Hi every one, my name is James, I am 82 and live in Durham

JRDAD1 Member Posts: 9
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:05 in Living with arthritis

My problem is I have arthritis in my spine and cant do anything physical which frustrates me to hell, I can still walk with the aid of my stick but only for 20 minutes then I must rest, I easy lose my balance, I have fallen a couple of times but only had a couple of bruises, I do back exercises for about 20 minutes two to three times a week depending on how I feel, but my real problem is the frustration I feel, my wife and I have always been very keen gardeners, but now she has to do it. all , she is 11 years younger than me and quite fit . she keeps the garden lovely. James D.


  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,745

    Hi James, welcome to the crew. Sorry to hear about your frustrations and discomfort, I'm a keen gardener too but have to get my husband to do the heavy stuff now, while I fiddle around dead heading, pruning and occasionally hacking back the jungle. Thank heaven for our spouses, but it's so frustrating not being able to just get on with it ourselves without even thinking about it. Hope you're having a good day.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658

    Hi @JRDAD1 - James welcome to the forum from me too.

    I am very pleased to meet you I hope you will enjoy the forum and decide to stay.

    I am also a keen gardener🙂 I love being outside. Like most of us on here I have learned to adapt. I now have a handled kneeler so I can get back up for instance and very much time-limit my gardening.

    The only good thing is I am 'allowed' to prune away and make a right mess and my lovely husband cleans it all up for me!

    It is frustrating yes most definitely, but there is still so much to enjoy planning, buying and planting seeds etc.

    We have a gardening thread here somewhere....


  • JRDAD1
    JRDAD1 Member Posts: 9

    Thank you all for your nice responses , AR is such a cruel decease robbing us of some kind of dignity in our twilight years, WHY? James.

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,745

    As the saying goes, old age is not for the faint-hearted! We can only be grateful that for some of us, it didn’t rob us of our youth as well. I take heart from the knowledge that I was having great fun while I wrecked my body.

    Yes, I wish, like some of my friends, that I could keep doing the things I enjoyed (and at the same speed!) when I was 30, and I don't know anyone over 60 that doesn’t wish for that. But I have to remind myself that those who keep going unfettered by any age-related conditions are in the very small and very lucky minority, and much as I loathe what arthritis is doing to my body and my lifestyle, I try to look for the positives and enjoy the things I can still do.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658

    I suppose we weren't 'meant' to live much beyond 50 really we have outlived nature's plans for us???

    James It's hard, but I think maybe we should just do what we can, get help with those things we can't manage anymore and chat to people who understand like we do here.

    Remember and count the good things in our lives, wonderful spouses, children Grandchildren maybe?

    Take care