Who can recommend a GOOD hand doctor please?

MSmith Member Posts: 1
edited 11. Sep 2020, 13:24 in Living with arthritis

Hi all,

I'm new to this. Started feeling Stift hands in the morning. After a few rests the GP said he doesn't know what it is.

I've read online that if it is arthritis it's very important to treat it ASAP before joints get damaged.

Could anyone please reccomend a good doctor? I checked their prices and they are really expensive. Now that I don't have a job it's going to be challenging to pay so much, but I don't mind paying it if the doctor can give me the right advice.

I'm scared to end up wasting my money :-(

Thank you very much for any recomendación you can give me.

(I live in Walton on thames/surrey)


  • Brynmor
    Brynmor Member Posts: 1,755

    Hi @MSmith and welcome to the Online Community.

    Not getting a diagnosis from your GP can be quite frustrating especially if the pain in your hands is difficult in the morning. A stiffness in the muscles can be the result of quite a number of things and may not be any form of arthritis - you might like to check out the information on hand and wrist pain here:

    You can, of course, request to have an appointment with another doctor in your GP Practice or ask to be referred as a private patient to a rheumatologist consultant who covers NHS patient referrals.

    Do join in across the Community, ask questions or call in for a chat to let us know how you are getting on.

    All best wishes


  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    At the very least your GP should refer you for an XRay to establish whether or not it is OA, RA is a blood test, from then referral to a Pain Clinic may help. I would not go private (not that I could afford it anyway) just keep pushing for treatment under the NHS.

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,733

    I've never heard of 'Hand Doctors' only of orthopaedic surgeons who specialise in hands.

    I f someone has an autoimmune form of arthritis it it, indeed, good to get a diagnosis and treatment asap but, if it's OA, time is not so pressing as it's more a matter of keeping the joints moving and strong than medication.

    From what you've written it seems yours could be any type of arthritis or something else completely. X-rays might help with diagnosis. maybe just see a different doctor in the practice and see what he or she thinks.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • JoeB
    JoeB Bots Posts: 83
    edited 10. Sep 2020, 15:35

    I know of a good Rheumatologist in Surrey / Kent (Ashford and Runnymede). I cannot figure out how to send a private message so if you PM me I will reply.

    Keep in mind you are looking in the region of £280 for the initial consultation plus anywhere between £500 - £1500 (possibly more) for blood tests and initial investigations.

    You will still require a referral from a GP. If you see a GP privately to facilitate this I would allow about £300 - possibly more if, understandably, they want to undertake some tests prior to referring you..

    As I say - send me a PM and I will reply with his name and details. I would add I have no connection with this chap beyond having been a patient of his some years ago.


  • JoeB
    JoeB Bots Posts: 83

    I have just discovered how to PM so check your Inbox for my message.
