Hello, can I have some support please? I'm scared.

clairelouise Member Posts: 7
edited 14. Jun 2009, 09:37 in Young people's community
Hello all,

I'm Claire and 22. I'm studying Speech and Language Therapy, 3rd year out of 4.

I have been getting bad pains and some stiffness in my finger and knuckle joints for about 6 monthsand in my hips for about 2 or 3 years, but I was ignoring them. I was having dinner at a friends and they got bad, my friend saw and encoraged me to go to the GP. I did because I'd also had back pain for a week or so and needed so pain killers and physio.

The dr gave me Naproxen and also so reffered me for a blood test, to find out more and if it was arthritis. I'm now waiting on the results.

I'm a little scared now RSI or athritis had crossed my mind but I didn't want it to be true. I've since spoken to my mum she told me that my Great Grandma had RA in her hands as a young woman and both her sons (my great uncle and grandad) also have RA in some joints.

Can anyone give me some advise or info please?


  • alexinscarborough
    alexinscarborough Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My first bit of advice is: Avoid Aspartame (e951).

    Aspartame is by far the most dangerous food additive ever to be allowed into the food chain.

    One of the many side effects associated with aspartame is Arthritis.

    Do an Internet Search for 'Aspartame + 92' for a full list.

    Take care,
  • illyna
    illyna Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I have (literally) just been diagnosed with RA at 25 years old. I am currently on Naproxen as well while I consider my treatment options. Like you, I am scared, but everyone here has been lovely to me so far, and it is better to know what is going on than sit and worry.

    Good luck, and I hope things turn out well.

  • clairelouise
    clairelouise Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    thank you Alex,
    I have a look, I'm glad always avoided aspartame. I didn't know is that horrible though.

    I agree Illy, there's no point in worrying it's not going to change anything. Knowing a bit more is very helpful though.
  • Rainbow77
    Rainbow77 Member Posts: 275
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Clairelouise

    I can appreciate that you are feeling scared. That is totally ok and normal. I am glad that your gp has taken seriously and sent you for blood tests. You should find out fairly soon if anything shows up in your blood. However just be prepared, there are also different types of inflammatory arthritis that don't show up in blood tests and this is called sero-negative inflammatory arthritis.

    It is hard not to worry, but wait until you get the results and see your gp again. It may be a good idea to keep a diary of your symptoms so that you can see if there are any patterns and help you manage your pain - which is your priority at the moment.

    All you can do is take one day at a time...

    Anyway - glad you posted on here and let us know what happens. Whatever we are all here for you and will support you as much as possible.

    Take care

    Fayann x
  • clairelouise
    clairelouise Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you fayann

  • clairelouise
    clairelouise Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've just had my blood test result back from the doctor, the Anti-Nueclear Factor is raised. Does anyone know what this means?

  • clojio
    clojio Member Posts: 4
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I also have positive ANA - it's an autoimmune antibody that is 'programmed' if you will, to attack the body's own healthy nuclei. In many people this is present but causes no problems, but it can cause Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus and Sarcoidosis, to name the most common. I believe this to be fairly - but only fairly - definitive of RA...

    What exactly did your doctor tell you?
    Has he referred you to a specialist?

    Thinking of you - I'm in much the same position. xxx
  • clairelouise
    clairelouise Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    He said that anit nueclear factor came back positive and all the other rhuematism tests were negative. He mentioned lupus. He said have some more naproxen, cope back if the symtons persist or if they worsen. It may or may not be transient.

    Symptons include painful fingers, knuckles, wrists, elbows and more receently knees and toes. Using them seems to make it worse

    Over the last few week my finger joints have occasionally swollen and turned red, the veins in the joints become visable - so i have taken a photo to show my dr.

    I looked up lupus, I have some of the other symntons including; photosensitivty, depression and tiredness (although this may be related to the depression or being a student)

    Thinking of you too, thanks for replying
  • kezzo1
    kezzo1 Member Posts: 171
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi illyna
    im 26 was diagnosed with ra after birth of my daughter in aug 2007. things a little crazy as well im sure u know hope ur ok, im on naproxen too and mtx start injects soon, ra still not under control want another baby too but dont know if can, if im emotionally strong enough the up heaval been hard. pls reply :shock:
  • kirstym
    kirstym Bots Posts: 9
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello im kirsty, i have got arthritis and getting those results back was scary. You may have arthritis and it does sound like the symptms i got. But don't worry specialist have good medicine now and they will give you lots of help and advice. Im 15 now and i was diagnosed when i was 14. I have RH in the left and right wrist and my left elbow. I left it for a year until i had my blood test to see if i had arthritis and i have regretted it everysince. So now i have came on this site to help people through their dark days. I know what its like. So what ever your results are you can talk to me when ever you like and i will give you as much advice as possible. The best advice you can get is from another person with arthrits. I can help so don't be scared.
  • kirstym
    kirstym Bots Posts: 9
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Illyna, how are you? It must really get you don't having arthritis it has me. I'm only 15 and was diagnosed 6 months ago. i have struggled acspecially at school. I am on 28 tablets a week and i keep my arthritis secret most of the time. Im currently taking methotrexate, Diclofenac and folic acid. I not going to lie to you having arthritis isn't easy and it's very painful sometimes. But people are there to help you. You will be ok, trust me, i know what its like. I regret not going to the gp and having a blood test sooner i left it and left it now my arthritis is very bad in my wrists and elbow. You can talk to me when ever you like, im here to help you. Dont be scared.
  • xxvicky_sxx
    xxvicky_sxx Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi there everyone, this is my first ever post but your post caught my eye and i wanted to offer some pearls of wisdom! hehe....

