What car do you drive?


I ask because I’ve driven SUV’s for the past ten years, I just slide in and out of them, the driving position suits me along with the all round vision. There is zero chance of me ever being able to look over my shoulder whilst reversing, no problem with my Freelander, huge mirrors and the best reversing bleepers I’ve ever experienced. When I see someone squeezing themselves in or out of a car that is obviously unsuitable for them I’m forced to ask myself why? Do they sleep in a bed that doesn’t suit them or sit in a chair that they can’t easily get out of, perhaps they do?



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658

    I drive a Nissan Juke seat at full height I love it. It has great vision being higher up and reversing camera an extra bit in the book for a wheelchair (When my youngest had cancer) and still the normal boot for shopping etc. Small enough to park easily.

    Might be that cost limits some people Crookesey?

  • Crookesey
    Crookesey Bots Posts: 119

    Your probably correct, I just like the safety aspects of my car, plus it being the correct size for a 15 stones, 6’1” 73 year old R/A sufferer

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Nothing now, since the DVLA withdrew my licence on health grounds last October. Immediately prior to that I had a Citroen Berlingo with a hoist in the back for my wheelchair through Motability.

    Don't forget that certain medical conditions have to be reported to the DVLA by Law, failure to do so incurs a fine of £1000 and if one has an accident having not reported a prosecution could result. See https://www.gov.uk/driving-medical-conditions

  • Crookesey
    Crookesey Bots Posts: 119

    Good post, I drive my SUV every day, and other than not being able to look over my left shoulder to reverse I feel very confident that I am not a danger on the road.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    A full list of conditions is included here: https://www.gov.uk/health-conditions-and-driving clicking on "arthritis" it states "Talk to your doctor if you’re not sure if your arthritis will affect your driving, or if you must tell DVLA about it." Although it says to speak to your GP it is not his/her responsibility to advise the DVLA, it is the driver's. My first query to my GP was when I was prescribed a soft cervical collar and could not turn to see over my shoulder, the advice was that I had to fit additional mirrors to improve all-round vision. However, this is a judgement left to the individual, if stopped by the Police and they have a different opinion one can be charged with not driving with due care and attention. In addition there could also be insurance issues in the event of an accident. It was my GP that questioned whether I should be driving or not, regrettably it was a combination of other medical issues on top of my widespread OA and Degenerative Facet Joint Disease that resulted in the withdrawal of my licence by the DVLA.

  • MoWW
    MoWW Member Posts: 75

    Thank you for your posts, we have some information on the Versus Arthritis website which may be of help. https://www.versusarthritis.org/about-arthritis/living-with-arthritis/driving/

    The research Institute for Disabled consumers produced advice several years ago, https://www.ridc.org.uk/features-reviews/guides/driving-disability/motoring-arthritis

    The Motability scheme has a section on driving and arthritis https://news.motability.co.uk/everyday-tips/driving-with-arthritis/


  • N1gel
    N1gel Member Posts: 161

    Do you do much off-roading in your SUV's?

  • Crookesey
    Crookesey Bots Posts: 119

    None at all, not that you’d notice the difference with some of the Peak District’s minor roads.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 618

    I haven't done much driving at all this year but treated ourselves to a Peugeot 3008 automatic last year. It's nice and high with clear all round vision and all sorts of gadgets that make it easy and fun to drive. rear reversing camera and small button/lever thingy instead of a full handbrake - so much better to use with my shoulders and hands. Loads of room for the grandchildren and easily takes 3 weeks worth of cruise luggage!!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658

    Lovely Trish sounds a lovely car perfect for Grandparents. the more vision the better for achy bones I have to agree. oh a button for a handbrake.....sigh...

    I want an electric car next time around as I don't do very many miles.

    N1gel what actually is an SUV? are they 4x4s? I thought about that living in a mucky village where probably 6 or more cars were rescued by tractor last year.

  • N1gel
    N1gel Member Posts: 161

    SUV stands for Sports Utility Vehicle, otherwise known as 'Chelsea Tractors' a 4x4 that's very seldom seen off road and has very high emissions. Like you, I live in a mucky village but never felt the need for one.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658

    Finally I know what SUV means! Thank you.

    It has crossed my mind, but I am a bit of an environmentalist at heart so electric wins out. My husband said the only 4x4 which was electric he could find was a Jaguar😂 Can you imagine that in this village?! I think you can probably get hybrids of others, but l like quirky hence the Juke.

