exactly the same consultant/surgeon there from the NHS and he said either way it will take the same time so Im just sitting tight and waiting just going my teeth and push through the pain trying a little exercise a day

    all the best


  • Thanks for your reply Toni - my hospital 's phone service wasn't taking any calls so I rang the PALS office at the hospital only to be told that they have no date for a return to elective surgery but that it it is under "constant review" so no news at all really. I shall continue ringing once a week.

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,749

    Wow, waiting 3 years for surgery? That’s awful, I’m sorry you’ve had to wait so long. I was referred for hip replacement and steroid injections just before lockdown, but when I rang last week they have no clue when things will get going again, so it looks like I’m in for a very long wait. This pandemic has had some dreadful indirect consequences.

  • Yes that's true- however I have had some good news today that I am to have my operation (done by the same surgeon too) on July 2nd at a private hospital nearby ! So fingers crossed . . .

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,749

    That's great news! I hope it all goes smoothly, and there are no last minute cancellations.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870

    FABULOUS news now we want to hear how it goes!


  • LindaK
    LindaK Member Posts: 11

    Hi , i'm so pleased for you , i hope all goes well for you too.

    I emailed my local MP on Thursday and told her about my waiting health issues with my hip surgery and how it was having such a impact on my life & my families I didn't hold back with what i had to say !! she replied on Friday and asked if she could pass on my concern's and the contents of the email to the Chief of The Hospital Trust i said yes of course .

    I too have been waiting nearly three years as i told you for surgery and my mobility now is nil.

    Can i ask where in the country do you live ? Many thanks LindaK

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870

    Good on you @LindaK

    Let us know what happens now!

  • LindaK
    LindaK Member Posts: 11

    Hi Toni .... i'll keep in touch whatever the outcome, fingers crossed it's something positive, regards LindaK

  • Brynmor
    Brynmor Member Posts: 1,755

    @surreyseagull do let us know how you are getting on and be sure to come back to say how the operation turns out!

  • LindaK
    LindaK Member Posts: 11

    Hi how did your hip operation go ? i hope all went well for you and your up & about again real soon.Could i ask which part of the country are you from ? I'ts so when i start ringing hospitals next week and they say there are still no routine operations, i can say to them oh yes there is ! as i'm still waiting for my hip op.. ( three years nearly and in great pain ) keep well


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870

    Yes @surreyseagull how are you getting on post-op?

    🤞 things are going well.

  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Hi @surreyseagull I've just changed the title of your discussion so I can find it again. Did you know tomorrow we start a new campagn

    Impossible to ignore

    Check out the homepage on our website

    tomorrow, I think there will be a lnk there

    Yvonne x

  • Hi all

    Apologies for not having been on here for a while

    I had the operation and have now been back to the hospital to have the clips removed, They were very pleased with the way the wound has healed. Saw the physiotherapist on the same day and she was very impressed with the way I have managed walking, exercises etc

    I have a follow up with the consultant at my local NHS hospital on Monday. Still a long way to go and my leg is swollen but I'm led to believe that this is commonplace. Be pleased when I can ditch the (not very fetching) elastic stockings too !!

    As to where I'm situated I'm in Surrey and there are a couple of private hospitals here - one is currently being used for cancer patients and the other is for orthopaedics.I got lucky . . .

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,749

    Pleased to hear it’s gone well for you, hope it continues! Gives some us a glimmer of hope

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870

    Well DONE @surreyseagull !!!

    Thanks for the update we had been wondering how you were getting on.

    I'm so pleased everyone is happy with your progress. It really helps those people who are yet to have their surgery when they hear a positive story like yours 🙂

    Do you don't like the stockings? well why ever not?!!!😁😁😁

  • Jules70
    Jules70 Member Posts: 65

    Glad to hear you’ve had your surgery I’m awaiting knee replacement postponed due to COVID-19 my local hospital not commencing elective surgery at moment and been told they don’t know when I will be able to have my knee done 😢

    Hope you’re recovering well

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,749

    the hospital I’ve been referred to aren’t even doing preliminary consultations, never mind surgery. They’ve said it’s “due to government guidelines”, but if you had the replacement surgery recently, that suggests I’m being strung along, but it’s hard to know how to get round this. 🙁

  • Hi again - I don't really like posting on here as it may seem like I'm crowing about having had the surgery done and, honestly, I'm not. I was lucky and got the surgery as I was right at the very top of the list when normal service was suspended - apparently I was one of the first to have this done when things got back to near normal.

    I have seen a consultant once and am due to see the surgeon on Tuesday. I have been given physiotherapy lessons both in the form of a book and one session with the physiotherapist at the hospital where I had the surgery done. I am due to see her again on September 10th.

    As to mobility well it's pretty good actually -my leg is still, obviously, stiff (I'm only just over 6 weeks post op) but the physiotherapist gave me a damn good workout on Thursday and pronounced herself pleased with my progress. I'm going to take it easy for a while (just round the local roads) but I am hoping to get back to doing some proper walking in the next couple of months or so. I have ditched one walking stick and can get around indoors without that. The only advice I can give anyone is to a) keep on having a go at your hospital as I'm certain that Surrey and Sussex Health Authority aren't the only health authority doing this and b)do the exercises that you're given (in the book or by the physiotherapist) even if they seem a little pointless, a little elementary or you don't think that they do any good - they all work.

    Good luck to everyone

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,749

    Thanks for the update, I’m really pleased it’s going well for you. But don’t feel you’re crowing, you’re giving some of us hope.

    My sister, who has two new knees, would agree that pushing yourself through thr physio is essential, and I’ve heard of some who didn’t do this who have had very poor outcomes from the surgery as a result.

    Sadly the NHS where I am is still in a bad way, they’re not making any orthopaedic appointments at all. I haven’t even had my first referral with the orthopaedic consultant, never mind anything else. I chased them about two weeks ago, and they had no idea when things would be getting going again 🙁