    I am a 21 year old female from glasgow and i was diagnosed with chronic rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 12, since then i have had countless blood transfusions, 2 hip replacements, physio, hyrdotherapy, potions, lotions, i take up to 26 tablets in a day and i face all the daily challenges that come with arthritis, and trust me, there are many many challenges. I have lived through a lot during the nearly 10 years of my diagnosis, and i know thats probably only a mild taster in comparison to some. . .

    But, don't lose faith claire! Im not religious, i dont have any deep and meaningful spiritual beleif, but i do have hope. You know whether it turns out that you have arthritis, lupus or some other illness, it will only be another twist in the story of your life and no matter how scared you feel right now, at some point you will be able to say that everything happens for a reason. Living through the ups and extremely bad downs have made me who i am, and at this moment in time, although i struggle from day to day with the pain and my mobility, i am able to attend university full time, i enjoy days and nights out with my brilliant group of friends and live life to the full, so who i am isnt all that bad!

    Sorry for the massive novel, and you never know, it might turn out better than you think, but i just wanted to tell you that living with any illness, no matter what it is, can sometimes end up turning into a positive thing, all be it, not straight away.

    If you ever need a friendly ear to bend, or just some re-assurance, then you've definitely came to the right place =)

    Take care and keep us updated!!

    Vicky x x x x
  • eckstardeluxe
    eckstardeluxe Member Posts: 1,192
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, I was very sad to read your post. I know how scared you are feeling just now. I am fortunate to have now had my diagnosis and that old saying is true - Time is a great healer. Once you know what's wrong, you can learn as much as you can about your illness and just start trying to adapt. I won't lie, it's hard, some days very hard but it does get better and talking with people here and sharing does make a difference. I was very angry after my diagnosis because my condition now is soley due to negligent care I received as a child. But I have to look at things now from a positive aspect. Yes I'm angry I had this for 21 years and never knew but if I'd known I'd have never done two marathons or had my children, things I'm very proud of. My best advice is don't hide your symptoms or try to be brave, sometimes you need to ask for help. You'll be amazed how supportive people will be. Please keep us posted of your progress if it's convenient. best wishes, Eck
  • heav_18
    heav_18 Member Posts: 12
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all,

    I'm Claire and 22. I'm studying Speech and Language Therapy, 3rd year out of 4.

    I have been getting bad pains and some stiffness in my finger and knuckle joints for about 6 monthsand in my hips for about 2 or 3 years, but I was ignoring them. I was having dinner at a friends and they got bad, my friend saw and encoraged me to go to the GP. I did because I'd also had back pain for a week or so and needed so pain killers and physio.

    The dr gave me Naproxen and also so reffered me for a blood test, to find out more and if it was arthritis. I'm now waiting on the results.

    I'm a little scared now RSI or athritis had crossed my mind but I didn't want it to be true. I've since spoken to my mum she told me that my Great Grandma had RA in her hands as a young woman and both her sons (my great uncle and grandad) also have RA in some joints.

    Can anyone give me some advise or info please?

    Your symptoms sound exactly the same as mine, and I have also not yet had a diagnosis. I had the blood test and everything cam back normal. I also took Naproxen and it did NOTHING.
    I have had physio and acupunture both of which have done NOTHING, if anything my pain is worse.

    Im not sure what you should do either as I am also on here for help and advise on what I should do, but if i receive any that i think will help you as well i will let you know.

  • annieuk75
    annieuk75 Member Posts: 9
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am in a similar situation. It started off with pain in my feet, then spread to my knee's and then to my fingers. My doctor eventually said that I had flat feet and was sent to a Podiatrist and now have special soles in my shoes. My doctor noticed that my white blood cells were low following a blood test for anaemia. He continued to test my blood, but was adamant that I didn't have RA. I have had about 10 blood tests, but only 1 was high on the RA factor. I went to see a haematologist today and she said that it seems to be RA or a virus which causes similar symptoms.
    I am really scared and have read some awful stories on the internet, about shorter life, increasing pain etc. I have a 21 month old son and we were hoping to start trying for another one.
  • annieuk75
    annieuk75 Member Posts: 9
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, I was very sad to read your post. I know how scared you are feeling just now. I am fortunate to have now had my diagnosis and that old saying is true - Time is a great healer. Once you know what's wrong, you can learn as much as you can about your illness and just start trying to adapt. I won't lie, it's hard, some days very hard but it does get better and talking with people here and sharing does make a difference. I was very angry after my diagnosis because my condition now is soley due to negligent care I received as a child. But I have to look at things now from a positive aspect. Yes I'm angry I had this for 21 years and never knew but if I'd known I'd have never done two marathons or had my children, things I'm very proud of. My best advice is don't hide your symptoms or try to be brave, sometimes you need to ask for help. You'll be amazed how supportive people will be. Please keep us posted of your progress if it's convenient. best wishes, Eck

    Do you really think that you wouldn't have had children if you had known?
  • michael7272
    michael7272 Member Posts: 11
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Post deleted as it is aiming to sell a miracle juice
