Pandemics, redundancy threats and Osteoarthritis! Oh my!

Wahoo60 Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:05 in Living with arthritis

I'm Wahoo 60, I await patiently the health board sending me a letter regarding my knee replacement! Thanks to the pandemic many of us waiting on pain and misery with no end in sight on when we are to have our surgery done? Will it even be this year? I was due about April but Covid 19 hit and that was the end of that! We have the same cabin fever and frustrations other folks have plus furlough and me personally like lots of folks , the threat of redundancy! Add to that the pain and the waiting and it's rough!! Cherry on the cake is the term used is " non essential surgery" and you have one unhappy 🐇! My poor partner, I must be a joy to live with???

Any thoughts folks?

Take care of all of you xx


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,782

    Hello @Wahoo60

    I'm sure you are a delight to live with!

    Seriously though is your hospital doing 'elective' surgeries yet? If so many of our members gently chase up their referrals just to find out how long they might be waiting. Would this be an option for you I wonder.

    Do let us know how you get on.

    Best wishes


  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,749

    Hi Wahoo, I've just posted about exactly the same issues ("dropping to bits") re my hip replacement. Haven't even see a consultant yet. It really is pants isn't it. I tried chasing up today, but they're not doing elective surgeries yet. Falling off a bike has never looked more attractive.

    I don't suppose we're any harder to live with than if the roles were reversed. It is a shame how it impacts on the whole household though, and your social circle. It's like so many conditions, it's not just the sufferer whose life is changed.

    We just have to hang in there. This is the rotten bit, waiting for things to happen. One day we'll look back on this with relief that it's over and we're skipping about like spring lambs.

  • Jules70
    Jules70 Member Posts: 65

    I’m in same boat waiting for knee replacement have had 2 phone consultations dice lockdown which wasn’t helpful just being told not safe to resume elective surgery and they don’t know when it will be rang up couple weeks ago couldn’t tell me anything said to try ringing again in few weeks 🙄😢nightmare !!