Another New Member

Pete Member Posts: 3
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:05 in Living with arthritis

Hi I am Pete I have just been diagnosed RA. I am 70 years old. I used to be a golf addict since I retired but I can't play anymore 😣

I have an old car which I can fettle in the afternoons once the Ibruprofen starts to work, it keeps me sane.

I watch a lot of You Tube, technical and History. I started on Methotrexate today after steroids didn't do much.

This is a new world for me.


  • MarzMac
    MarzMac Member Posts: 47

    Hello @Pete

    Welcome to the online community and your new world. I am glad you have found us and introduced yourself. If you have any particular questions for the community please let us know. You can post them in Living with Arthritis, or Chat to our Helpline Team.

    You have mentioned your recent diagnosis of RA and that you can't play golf anymore. That must be difficult - often we find new activities that are easier to adapt to our new way of life. Many people find that after receiving a diagnosis may be the ideal time to talk to other people with similar conditions. Although everyone is different, there's often commonality in people's experiences and comfort in talking to other people who have been there before or perhaps still going through it alongside you.

    I've not come across 'fettle' used in that context before but it sounds like you enjoy it, whatever it involves. 😂

    We are supporting the We Are Undefeatable campaign, along with 14 other charity partners, funded by National Lottery, because we know the difference getting active can make. You might enjoy watching the films and discovering new resources on this website. Please pace yourself and build up your activity very gradually.

    You can also find out lots of information about RA and managing pain on our website.

    We look forward to hearing more from you (and more about your old car).

    Best wishes


  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,745

    Hi Pete, I was diagnosed with osteo arthritis in both hips in March and instantly put on the list for a new hip, which all came as a huge shock, and it’s been a downhill slide since then. So I can empathise with the “new world” feeling. I wish someone could fettle our knackered joints!

    Welcome to the crew, it does help to talk things through with people who have been at this longer than us. Sorry to hear about giving up golf, that must have been hard for you. It’s rather a fact of life with arthritis, adjusting horizons. Try to make sure tha t for everything you have to give up, you replace it with something else you enjoy.

  • Pete
    Pete Member Posts: 3

    Many thanks for the welcome.

    I am finding my feet on the forum and look forward to shared experiences.

    My new world is one I am totally unprepaired for, it seems one has to cut down on all the pleasures in life:

    Coffee, Wine, Gluten Products, what a raw deal.

    Hope the Methotrexate works 😑but scanning a few posts I don't hold out too much hope.

    Good luck to you.....

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,745

    You’ll find new pleasures, and when you realise the things you’ve given up were bad for you anyway, it doesn’t hurt so much. i’ve more or less given up alcohol and junk food as I needed to lose a bit of weight to help my hips, (and washing down painkillers with booze seemed fundamentally wrong somehow!), which I thought would be awful, but after a few months I really don’t miss it, and the junk I used to eat so much of tastes vile now. I still have the occasional drink, but one glass is enough, because I know if I have more it will just make me feel worse. Aversion therapy is a wonderful thing! 😅

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    I have not had a drink since 2005 due to being on morphine but a funny about painkillers and booze = I broke my leg some years ago when i was in the RAF and was put in traction in City Hospital in Truro over xmas. On xmas day the nurses brought the drugs trolley around at lunchtime immediately followed by a booze trolley! There were a lot of happy patients on the ward that day. I remember that the Friends of the Hospital brought presents round for everyone, we all had mugs given to us and mine was an Orville! 🐥