    ATM my kids are too young to give me GKids and old enough to have their own cars so I am starting to get tempted by a converted classic.

    The Nissan Figaro springs to mind i used to love my old micras. To be fair will have to see whether I could get in and out of one!!!

  • Crookesey
    Crookesey Bots Posts: 119

    Well my Land Rover Freelander 2.2 Tdi will be extremely surprised to hear that it’s brothers and sisters are 😗 ‘seldom seen off road’. Also it’s capability of achieving 40 mpg + does not indicate ‘high emissions’. It also suits my mobility inability’s due to R/A, which I thought was what this thread was about, but what do I know? 🙄

  • N1gel
    N1gel Member Posts: 161

    Frogmorton, some of the big 4x4's do lend themselves to conversion to LPG (liquid petroleum gas - something to do with engine size) an amputee friend of mine had a Jeep converted and he used to get phenomenal mileage from a tank; he was a hot air balloon pilot so he needed his for heavy duty towing in some pretty remote spots!

  • Crookesey
    Crookesey Bots Posts: 119

    Go with what suits you, sit in it, drive it, park it, my Mini 1000 back in 65 was great at all of these things, one problem does however come to mind, if I somehow managed to shoe horn myself into one I would require the services of Fire & Rescue to get out of it.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658

    Hahaha! My first husband was 6'3" and he had a 'proper' mini @Crookesey ! we went everywhere in that car somehow he managed, but we were young......🙄

    If I can get in it what do you think of the Nissan Figaro? I just adore it and have always wanted one apparently you can buy them pretty cheap and get them converted (I think they are already automatic) to electric.

    Totally adorable probably totally impractical....sigh

  • Crookesey
    Crookesey Bots Posts: 119
    edited 3. Aug 2020, 14:15

    [Text deleted, please don't post comments that are discriminatory in any way, thank you] and as for what’s under the hood, I’m a Nissan virgin so haven’t got a clue. 😎

    Text deleted by Admin - please see T&C point 1. Yvonne x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658

    Well if it's converted to electric I have no idea @Crookesey 🤔

    Not sure what they leave behind....???

    It's apparently built on the old original Micra which I've had two of in the past so ought to feel familiar. I need to check one out before i eliminate it I think....

  • SilverSpots

    I've got a Toyota Prius. It's a hybrid so automatic which I must say I'm loving.

    I did want a Rav4 for the height but the budget just wasn't there for that. At the moment I'm ok getting in and out of a standard car, but as the years go by I can see I'll need a taller car eventually.

  • KazandNoo
    KazandNoo Member Posts: 130
    I've got a funky fun Fiat 500 in "glam coral" and I love it! 🚗 I forget about my arthritis woes when I'm in it. My husband does all the longer driving trips ( not that we've been doing any since Covid 19) and I just drive my Fiat on short journeys so my hands don't complain 😊👍
  • KazandNoo
    KazandNoo Member Posts: 130
    @ frogmorton I'd not seen a Figaro before your post,just do it! 😁👍
  • Crookesey
    Crookesey Bots Posts: 119

    I don’t wish to labour this but, most posters who appear to have more serious/advanced arthritis than mine say that they can get in, drive and get out of vehicles that I wouldn’t attempt to get into, let alone drive. I’m not really interested in the odd ‘Hate All SUV’s’ posts, they either didn’t read my opening post correctly or have other problems.

    Any comments guys?

  • KazandNoo
    KazandNoo Member Posts: 130

    Nothing printable.

  • Crookesey
    Crookesey Bots Posts: 119

    But you did, and it was printed, everyone to their own. 😎

  • wazz42
    wazz42 Member Posts: 233

    Well, our car is a Peugot Teepee Partner and is a tall car, before it we had a Suzuki Wagon R+ so you can tell it was price and comfort that we went for first. I think they would be classed as SUV but aren't of the size of engine that would make them useful off road.

    Our wagon r wasn't quite powerful enough when we were towing our trailer tent so when we came into funds we went for a diesel to be eco friendly (this was 2012) only to find out the tests had been fudged and we were using 'dirty' fuel. Now we need it for the g'ch but this year we gave away our trailer tent as I can't help put it up any more. Sad but hoping someone else can enjoy it now.

    We can't change it until it can't keep going any longer, I'm hoping that will be when the g'ch aren't holidaying with us any more so we can 'downsize' and get an electric.

    It's great that we can all get a car that we can love and that can accommodate our needs - I can remember very limited selections of cars when an estate was a rarity!